
Can you run a blender game on an iphone or droid?

I have an iPhone and am getting the Droid and was wondering if blender games can run on either of them. I have already made a game and want to be able to use it on my phone. ...

how can I do something before current activity go background by Back key?

When back key is pressed, current activity goes background. I'd like to show a popup and let user choose really close this activity, before current activity go background. I tried to override onPause(), but it's called after activity goes back. Please somebody explains me how to do that? ...

android How to prevent dialog closed or remain dialog when button is clicked

I have a dialog with edittext for input. when i click yes button on dialog, it will validate the input and then close dialog. However, if the input is wrong, i want to remain in the same dialog. every time no matter what input it is, the dialog always automatically close when i click button. How can i disable this. By the way, i use Posi...

MediaRecorder Prepare Failed

Hi, I'm new here. I have been trying to create a video capture app using the android emulator without much success. As far as I know and looking through all the samples and code on the internet (this site and others), I must still be missing a step. I've tried using this sample near the end of this thread made by JonPro:

What's the easiest way to force Idea to generate the file?

I am trying to run android sample applications using intellij idea and file is missing form notepad samples source directory. ...

Android debugging timeouts

My activity occasionally gets hung somewhere in it's looper. From the log I can see an eventual timeout is logged, and then there's a win-death. WARN/ActivityManager(1052): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{1234 {}} ... WARN/ActivityManager(1052): Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord{1234 {c...

Does GWT app work well in Android browser?

I am planning a web app using GWT. How well will it be supported on mobile devices like iphone, android? ...

How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation?

I read a lot on how to save my instance state or how to deal with my activity getting destroyed during screen rotation. There seem to be a lot of possibilities but I haven't figured out which one works best for retrieving results of an AsyncTask. I have some AsyncTasks that are simply started again and call the isFinishing() method of...

camera in android

how can i simulate camera of an android device?And what is the format of image obtained? thanks in advance.. ...

stopping android handler loop

Hi, i am using a class which extends Handler class to update my activity UI. The code is as follows in side main activity, /////////////////////////////// public class RefreshHandler extends Handler { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Homeform.this.updateUI(); } public void sleep(long delayMillis) { ...

How to set "textColor" property of button in android 2.1 ?

I am trying to set "textColor" property of button in android 2.1. But I am unable to set it to correct value ? What is the correct way of setting "textColor" property of a button in android 2.1 ? ...

More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents?

I currently have a Service in Android that is a sample VOIP client so it listens out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen with UI components. Then the following SIP messages determine what the Activity is to display on the screen. For example if its an incoming call it will display Answer or Reject or ...

execute adb shell command at runtime from the android application

hi. In my application I want to create a directory xyz in sdcard at the runtime from the my Application. But it doesn't work. Here is my code.. public class process extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)...

Android: How to make current layout with scrollable text view?

I tried multiple solution but none seem to work. Layout: -------------------- |btn1| txt1 |btn2| -------------------- | | | | | | | txtview1 | | | | | | | -------------------- btn1 - top left aligned - decrease txt1 btn2 - t...

Android app using 2.x APIs that will also run on 1.x

I'm working on an Android app in which I would like to use multi-touch. However, I do not want to completely leave out those still running a 1.x OS phone. How do you program the app so that you can use the 2.x multi-touch APIs (or any other higher level API for that matter) and still allow it to gracefully degrade on 1.x systems. If yo...

Packaging multiple items in an Android APK

If I create an application for Android, how do you package extra items in with it like a live wallpaper or widgets? For example, google maps does this by including a live wallpaper with the download of the latest version. On a related note, with google maps, it's available for, I believe, 1.6 and up, but it seems that it is all the same...

How to delete only the content of a file in java?

hi, May i please know how can i delete the content of the file in java? Thanks in advance. ...

Regarding BMA-150 Acceleration sensor

Hi all, At present i am working on hal part of sensors in android sdk, we are using 3- Axis BMA-150 Accelerometer sensor to get acceleration values with respect to X,y,Z Axis, I want to know whether this sensor will give o/p directly in SI units by using some calibration techniques or what ? , and i noticed that in sensor.c file they m...

Android ignores scrollbarsize

Hi, I'm trying to modify a ListView scrollbar's width without success <ListView android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:choiceMode="singleChoice" android:scrollbars="vertical" android:scrollbarTrackVertical="@drawable/scrollbar_vertical_track"...

close the soft key pad when i click on other views in android

I want to open the soft key pad when we click on or focus on edit text.Suppose in my application I have one Edittext view and image view at that time when i click on image view automatically the soft key pad will be closed.when i click on or focus on edittext at that time only Soft keypad will be opened what can i do? give me some sugges...