
Same Title Bar but different View below it in Android?

Hi, In one of my Android Application I need to keep the title bar same but the view that is shown in the rest of the screen changes. So, I have taken different Activity for all the views that I need to show and set the title bar in every Activities onCreate method. Now, the problem is that I have a button in the title bar and need to p...

How to keep the session of user login?

Hi, I have an app that requires user to register. I've got the app conected to PHP in my server to do the logic of register/login and so, this is not problem at all. But, I want to keep a session of the user in local, so the user doesn't have to login again every time he runs the app. So, I want something like this: First time user,...

Raw Sockets on Android

I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the* or the* libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android? ...

Why hint field is misteriously disapearing when I'm stating an app on emulator/device?

Hi, Right now I'm tweaking Android app for mine client. And I want to use hint to give potential user some insight what kind of data I expect to put in specific field. And here is a problem, when I'm adding android:gravity="right" for specific element hint message is disapearing. This is really frustrating. It is really small issu...

How do I compile Android Browser (or other android-supplied applications)?

I want to add support for Arabic (or other languages which are currently unsupported) to the applications supplied by android platform (e.g. Browser) without the need of having root-access. To add Arabic support (at least displaying only) in a normal application (using developer SDK), I will need to: Add fonts Modify (reshape) the c...

How does one implement an asynchronous http-post request in android?

I would like to implement the following simple pattern in an android app: Activity A starts activity B In activity B the user fills out a simple form F, then hits submit Activity B then starts an AsyncTask C that posts F to a url, and immediately returns to Activity A Back in activity A, the user continues with business as usual while ...

Android beginner: understanding MotionEvent actions

I am having trouble getting my activity to generate a MotionEvent.ACTION_UP. Probably a beginner's error. In LogCat, I'm only seeing the ACTION_MOVE event (which is an int value of 3). I also see the X/Y coordinates. No ACTION_DOWN and no ACTION_UP. I looked everywhere for a solution. I found one question on a forum that seems to be th...

iPhone/Android: How to Send Keystrokes To Laptop Over Wifi?

How can I best implement a system for send keystrokes/commands via an iPhone and/or Droid to a desktop or laptop computer via WiFi or bluetooth? There are apps for VLC, Keynote and other applications that do this, so I know it's possible but don't know what technology base to use. The implementation is probably different on Windows and...

Need suggestions for a good way to encrypt/decrypt data stored in SQLite database on Android.

Title says it all. I have some sensitive data that is stored in SQLite for an Android app. I need to be able to encrypt when persisting but then also decrypting when deserializing from the database too. Not sure what my options are on Android for doing this? ...

Android - Map overlay onTouchEvent / onTap howto?

Hi, I've implemented a Class that extends Overlay and also override the onTap / onTouchEvent (tried both). Right now it seems like that event is triggered when you tap on the map regardless of position. How can I make sure that the event is triggered only when you tap over the overlay you have added? Thanks, Tee ...

How can I make a ListView touch-sensitive in its full width for clicking an item?

I have a ListView in a ListActivity populated with strings. However, only the text-part of a list item is clickable, and when it is clicked, only the text-part is highlighted (orange on black background). I would like to make the full line clickable, and when selected, the full line should be marked as selected. How can I do that? This ...

How to get multi line text on a button in Android?

I'm looking for a simple way in Android to add a text to a button that is displayed in 2 (or more) lines. E.g. A bold and big heading in the first line and a small description in the second line. Is it possible or have I use a TextView or something similar? ...

Android - Show list of contacts with same phone number

I have a widget that will open the contacts list by a phone number. I am using *Contacts.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT* I know it's deprecated but I want this to work on android 1.6. I have a phone number to use on the lookup intent. here is the code Intent contViewIntent = new Intent(Contacts.Intents.SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT); contVi...

Android: add badge to icons internal to my app

Hi, I am trying to add badges to the icons in my android app. e.g. in the facebook app(for iPhone), in the home page the number of pending requests is shown on the requests icon. Can someone provide any links/ideas on how to do this? Thanks ...

Using the Google Maps API in a Android application.

Hey, I was looking at the Google Map API for the first time and I had a quick question. I am woking on an Android application and I was wondering if there is a good way to take a route that I have created using Google Maps (snapping to roads) and use the API display this route on an Android application? I see that there is a way to ge...

Trying to get Package Version Information to display in an "About" message.

Hello, I have been struggling with getting the versionName for a running application from the PackageInfo Object type. I have constructed a Parcelable Interface with all of the fields associated with the PackageInfo Object type. The primary input for that interface method is a Parcel object. I cannot seem to figure out how to correct...

android: where are the image resources allocated?

Is there anyway to get the actual images used in resources? e.g., I want the two png files in CheckBox in starstyle? Which directory does andorid keep them? ...

Android - How to get a widget to recognize when the phones orientation has changed

I want my widget to update when the phones orientation has changed. Before android 2.0 you could register your widget to get the intent on orientation change <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED" /> </intent-filter> but after 2.0 you cannot do it. Android Dev doc says: You can not r...

Programatically send SMS to email using Verizon Motorola Droid on Android

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew the proper way to send an SMS message to an e-mail address using Verizon's CDMA Motorola Droid phone. The internal messaging application appears to automagically do this. While 3rd party applications like SMSPopup don't seem to be able to properly reply to e-mail addresses unless you compose the mess...

How to programmatically answer a call?

Hi all, I want to answer a phone call. I found the intent android.intent.action.ANSWER but it seems that the only effect that I obtain is an ActivityNotFoundException. Why? Is it a deprecated intent? How can I achieve answer? I have also heard about the "telnet technique". What is that? Thanks ...