
How to include and use ZXing Library in Android with eclipse?

Hi, I am new to the concept of ZXing,so i want to know the step by step process to use the ZXing in android and i am using elicpse as IDE.Any one knows about it please help me. ...

Display different icon on ListView in android

I have a xml file name "list_row.xml", this was load in a listView: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" > <ImageView android:id="@+id/icon" android:layout_...

Convert JPEG/png image to TIFF image format in android OS

hello I am developing an app in which i need the image in TIFF format.But in android u can convert your bitmap/image to only JPEG/png image. is there a way to convert JPEG/png file to TIFF format or is there any jar availble to do so.. plz help... thanx in adv... ...

How do I bind data to the attributes of a progress bar?

I'm building an app that has a ListActivity and the view for each item has a progress bar. I've been able to bind my data to the TextView, but I can't seem to figure out how to bind it to the max and progress of the ProgressBar. This is a simplified version of my view: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="

android activity crashing in

i have an activity that crashes randomly after the device resume from a long period of sleep, the activity is forced to be landscape mode only. When the device resumes from sleep, the activity seems to be redrawing itself in portrait mode, occupying half the horizontal view, then have to force close it. any idea? ...

Android Create Layered drawable in XML

Hello, I would like to create a drawable in XML that should include: image drawable color drawable The color drawable provides white transparent color. So, as a result we would have image with some white transparent layer on top. I have tried to use LayerDrawable, but it fails to be created during application launch: <LayerDrawabl...

Android. Padding doesn't take effect for shape in XML

Hi, I am trying to set padding in shape declared in XML file. But whatever I set, nothing changes related to padding. If I modify any other properties, I see updated UI. But it doesn't work with padding. Could you please advice possible reasons for this? I will provide below example of my shape.xml: <shape xmlns:android="http://schem...

Setting data source to an raw ID in MediaPlayer

In MediaPlayer.create method an id to a Raw file can be used but how to use that in setDataSource method? ...

How to register for SMS database changes?

How can I register for SMS database changes? I tried: mCursor = mActivity.getContentResolver().query(Sms.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Sms.ADDRESS }, null, null, null); mCursor.registerDataSetObserver(mydataSetObserver); where mydataSetObserver is implemented like this: private class MyDataSetObserver extends DataSetObs...

How to write a socket program in android?

Dear Friends,Can anyone tell me how to write a socket program in android.If is possible pls provide me some code samples. regards, s.kumaran. ...

Android - add menu item to Android's built-in apps?

Hi I'd like to add a menu option to the Android camera app. Is this possible to do using the current SDK? Thanks. Edit : Ok I know I need to add an intent-filter tag in my activity. But I don't know what I should put in the mime type. I want to be able to process the live camera previews if the user selects the menu option. So what do...

Which version of Android sdk contains CameraDevice class

Hi,Can any one tell me which version of android sdk contains the class " android.hardware.CameraDevice " .At present i m using android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1. I want to capture image from the web cam. Please help me. regards, s.kumaran. ...

Android Dropdown (Select) CSS

I'm currently writing some stylesheets for mobile browsers and have come across a strange issue in the Android browser. When changing the font-size CSS attribute of a text box the box gets bigger to accomodate the larger text. Doing this on a select box however does not change the size of the select box, but the text still gets larger (a...

Android Send Intent attaching photo from sdcard as 0 length file

Hi All, I know a variant of this question was asked before trying-to-attach-a-file-from-sd-card-to-email But the solution offered, i.e. a reboot doesn't seem to do it for me. I have seen a good number of group postings which support this being a problem. I can only assume the OP for the linked to question made some other changes, pos...

Using SIFT for Augmented Reality

I've come across MANY AR libraries/SDKs/APIs, all of them are marker-based, until I found this video, from the description and the comments, it looks like he's using SIFT to detect the object and follow it around. I need to do that for Android, so I'm gonna need a full implementation of SIFT in pure Java. I'm willing to do that but I n...

Android TextView Justify Text

Hey, How do you get the text of a TextView to be Justified (with text flush on the left- and right- hand sides)? I found a possible solution here, but it does not work (even if you change vertical-center to center_vertical, etc). Cheers, Pete ...

How to implement internet radio using java

How to implement internet radio using java? Is there any Java APIs for this? I want to make a internet radio using Android / java. But I am not getting any APIs how to connect or how to receive the channel information for streaming the audio. Please help me how to create that same and provide some code/API for that. ...

3gp to wav file Android

Hi, i want to convert 3gp file to wave file can i do it programmatically . As the headers are different is it possible .Any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance. ...

Evaluate a script (e.g. Python) in Java for Android platform

Is it possible to evaluate a string of python code (or Perl) from Java when developing Android applications? I am try to do something like evaluating a text-input script: e.g. String script = text1.getText().toString(); String result = PythonRuntime.evaluate(script); text2.setText(result); ...

Android quotes within an sql query string

I want to perform a query like the following: uvalue = EditText( some user value ); p_query = "select * from mytable where name_field = '" + uvalue + "'" ; mDb.rawQuery( p_query, null ); if the user enters a single quote in their input it crashes. If you change it to: p_query = "select * from mytable where name_field = \"" + uvalu...