
Android: download large file

I'm trying to download large file from Internet (>20Mb) private class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask<DatabaseInfo, Integer, String> { private DatabaseInfo info; protected String doInBackground(DatabaseInfo... dbInfo) { int count; info = dbInfo[0]; try { URL url = new URL(dbInfo[0].dbPath)...

How to know if i am successfully connected to my outgoing number in Android?

Need to know this so that i could send DTMF and that is going to be my second question! ...

Stop Progressbar manual scrolling in Android

I have already posted my query here, but unfortunately, not getting the required support for this simple query. I am using a progressbar widget in my application to show the download progress. In the current state, I am able to manually move the slider back and forth while download is progressing. How can I prevent the manual moving of...

Android Spinner selection

The OnItemSelectedListener event handler gets called both when a spinner selection is changed programmatically, and when a user physically clicks the spinner control. Is is possible to determine if an event was triggered by a user selection somehow? Or is there another way to handle spinner user selections? ...

using android alarmclock

is it possible to use the com.androird.alarmclock so that I can use it to kick off alarm features in my application. if it is how can i do it? ...

Why does eclipse give me errors when i try to run sample application?

I dont know why the sample application from the android website gives me 300+ errors when i try to run it in ecplise galileo. The application i am trying is Bluetoothchat it is straight from the sdk sample folder so it shouldn't contain any. I have added android.jar and I do have an emulator. I have tried HelloWorld and it worked..Could ...

Android ImageView clickable overlays

Hello, I have a ImageView and draw some things on that view. Now I want to have the position of the click in the onClickListener. Although I think that's not really possible (storing the position in the onTouchListener is not working), I want to ask, if there is any other way to accomplish that? The goal is to have a image with some o...

Android, make portions of text invisible in TextView

Hi, I suspect that adding a certain letter/character to the beginning of my text will solve an alignment problem I am currently facing. Needless to say that I do not wish for this letter to appear. Is there a way to tell a portion of the text to be invisible/transparent? I reviewed the Spannable interface could not find anything relate...

Android: Which is better, develop Android app on a mac or a windows pc?

What is better, to develop my Android app on a Windows PC or a mac? ...

Change Rating Bar on Android

Hi guys, I have a ratingbar in my app, and I would like when I pass the mouse over it, the rating changes How can I do that ? it's possible? best regards ...

How to launch android email setup screen programmatically from my activity

hi, I could send mail from my Activity when i have already configured with any email account in android ,but in case if have not configured ,is there any way to launch email setup screen from my Activity ,or at least check whether email account is setup before sending a email. If i haven't set up my email account then the following code...

clarification on 'private' drawables in android.R.drawable

I am making a menu for an app and was pointed to this useful resource which lists all the drawables that are part of the android 2.0 jar. the usage example given is myMenuItem.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_save); Unfortunately, the one I want (and most of the list) are not available by default. I get android.R.drawable.ic_menu_...

how do I know when/where to invoke the overridden method of the super class

Hi, This question occured to me while programming a Android application, but it seems to be a general programming question more. The situation is, I am extending (subclass-ing) an class from a library, and overriding a method. how do I know if I should invoke the method of super-class? and when? (in the beginning of the overridden meth...

problem in display image with loadDataWithBaseURL() in Android

Hi. In my Application, I display data in webview but it can't display the images in the webview. I used loadDatawithBaseURL() method. This is my code.. webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///059600656X/", data, "text/html", "UTF-8", "about:blank"); // here data is a string object which contain html parsing data. I think it cant find ...

Snapping elements / conditional layouts

Sorry for the extremely bad title, I have no other idea what to call this question. What I'm trying to do is this: have a RelativeLayout which has two children: one with layout_centerInParent="true" one with layout_alignParentBottom="true" However, when the device is in landscape mode, element (1) appears slightly over or under eleme...

Android: Gallery widget and shadows

Hi all, I would like to ask you if is possible to add a shadow to each item in a gallery. And if is possible, what is the easiest way to do it? Thanks in advance! ...

how to send image to remote server using web services in android

get image from sdcard and store that image to remote server. i am getting the image from sdcard and i converterd that image to bytearray by using bitmap .but what's the problem if i oberver byte array it is showing some different values it is not matching with .net image byte array conversion. can u pl help if you have any solution it is...

How do I change the Mobile Country Code (MCC) in the Android Emulator?

My Android application needs to react differently to different Mobile Country Codes. It seems like it is hardcoded to mcc310 (US). I can read this value from TelephonyManager.getSimCountryIso() or by using a resource folder like res/values-mcc123/, but how do I set this value in the emulator? ...

How to retrieve brand and model info by code on Android ?

There is an class android.os.Build that got static variables cointaining device info, but when i try to access it I allways get a runtime exception. E.x on how I try to access it: String model = Build.MODEL; I always get an Exception like this: 04-14 14:57:45.266: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(770): java.lang.VerifyError: com.mypackage.Main ...

automatic install of apk

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to trigger programmatically the installation of an apk that is on the card ? ...