
How to get a Device Specific UID using Python in ASE on Android?

I am working on am Android Scripting Environment (ASE) script in Python to replicate an iPhone app. I need a device UID of some sort. My thoughts where a salted MD5 hash of the MAC address or device phone number, but I can't figure out how to access either of those using the Python APIs within ASE. What can I do to create a UID in Pyth...

Android Unable to launch the Inbox from a notification

I have the following code that creates a notification when an SMS message is received by the phone. It displays the notification correctly; however, when the user clicks the notification, nothing happens. It should open up the SMS inbox so the user can view their message. Thanks in advance. mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)...

Application threads vs Service threads

What are the advantages/disadvantages in placing a lengthy network access code in a thread in an activity or a thread in a service? How would it affect the application? I am writing a streaming audio player and from what I've read so far putting the code in a service will still end up blocking the application so a new thread is needed,...

RED 5 video server on Android mobile phone... Is there any Open Source port?

RED 5 video server on Android mobile phone... Is there any Open Source port project? So like simple opensource live Camera Video \ Audio encoding to FLV... I need such Opensource project to create Android live video streaming client for my server (I want to encode video on clients into FLV) ...

Port iPhone application to Android

What is the most efficient way to port an iPhone app to Android? I know Apple doesn't like 3rd-party, non-Objective C platforms generating code for their platform ... but is there something out there that can take an iPhone app and convert it to Android friendly code? If not, how have folks out there been creating Android versions of t...

Android: After changing a preference (a setting), text showing settings doesn't update...

I will try to explain a simple app scenario: My app goes right to a 'main view'. In this main view I have inserted a 'TextView' which displays current settings created by way of the PreferenceManager. For simplicities sake, let's say I have a checkbox in my settings. When I first start my app - the TextView on my main view shows my check...

Displaying a bitmap of arbitrary size without running out of memory.

How do I display an image of arbitrary size without OOMing or downscaling the image. I dont want to downscale due to zooming and dragging of the picture? If it isnt possible to display an image of arbitrary size, how do I determine the maximum possible size of the image to display, without causing a OOM? ...

How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE)

I want to make an Animation for when a View gets it's visibility set to GONE. Instead of just dissapearing, the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse, but the layout will only resize it's space after (or before) the Animation stops (or starts). How can I make the Animation so that, whil...

android spinning image

hi, i am trying to create two spinning wheels, as in pulleys, so everytime the attached rope moves, the two pulleys will rotate. i have tried two approaches: 1) use Matrix.postRotate within the onDraw() method of the View class, which calls the following: private void drawSpinningWheel(Canvas canvas) { try {

How do I distribute Android app to beta tester without using Market

I have an early version of my app that I want some testers to take a look at. But I am not ready to put it on Market. How do I distribute it to my testers and how do they install it on their phones. One of the beta testers has a Asus eeePC with Android 2.0 installed and I would like him to try it too. How does this work? ...

Clicking Elements in Android Doesn't Display the Correct Values

I apologize if this code looks a bit like a mess (considering the length); I figured I'd just include everything that goes on in my program at the moment. I'm attempting to create a fairly simple Tic Tac Toe app for Android. I've set up my UI nicely so far so that there are a "grid" of TextViews. As a sort of "debug" right now, I have i...

Android dialog width

I can't seem to control the dialog width. I have a simple layout like so` <TextView android:id="@+id/name_prompt_view" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/name_prompt" android:padding="10dip"/> <EditText android:id="@+id/name_inp" android:layout_width="fill_parent...

Android ddms screen capture with skin?

Hi, Can we use DDMS to take a screen capture with a device skin? Right now I'm just getting the exact screen rect area in my screen captures, Thanks ...

Changing Image In a Button After Being Clicked?

Creating a game in Android using multiple Buttons to display an image from the drawable folder. I want to change the button to a different image after the button has been clicked on. Here is the button code: <Button android:id="@+id/b36" android:background="@drawable/black" android:layout_width="45px" android:layout_heig...

Android 1.6: "android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application"

I'm trying to open a dialog window, but every time I try to open it it throws this exception: E/AndroidRuntime( 206): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception E/AndroidRuntime( 206): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application E/AndroidRuntime( 206)...

Android : uploaded .apk file to server but cant download that .apk file

I have uploaded my application's .apk file to a server. When i try to download that .apk file to my android HTC HERO phone then it gives error saying "file size cannot be determined". I also enabled settings to "allow install of non-Market applications" in my HTC HERO. Please help me if i am missing somthing . and is there any signing...

Framework/Algorithms/Library for server side estimation/recognition of audio file similarity?

I want to implement an android app which compares recorded audio files with our sound database and reports a similiarity metric. The app will work somehow like Shazam but is matched against our database audio files. Can anyone point me to an open source project which implements adequate algorithms to do the sound recogognition/comparisio...

Android:How to display images from the in a ListView?

Android:How to display images from the web in a ListView?I have the following code to display image from a URL in an ImageView: import; import; import; import; import; import; import; i...

Sorting Android ListView

I'm only starting with Android dev, and while the Milestone is a nice device Java is not my natural language and I'm struggling with both the Google docs on Android SDK, Eclipse and Java itself. Anyway... I'm writing a microblog client for Android to go along with my Windows client (MahTweets). At the moment I've got Tweets coming and g...

How do I utilize REST to post GPS data from an Android device into a Ruby on Rails application?

I am a student in the process a building an Android app that can post a GPS track into a Rails application. I would like to do things the "Rails" way and take advantage of the REST. My rails application basically has 3 models at this point: users, tracks, and points. A user has_many tracks and a track has_many points. A track also ha...