
Remove item from todoList please help.

Need serious help with android todolist anyone could help please. I am trying to remove the last item inserted in the list it doesn't work for some reasons. please help if you can see the below: public class ToDoList extends Activity implements OnClickListener, OnKeyListener { Button btnRemove; ArrayList<String> todoItems; ArrayAda...

How to make a Progress bar and Progress Dialog that resembles iPhone's progress bar?

How can i make a Progress bar and Progress Dialog in Android that should resemble IPhone progress bar. ...

Duplicate case error during implementation of more than one case in android

Hi, I am trying to implement both the date picker and time picker. But when i try to define two cases in the following code, i get an error that Duplicate case. enter code h@Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub switch(id){ case ID_DATEPICKER: Toast.makeText(SendMail...

LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView

I have a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView that has android:layout_height="fill_parent", but it doesn't expand to the full height of the ScrollView. My layout looks something like: level layout layout_width layout_height 1 LinearLayout fill_parent fill_parent 2 LinearLayout fill_parent wrap_content 3 (some i...

camera captured image default rotating with 90 degree angle.

Dear, currently i am using android Api 4. my camera initializing code is follow: public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) { // Now that the size is known, set up the camera parameters and begin // the preview. Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters(); parameters.set("jpeg-quality", 100); ...


Hi, I'm newbie in Android. I'm programing Instrumentation Tests for SIM ToolKit (STK) I need to use CommandsInterface which is available only in PhoneBase Interface. Once I have a Phone i'd like to use the following line: private Phone mPhone; private Context mContext; private Handler mHandler; private CommandsInterface ...

Android TextView inside a ListView setTextHighlightColor() issue

I have Listview and Textview inside it now the thing is that i want to change the Text Color over the Selection of the that cell in the Listview but setting setTextHighlightColor of Textview is not giving this output I have tired setting a selector for this but that is not Heling too. Can this be solved. What might be causing the issue...

android - get time of the next alarm

Hi Is there a way in Android to get the upcoming alarm time? Thanks Clarification: I am talking about the native android Alarm Clock appliction ...

Where is comprehensive documentation on Android's XML shapes?

I've been looking around for this for a long time but can never seem to find it in the Android documentation. There's all sorts of advanced things I see, but I can never find any solid documentation - there's the shapes package, but it provides no insight on how to use them in xml. The best I can do so far is finding other people's exa...

DateFormat conversion problem in java?

my input String is : 2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z output pattern is like: DateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE. MMM. d. yyyy"); i convert this like this: formatter1.format(new Date("2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z"));//illegalArgumentException here the string "2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z" ouput should be like this: Thu. Mar. 24. 20...

android - Disable the ability to drag down the notification bar

hi I am doing an android applicaiton and I know its possible to show or hide the notification bar. but is there a way to show it but Disable the ability to drag it down? Thanks ...

Making a ViewFlipper like the Home Screen using MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE

Ok I have a ViewFlipper with three LinearLayouts nested inside it. It defaults to showing the first one. This code: // Assumptions in my Activity class: // oldTouchValue is a float // vf is my view flipper @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent touchEvent) { switch (touchEvent.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN...

How to finish series of open sub-activities from one activity?

Hi, I am trying to make an exit button for my application. Anyhow I am able to track all the instance of activity in my application and then finish them all. But still some activity remain alive in some cases. Dont know how. Is there any method to kill a particular application in android. Or any other way can I exit from my application. ...

How fix bookmark's list item click listener

I read bookmarks from database, show it by a listview, but when click list item it can't load url correctly, some codes from browser app source. I have not much experience about android and java, this trouble have confused me two days Thanks for your help public class bookmarks extends Activity { private Cursor bookmarks; /** Called ...

How to obtain MAC address of WiFi network interface?

It seems the implementation of android does not have a byte[] getHardwareAddress() method I've found several forums of people trying to do this with no definitive answer, I need to get a somewhat cross-device UUID, so I can't rely on phone n...

Change widget text in another activity

Suppose I have ActivityA and ActivityB, also suppose that ActivityA is active. I need to: Programmatically set a text of EditText in ActivityB from ActivityA Launch ActivityB Here's my code: EditText res; final LayoutInflater factory = getLayoutInflater(); final View resultView = factory.inflate(R.layout.ActivityB, null); // get wi...

Render string to texture in Android and OpenGL ES

I've googled around everywhere, but cannot find much for rendering strings to textures and then displaying that texture on a quad on the screen. Can someone provide a run-down on the process or provide good resources that describe how? Is rendering strings to textures even the best method for displaying text in an Android OpenGL ES app? ...

Android browser crashes on Ajax calls, when viewport meta tag is defined

I am building a web app, which is intended to run on the Android browser. When I have a webpage that contains any kind of viewport meta tag, like this: <meta name="viewport" content="width=400"/> My webpage crashes on ajax calls. It happens when using the emulator, the actual browser on my nexus one, and on a droid (all running Andro...

Android Browser FTP URL

I didn't post this but I have the same question as the person who did. I have a file stored on an ftp the URL to it is like this: "ftp://something.etc.etc" It seems that the android browser is unable to handle such links. You receive an error when trying to download the file from my link. Is there a way to download files from an ftp ur...

Analyzing the wave data of the currently played music track

Hi! I can't seem to find the proper audio source for recording/analyzing/receiving the currently played music track (or just any playing media). I'm not talking about the Mic. The spectrum live wallpaper does this on the Nexus One AFAIK. How can I keep receiving wave buffers of the currently playing media? (I would like to support eve...