
Android keyboard api

Does android expose an API or somesuch for the development of thirdparty keyboard applications? There are several existing apps which can replace the default input methods, however I cannot seem to find any information about it. ...

Android app google maps showing grey tiles and not map!

Hi, I followed this guide here perfectly and have gone through it again but when I run the program on my google avd the page loads but only grey tiles appear and it doesn't show a map which it should. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks ...

set DatePickerDialog one day before

hi I have a datepickerdialog but i´d like to change always one day before DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener dini=new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() { public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) { myInitialDate.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); myInitialDate.set(Calenda...

Regarding playing media file in Android media player application

Hi. I am new to android development. I just started with creating my own media player application by looking at the code samples given in Android SDK. While I am trying to play a local media file (m.3gp), I am getting IOException error :: error(1,-4). Please can somebody help me in this regard. Here is my code. package com.mediaPlaye...

Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size

I decode bitmaps from the SD card using BitmapFactory.decodeFile. Sometimes the bitmaps are bigger than what the application needs or that the heap allows, so I use BitmapFactory.Options.inSampleSize to request a subsampled (smaller) bitmap. The problem is that the platform does not enforce the exact value of inSampleSize, and I sometim...

Parse error when trying to install app on Asus eee PC 701 running Android 2.0

A beta tester of mine has a Asus eee pc 701 running Android 2.0 and he is trying to install an app on it from my web site. He is able to download the app but is getting a "Parse Error: There is a problem parsing the package" error. I don't really know if this problem is with the eee pc or with the apk since he is the first person to tr...

Is displayMetrix xdpi and ydpi accurate?

Can the xdpi and ydpi settings be relied upon to accurately represent the physical pixels in once inch of screen space? I need this to be accurate for some display code I'm writing. I realize the documention says that this is the case, but I need to know if individual handsets get this right MOST OF THE TIME. I know I can alternately ...

Pointing layout_above to an external ID?

When I try to use layout_above to position a view above another view, it can't find the ID if it's not in the same XML file. I'm adding my XML files at run time but I still want to be able to position them relative to eachother. Any suggestions? ...

Game engine deployment strategy for the Android?

In college, my senior project was to create a simple 2D game engine complete with a scripting language which compiled to bytecode, which was interpreted. For fun, I'd like to port the engine to android. I'm new to android development, so I'm not sure which way to go as far as deploying the engine on the phone. The easiest way I suppose ...

How does it affect me as a developer/engineer/company that Android is open source

I understand the concept of open source, but I just realized now that I understand it from only one view: when I open source my own code. I don't really understand what benefit I'm getting from receiving the same thing. As a regular developer (like the majority of us here), I did not spend the past 4 years of my life working on "develop...

Android: Trusting all Certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS

Hi all, Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over Https (found here). I've made some headway, but I've run into new issues. As with my last problem, I can't seem to find an example anywhere that works for me. Basically, I want my client to accept any certificate (because I'm only ever pointing to one server) but I keep...

Android Layouts Scrolling in Landscaped Mode

I have a strange issue in which on rotating the Screen to Landscaped mode the Views present inside Remain at the same place But I cannot scroll them inside the screen. How can I make them Scroll so that every thing that move out should be displayed properly to the user. Should there be any more attribute to be set for allowing such kin...

find out the connected wifi duration,upload and download speed using andorid 1.5api?

Hi, In my application,need to display the upload and download speed and duration of the connected network(wifi).I searched in api found only one method wifiinfo.getLinkSpeed() and a field LINK_SPEED_UNITS.Please give me guidance or sample code. Regards, Rajendar ...

DDms is not opened some times

Hi,In my system some time ddms(dalvik debugger) tool some times not opened .What is the problem.And what can i do For this problem.When i open it through command propmt it disply the following error 38:16 E/DeviceMonitor: Failed to read the adb response! 38:24 E/DeviceMonitor: Failed to read the adb response! What can i do?Thanks in ad...

How can I get the correct DisplayMetrics from an AppWidget in Android?

I need to determine the screen density at runtime in an Android AppWidget. I've set up an HDPI emulator device (avd). If set up a regular executable project, and insert this code into the onCreate method: DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); Log.d("MyTag", "screen density " + dm.densityDpi); This outputs "screen d...

Global Search In Android

Hi, I want Messaging (Sms/Mms) application to be part of the global search i.e., when I type a word in the omni search box (on home screen), it should show me the messages which has that word. Currently, we have local search within messaging app which works fine but how do I make messaging globally searchable. I tried refereing search...

Android animation doesn't work, probably some kind of screen redraw problem.

I have created a custom component in my program by extending a ViewGroup. This component listens to touch events and are supposed to start animations when the user has move their finger past some certain points. I'm able to start animations while the user is touching the screen. But I'm not able to start animations if the user doesn't m...

Start the android browser

Hi , I need directions on how to start the android browser through code . Thanks ! ...

emulator networking

Hi From my android code I try with the android browser to access a tomcat service running on my computer like this : Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://localhost:8080/615734.apk")); startActivity(myIntent); Unfortunately all I get is "page unavailable" . What should I do to be able to have this runni...

Static variables can't be saved in onSaveInstanceState ?

Consider following code, it saves static variable: mMyArray in onSaveInstanceState and restore it in onRestoreInstanceState, however I found it can't save the int array at all. I tried primative type value (int), it can save/restore primative type value. public class StaticVarActivity extends Activity { private static final String ...