
How to display a pic selected from phone to a local html in the Webview

Hi all, I am developing a small application in Android. I come across a problem, and not sure whether it is possible in Android platform. I have some local html files. There is an Activity contains a webview, which is used to display these local html files. In some cases, I want to display a picture selected from phone into one of thes...

Getting differences between WVGA800 and WVGA854 in Android Emulator

So far I just have one XML layout file, and one drawable directory, drawable-hdpi. I first want to target the high density screens. I added a bunch of imagebuttons to a relativelayout and everything looks perfect in the WVGA800 emulator. The problem arises when I view it in the WVGA854 emulator. Not only do the imagebuttons not positi...

What is the point of defining actions within intent filters on a reciever tag

I'm currently exploring Broadcast Receivers and Broadcast Intent. There are some aspects of the tutorials which are ambiguous to me. To my knowledge this is how the process works. I can broadcast an intent from my application and any receiver on the phone can act on that intent as long as the actions match. I can register a broadcast...

Android WVGA800 and 854

Although my relativelayout looks very similar on WVGA800 and WVGA854 on the emulator, theres different spacing on some of the objects because I'm going off of marginleft or marginright. Since the 854 is a greater width, its pushing some objects differently. Is there any way I could target either one to adjust for the different margins? ...

android: test app on a real device

My client wants to dogfood my android app. They don't have eclipse and don't want to install it. Is there a more convenient way to send my apk to them? Can I send it via email and let them open the attachment in mobile device? Will it start installing itself automatically? ...

Ant build from Android-generated build file fails - how to fix?

Building our Android app from Ant fails with this error: [apply] [apply] UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL ERROR: [apply] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space [apply] at java.util.HashMap.<init>( [apply] at java.util.HashSet.<init>( [apply] at

Need help in support multiple resolution screen on android

Hi, In my android application, I would like to support multiple screens. So I have my layout xml files in res/layout (the layout are the same across different screen resolution). And I place my high-resolution asserts in res/drawable-hdpi In my layout xml, I have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="http...

Android Application

Hey i want to develop a player on Android, which can play streaming audio and should i start about? ...

App Icon does not show up

My app icon shows up on my Nexus One, but not on the Android Market site or the emulator. Is there some naming convention to use? Thanks. ...

How do I remove unrecognized characters which come back from a web service?

I am working on an app which calls a rest web service. Sometimes the xml responses contain characters which the phone can not display. When displaying these characters, an empty box is displayed instead. I would like to filter out these characters. How can I detect if a character will be able to be displayed on the screen? Some spec...

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation

I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer but with most customization, basically the thing is working but the animation is flickering at the end. To further explain, I got an TranslateAnimation then after this animation it returns back to the original position, if i set setFillAfter then the buttons inside the layout stops working. If i...

android cross compilation

how to use nmap port scanner on android sdk in windows??? ...

Android: how to place a button at an x,y position over top of Canvas

Is it possible to place buttons at an X,Y position over the top of a Canvas? For example, on the opening screen of my game, I would like to place buttons for "Play Now", "Instructions", etc, right on top of the canvas. Right now, I'm looking at Touch locations on the Canvas and comparing them to various X,Y bounds. It works, but add...

Noob Droid Question regarding random number

Brand new to droid programming, but would love to learn as much as possible, so I finally got my emulator working correctly, I even got a hello world button to work, I'm attempting to make this button display a random number, I've googled this and came up with this code: Random generator = new Random(); int n = generator.nextInt(n); ...

How to make Verital and Horizontal scroll on 2 layouts ?

Hi guys. I am trying to make Layout that contains 2 layout, vertical and horizontal scrolls. Like this : How to make it ? I've tried it. But horizontal scroll doesn't work for me. Please advise. ...

LocationListener is being called multiple times

Hi, I am working on an Location Based Application. In this application i am using LocationListener class to update the location when the Location is changed.In each Activity i have different LocationListener to update location and do some specific work on updated location. But my problem is that when i am changing my location through DD...

How to make button with custom background image show click animation in Android.

How to make button show it is clicked (by setting it go down/some change) for buttons using custom background image in Android. I do not want to include more images and set different one to different states like shown in google hello views example. Thanks. ...

Is ther any DLL or DLL like concept in Android?

Hello, We know that we can use a concept "Java Package" but I just wanted to know that whether Android has provided a DLL or DLL like concept where we can write a most of the functionality. Or can we use Activity for serving a purpose of DLL. Can any one tell me is there any concept like DLL on Android OS? Can we develop a DLL for b...

Getting the values from an array in android

Hi, I have a collection of strings and declared the strings individually as arrays using ArrayList<String> al=new ArrayList<String>(); and called the arrays in the program by using al=getIntent().getStringArrayListExtra("titles"); Now, instead of declaring each of the arrays i have created like below... public cla...

Get rid of all user data of Android application after bigger update

Hi, I completely revamped an app. Tested it for a while on my device and emulator. The app worked fine. However when I updated the app through the Android market, my users experienced crashes. Since there is no way to properly debug this procedure I asume the crash is caused by old data which is not being removed from the device (proba...