
TabActivity and startAcitivtyForResult

can I make TabActivity start it's childs activities for result? I need it because I can't make result code from a tab to propagate all the way up in the chain (it's reset in the TabActivity) thanks, Ori ...

How to resize the RelativeLayout or any other Layout in Android ?

Hi, I have a RelativeLayout defined in xml and I call the setContentView(R.layout.relativeLAyout) for displaying in Activity. Now, if I want to resize this RelativeLayout then can it be done and if yes, then can someone let me know how? The inner components can be resized relatively to the parent. Is this actually possible? Regards...

Android - Autocomplete with contacts

I've created an AutoCompleteTextView box that displays the names of all contacts, but after looking in the Android APIs, it seems my method is probably quite inefficient. Currently I am grabbing a cursor of the all the contacts, placing each name and each contact id into two different arrays, then passing the name array to the AutoCompl...

ListView and Scroll

I need to show a list that is scrolled to a specific item. how can I do it? Ori ...

Check the memory usage anp cpu and power of an application in android

Hi, I want to check one application memory usage and cpu load and power of an appplication in android,What can i do for this? ...

Looking for similar projects: Iphone/Android + Google Maps + "external" database = sightseeing map

Hello, sorry, it's not exactly a programming question, but I am currently in a research state and looking for similar projects, so I could analyze them: It should be application to iPhone or Android or other mobile platform, where, basically, user can access map with "places of interest" and add it's own "place of interest" (with photo...

JPG to PCL conversion

Hi, I'm developing a printing service on android. I've already managed to handle PostScript and now I would like to know if there is someone out there how knows where to find information about how to write a converter that converts a jpg to a pcl file. I'm aware of ImageMagic, GostScript etc. but I need to write one on my own. Thanks,...

update of an android application

Hi, Could someone explain in technical details how an android application handles updates ? . What kind of information does the application usually needs to send to request an update , and what does it receives back ? . ...

Scrolling two views together

I currently have one Scrollview which contains a table layout and one list in my activity. Now my problem is that I wanted to move both of them(Scrollview and list) together and with proper synchronization... So if scrollview is being scrolled then listview should also scroll with the same distance, and vice versa... Thanks in advance.....

how to track distance.

total nubi here and i'm trying to writ an application that trackes how far you have traveled. I can't find anything on how to do this. I can get location, speed, bearing etc. Any pointers on the best way to do this would be appreciated. ...

Button layed out using layout_toLeftOf in a RelativeLayout does not show up

Hello all, I am trying to layout a Button to the left of a TextView that is centered on the screen. My layout looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_hei...

Android & Google Maps: Trouble with getting fingerprint and signing certificate

Hi there, I'm following the guides online here( ) and i'm having trouble "Getting the MD5 Fingerprint of Your Signing Certificate". Ive found the location of the keytool and now when i put into the command line keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\Chris...

Having trouble binding a ksoap object to an ArrayList in Android

I'm working on an app that calls a web service, then the webservice returns an array list. My problem is I am having trouble getting the data into the ArrayList and then displaying in a ListView. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I know for a fact the web service returns an ArrayList. Everything seems to be working fine, just no data in t...

How to layer views

I have a custom-made view that extends the View class. I would like 2 instances of my custom view layered directly on top of each other. How should my layout file look to achieve this? ...

How to get gapless playback?in android mediaplayer

Hi, I am trying to play continuous stream using android mediaplayer.but am not able to avoid gap in playback while updating the datasource file of mediaplayer.Hw can i overcome this problem? Thanks in advance ...

Android - store .txt filenames in array

Hello! I would like to store only .txt filenames from a specific dir (let's say: /sdcard/docs/) into an String array. Example: In /sdcard/docs/ there are 5 files: 'foo.txt', 'bar.jpg', 'foofoo.txt', 'loool.png' and 'foobar.txt'. I would like to get array with contents: "foo.txt", "foofoo.txt", "foobar.txt" How could I do it? Thanks...

How to create separator in android ExpandableListView?

Anyone has an idea? I tried to add extra groupviews with different style and with no children, but i don't know how to make it unselectable and unclickable... and i don't know how to get rid of the arrow icon on the left side... Tnx for answers! ...

Detect application heap size in Android

How do you programmatically detect the application heap size available to an Android app? I heard there's a function that does this in later versions of the SDK. In any case, I'm looking for solution that works for 1.5 and upwards. ...

Database vs filesystem which one is best on Android? Do we have any gallery app for holding list view of pictures and names which loads and unloads images dynamically as and when the item is displayable on screen ?

I am new on android and building an application which uses webservice to collect user information in XML. I also get path for a small jpeg picture of each user. (Currently there are about 200 users) I am parsing the XML and storing the information in SQLiteDatabase. Pictures are stored as blob and able to retrieve them. I display names ...

android :activity

hi, i have two activities 1) downloading something on oncreate function with help of asyn task ,and had one button. 2) secons activity display on click of button. now when i go back to previous ie first activity , then downloading starts again, i want to get the previous filled data view ,instead of startg the previous process again .. ...