
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode

Are there any tools or recipes for turning Android DEX (VM bytecode) files into corresponding Java sourcecode? ...

Thread portability across Android Platforms

I understand that if you specify thread priorities other than the default in Java then it makes the program platform specific. If you were to create threads for an android application and modify the priorities then would the app platform specific across different android versions (i.e. Cupcake/Donut and modified versions of Android like...

Android: How to initialize MediaRecorder without a valid surface for video preview?

Hello all, I am building a camera app, where videos are continuously being captured and saved to the SD card. The videos are short (few minutes), and their length are preset with setMaxDuration(). The whole process works fine, while the main activity is in the foreground. But, when I go to another activity (e.g. settings), the video re...

Android: Passing a Service a Handler

So, I've read the android AIDL documentation and have a general idea of how RPC works between an Activity and a Service. However, for my application it seems overboard to implement such features: basically, I want to pass a Service a nice handler so its thread can pass data to my Activity. Currently I'm getting around this by using a sta...

Simple RSS parser for Android

Hello, I am trying to create my first Android application and I'm not all that experienced with Java development. In short, the application needs to do the following: On click, fetch a RSS feed online Parse it for data Show the data I've been browsing for guides, tutorials and documentation but the parsers I've found so far only deal...

How to call the setListAdapter in android

I have a class not extend from ListActivity, so how can I replace this code without error? SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.sbooks_row, cursor, from, to ); setListAdapter(adapter); ...

How to get attribute and values from xml in android through libxml2

How to get attribute and values from xml in android through libxml2 in android give me sample code ........ i need to get value type and tag for hello guys vodafone and populate a class objet which has same data member . like this ... type =string value= hello tag=APNUserId ...

protect a file

In one android application, I created a database file in data/data/com.rams/databases/dbfilename. If I created a second application with the same package name (com.rams) and I access the database file created with my first application, the second application is able to access the database contents. How can I secure the database file cr...

How to store an Object into a SQLite database in Android?

Hi, I need some help to store a Object in an SQLite database using Android.I don't know whether it is possible or not.If it is possible means please give some code snippets to create a table which can store an object. Regards, Rajapandian.K ...

Get EditText value from sub Activity

How to get EditText value from Sub-Activity? With a condition that in Sub-Activity I click back icon on the phone there's no error? This is my Sub-Activity code public class SBooksSearch extends Activity { private EditText mTextSearch; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub s...

Changing text color in a WebView?

There's a method for altering background color but not font. Any ideas? TIA. ...

Exception when invoking MMS's Attach Image activity

Hi, I try to invoke MMS's Attach Image ACtivity, this is my code: Intent intent2 = new Intent(""); intent2.setType("image/*"); intent2.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, mUri); try { startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException...

Android ListView not behaving in an AlertDialog

I have been testing with a ListView inside a LinearLayout. I used an OnItemClickListener to modify values in the TextView of the selected positions. Specifically I was disabling the list item. Everything worked as expected. Now, I am testing this same scenario with the ListView inside an AlertDialog. However, things do not work the ...

Vertical (rotated) label in Android

I need 2 ways of showing vertical label in Android: Horizontal label turned 90 degrees counterclockwise (letters on the side) Horizontal label with letters one under the other (like a store sign) Do I need to develop custom widgets for both cases (one case), can I make TextView to render that way, and what would be a good way to do ...

How to parse the webservice response?

Hi,I want to know how to parse the web service response data in android .Actually i m accessing the .net web service.I can get a result of some complex type.i want to know how to retrive a particular value from this complex type.Is there is any parser avilable to parse the content of the response or else we have to parse manually? If u h...

Change scrolling direction

Say, a WebView with an html that scrolls vertically. What would be the basic steps to make it scroll horizontally (screen by screen)? Can't grasp the idea. ...

Android: Custom Button with overlay

Hi I would like to create a custom button with framed caption in right top corner. Looks like it requires to use overlays, but it is available only for map view. Button should work following way: 1. User clicks on button. 2. Button behaves as an usual button, so we see that it is focused, pressed or has normal state depending on what i...

How can i use JSR 172 in Android?

Hi, i want to use JSR 172 API in android.But supports core java,is it possible to use JSR 172 in android.Please give some code snippets or suggests any web sites to learn about it. ...

How can I code Android with J2ME?

Hi, As for as i know that android application can be developed in core java only.But is it possible to code android with J2ME.Please give some example codes. regards, s.kumaran. ...

Setting webview background image to a resource graphic in Android

I'm trying to set the background of a webview to a drawable image resource in Android. From the sdk it seems something like this would work but it doesn't. WebView web = (WebView) findViewById(; web.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.backgroundmain); web.loadData(profile, "text/html", "UTF-8"); Any idea's? ...