
Downloading an android layout from the internet.

Hi, I would like ask if there's a way to download an android layout from the Internet into the "res/layout" folder. I was thinking in getting the file using an HttpUrlConnection and a FileOutputStream, like discussed in here but I can't fgure out how to put ...

Start Activity with an animation

I am trying to start an activity with a custom transition animation. The only way I have found out so far to do this (without using onPendingTransition() in the previous activity) is to use a custom theme on the activity and define either activityOpenEnterAnimation, taskOpenEnterAnimation, windowEnterAnimation or windowAnimationStyle to ...

change system settings from android widget

I have a widget that changes some system settings, but it will not take right away. It seems like I need to refresh the system settings for it to take. How do you change some system settings from a widget that take instantly? when my widget is pressed it goes to an activity with a blank background to change the system settings. one of...

Android 1.5 - 2.1 Search Activity affects Parent Lifecycle

Behavior seems consistent in Android 1.5 to 2.1 Short version is this, it appears that when my (android search facility) search activity is fired from the android QSR due to either a suggestion or search, UNLESS my search activity in turn fires off a VISIBLE activity that is not the parent of the search, the search parents life cycle c...

Debugging ADT Eclipse Plugin Install

I've installed the Android SDK and the ADT plugin, but Android doesn't show up in the Window>Preferences... dialog. I'm running Galileo. If I go to the Installation Details part of the About Eclipse dialog, it says that I have 0.9.6 of Android DDMS and Android Development Tools. I can run adb from the command line. I tried going around ...

Examples for Android Launch modes

I am finding it hard to understand the exact circumstances in which each the various launch modes would be used in Android. Could anyone provide me with some examples to help understand when the various modes are appropriate? ...

Is there a way to force just a single character from the onscreen keyboard

I'd like to invoke the Android onscreen keyboard to just retrieve a single character. Is there a way to do this? I am working on a hangman application and need to take input one character at a time. The plan is to have a text area for each guessed letter, and display the soft keyboard when the user selects a text area for which to guess...

Grafting Scala 2.8 into a Netbeans NBAndroid Project...What steps am I missing?

Hi All; Due to Apple's recent T+C hijinks, I've become interested in developing for Android. Anyways, I'm trying to get a mixed-language Android 2.1 project going in Netbeans 6.8 (with the NBAndroid 0.10 plugin). The two languages being Java and Scala(2.8 head build). To give you a basic idea of what the app does right now, it's just a...

Android Radial / Pie Menu

I am looking to create a radial menu in a game that I am writing. Is there a class or API included to assist with this or an open source solution? Something like this. Thank you, Jake ...

IME window overlap cursor in Edittext, how to prevent it?

I'm using Edittext and it has images and texts. Then, I add image file on Edittext and I click Edittext, IME window shows, naturally. ( * At that time cursor is located at right-bottom corner of added image file.) The problem is IME window overlap cursor, so users complain that 'where is my cursor?' How to prevent that IME window overla...

Is the video recording possible in the background service?

Hello, All. I've tried video recording in the background. But had failed. Under normal circumstances, the recording works properly. However, if HOME key down-> Home screen or Other Activity is running, recording terminates. In such a situation, I want to record continuously. I want to record whole process! What should I do? thanks. ...

Android App Presentation

I wanted to make a video presentation of my android application. i know i can make the presentation by holding a camcorder in front of the screen and give walkthrough the application. But is there any other way this can be done, something on the lines of JingProject for windows wherein you can record your activities on your screen in a v...

Playing Multiple sounds at the same time in Android

I am unable to use the following to code to play multiple sounds/beeps simultaneously. In my onclicklistener I have added ... public void onClick(View v) { mSoundManager.playSound(1); mSoundManager.playSound(2); } ... But this plays only one sound at a time, sound with index 1 followed by sound with index 2. How can I play atleast 2 ...

android: CheckedTextView cannot be checked?

Initially I wanted a checkmark where the text is placed on the left of the checkmark. After searching on this site I found out the best workaround is android:CheckedTextView? However, I found out that the checkmark cannot be changed manually by users. Is it by design? <CheckedTextView xmlns:android="

What is the String 'volumeName' argument of MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.getContentUri referring to?

I am wanting to query the members of a given playlist. I have the correct playlist id, and want to use a managedQuery() to look at the playlist members in question. What I have is this: private String [] columns = { MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAYLIST_ID, MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.TITLE, }; Uri members...

What should be the image resolution for Nexus One or Droid?

Hi, As Android supports multiple devices from different manufacturers there are different screen resolutions supported. The table that is available at is not very clear to me. It shows WVGA and FWVGA in MDPI for Large Screens and HDPI for Normal screens. So, if t...

What are the basics of dealing with user input events in Android?

Hello. I thought I had understood this question, but something is quite wrong here. When the user (me, so far) tries to press keys, nothing really happens, and I am having a lot of trouble understanding what it is that I've missed. Consider this before I present some code to help clarify my problem: I am using Android's Lunar Lander e...

added TextToSpeech to my activity and now my onDestroy is not called any more, bug?

I added TextToSpeech to my app, following the guidelines in the following post: and now my onDestroy is no longer called when the back button is pressed. I filed a bug report regarding this: Figu...

Android Chronometer disapears when started ?

Hi all The Chronometer widget initial text is 00:00 but when I start the Chronometer its text becomes blank How can I display the text of the Chronometer as it cunts up ? thanks. ...

Android slide bar widget ?

Is there any slide bar widget to which i will place few icons and user can slide them it will role in and rol out from screen. ...