
Displaying the Time in AM/PM format in android

Hi, I am getting the time using a time picker and displaying the time in the text view using following code... private TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener mTimeSetListener = new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() { public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { Toast.makeText(SendMail.this, "Your Appoint...

Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension

How to read data from the assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension in my Android application? ...

Android Custom View to Activity communication

I have a custom control/view that observes the direction of a gesture within its bounds. I would like to send a different message back to the Activity hosting the View depending on the direction of the gesture. I'm having a hard time determine what the right way to do this is. I would think I could raise a custom event in the control and...

my android app runs fine in the emulator, but when i publish it it's wrong

i have an app that has a few checkboxes in the settings and then compiles a remote sql based on the checkboxes selected. i ran it in the emulator and it's fine. but then i exported it and published it as an app, and the same checked boxes aren't being passed correctly. i wonder if it's a caching issue or something. tried deleting the apk...

What is the object of the Contact application search option ?

Hi all, I am wondering what is the kind of object that shows up when in the Contact application, you hit search option, what is it ? a Custom Quick Search Bar, a custom notificaction bar, other idea ... An image of what I am talking about is available here :

Build android project from command line

I would like to build and android project from command line on Linux. In the root directory of the project there are the following files and directories: AndroidManifest.xml build.xml res/ src/ Can you provide a sample Makefile how to build this project? ...

Android: How to track down the origin of a InflateException?

While starting my application I get the following warning in Logcat: 04-09 10:28:17.830: WARN/WindowManager(52): Exception when adding starting window 04-09 10:28:17.830: WARN/WindowManager(52): android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #24: Error inflating class <unknown> 04-09 10:28:17.830: WARN/WindowManager(52): at and...

Unexpected resume of "package name" while already resumed in ''package name" Error in Android

If changing the orientation of my phone or the emulator I get the following output in LogCat: 04-09 11:55:26.290: INFO/WindowManager(52): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0 04-09 11:55:26.300: INFO/ActivityManager(52): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/260 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=2/1/1 nav=3/1 orien=2 layout=18} 04-09 11:55:26.460: IN...

How to install and use db4o for Android?

I have to admit that I'm new to Java and Android. db4o seems to be an excellent DB framework to replace SQLite I want to use it for my Android application. I don't know how to: Import/Install/Attach/Upload db4o to Android phone. Where should I put the JAR file db4o-

Help constructing a POST request with MultipartEntity (newbie question)

I'd like to construct a multipart request, with the following parameters: name (string), email (string), and fileupload (file). I'm using the Java code below (working in Android). The httppost.getRequestLine() prints POST HTTP/1.1 So everything looks good on the client site, but my server (Django/Apache)...

Contact-app like scrollinglist on android

I'm writing my first android app (I'm a noob at android, but decent at java). The first screen of the app consists of a huge list (about 1.5K items) of Manga-objects. The code I use is as following: main.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent"...

Making a web request and getting request in JSON format in android

Hi, I am trying to accomplish the task of Making a Wed request ->getting result in JSON format ->Parsing the result -> and finally display the ...

How do I use this code to modify contact ringtone in android?

I found that with code/function I can change the contacts ringtone, but I couldn't find how to use it. Can someone help me, How do I do it? context.getContentResolver().update(contactUri, values, where, args); ContactsContract.Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE One more question. when I call from one android simulator to another I don't hear th...

Android File Upload

I am new to Android development, and I am trying to send a Microsoft Word file from Android to a servlet. How would I go about doing this? If possible, I would like to see some code samples for both the Android application and the server side application. ...

Is there a way to securely store user data on an Android device?

I'm writing an application wherein users will sometimes make orders through it. I want to give users the option to save their billing info (name, address, etc.) so that it can be quickly restored later if they want to make another order. The user will enter a password to secure the data. Obviously I can't just put this as a file on th...

Click in a ListView item changes status of elements inside the item?

Hi, I don't know exactly how to explain this problem, but I'll try. I have a ListView with several items. Each item has inside a TextView and two ImageView. I want the ImageView change when I click on them, and I want to open a context menu when I press for a long time into the ListView item. For the ImageView, everything works proper...

Android - Barcode Scanning, Options? Zxing?

I want to create an application for Android that will be able to scan barcodes, get the information contained within the barcode and then be able to use that information in some way. I have no idea how to create a barcode scanner so I went Googling and it seems Zxing is the most commonly used way to implement a barcode scanner in an app...

Android v1.5 w/ browser data storage

I'm trying to build an offline web application which can sync online if the network is available. I tryed jQuery jStore but the test page stop at "testing..." whitout result, then I tryed Google Gears which is supposed to be working on the phone but it is not found. if ( && google.gears) { google.gears.factory.getPermis...

Intent receiver according to preference

Hi, I have a intent receiver in my android manifest, but would like to give the user the opportunity to choose whether he/her wants the app to automatically start at the specific state. Until now, I've used a service with a broadcast receiver, but I really want to delete this service as it seems a bit unnecessary. Can register the inte...

how to check the first time user of my App in android?

hi all, In my App, first it shows a splash screen. after that another activity, then my main activity must be show. this is my design plan. the second activity(i.e before main activity) must be show for the first time user of the app. if he/she closes the app.splash screen will redirect to main activity automatically. how to do this ? A...