
Change background color of android menu

Hi guys, i'm trying to change the standard light grey in a light green. Seems that there is not a simple way to do this (trough theme for example) but i'ìve found this link: The author seems desapper, someone can help me to integrare this code? I don't understard where i need to implement the LayouyInflater f...

Jets3t on Android

Hey guys, I am trying to use the Jets3t library within an Android application, and I keep getting errors with the Rest service when I use the library. 04-27 16:47:39.491: ERROR/S3Service(225): Couldn't initialize a sax driver for the XMLReader I have tried to include the Xerces library and the Crimson library, and it dont play well. ...

Cant delete more than 200 contacts in HTC HERO

I'm working on security application which will copy all contacts to some other database and delete all contacts from phonebook. I'm testing this on android HTC HERO. I'm successful to delete contacts from phonebook and create new contact info database, Till 200 it is working, but after 200 contacts its not working properly. After tht app...

Storing float numbers as strings in android database

So I have an app where I put arbitrary strings in a database and later extract them like this: Cursor DBresult = myDatabase.query(false, Constant.DATABASE_NOTES_TABLE_NAME, new String[] {"myStuff"}, where, null, null, null, null, null); DBresult.getString(0); This works fine in all cases except for when the string looks l...

Set attributes (margin, gravity, etc...) to an Android view programmatically (without XML).

I need to create a GUI (layout+views) in my .java activity class (I know it's far more flexible and easier to use .xml layout file, but I don't want to use it for now). I can't find any setGravity() (but a "Gravity" object I can't figure how to use) or any set setMargin() method for the "View" object. What is the easiest way to do it ?...

handling bluetooth spp pairing request thru app

Hi My android application is in blueotooth SPP server mode and listening for client devices, my application knows the passcode required for pairing of that devices. My question is, Is it possible to handle pairing request through application. Thanks and Regards. ...

Getting Reference to Calling Activity from AsyncTask (NOT as an inner class)

Is it at all possible, from within an AsyncTask that is NOT an inner class of the calling Activity class, to get a reference to the instance of Activity that initiated execution of the AsyncTask? I am aware of this thread, however it doesn't exactly address how to reference the calling Activity. Some suggest passing a reference to the ...

How do I antialias the clip boundary on Android's canvas?

I'm using Android's class to draw a ring. My onDraw method clips the canvas to make a hole for the inner circle, and then draws the full outer circle over the hole: clip = new Path(); clip.addRect(outerCircle, Path.Direction.CW); clip.addOval(innerCircle, Path.Direction.CCW);; c...

[Android] accessing remote services functions

hi there! i ran into a problem with remote services. after i started and bound my service, i want/need to access it's functionality. this works just fine if i work with buttons and onclick-controllers just as in but actual...

What is wrong with this layout? Android

Hi, I am trying to accomplish a view like this: left side = live camera preview, right side = a column of 4 images. But all that I managed with the following xml was a fullscreen live camera preview. Android 1.5 emulator. Thanks <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="

Android GPS location updates doesn't work

I am trying to get the GPS location of my HTC magic using the following code : public class TestGPS extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final TextView tv1 = (TextVi...

TabWidget Activity Handling - Does it Create a New Activity EVERY Time?

When a TabWidget is using intents to designate the target Activity for each tab, is there any special handling of those Activities on the Activity Stack outside of the default operation? For Instance, if my app has tabs A, B, and C, and I click them in this order––A, B, A, C, A, B––how will the Activity stack change? My understanding o...

what to know in order running Activity in extern application

Hi, I wonder if it's possbile, and if it is, what i`am suppose to know, in order to run an Activity in some application, while i am calling it from another application. for example, now i am on Application A, and i want to run an Activity on Application B. what parameters do i need to know in order to do that? Thanks, ...

Android: Daily Reminder

Hey guys, I'm creating an Android app where in the user can set the daily reminder, and at the designated time, the phone's alarm goes off and an activity is launched. App uses the latest version of the SDK and the emulator. How do I get started with this? Thanks, Sri ...

Parent - child application model

Hi, Iam building a system with includes couple of applications, I would like to know if there is a way to design a "main" application which will include inside several applications, so in this case i could also share same proccess thanks, ray. ...

Android process killer

Maybe you can help. Is it possible to get list of all process which are running in the Android system, and kill some of them? I know that there are some applications (task managers), but I would like to write my own, simple application. I would like to write simple task manager, just list of all process and button which will kill some ...

Can't get precise layout on Nexus One

I want to use precise layout on Nexus One, my code is like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <LinearLayout android:orientation="horizo...

Should I use android AccountManager?

I've seen AccountManager in the android SDK, and can see it is used for storing account information, but I can't find any general discussion of what it is intended for. Anyone know of any helpful discussions of what the intention behind AccountManager is and what it buys you Any opinions of what type of Accounts this is suitable for? ...

How to align Button to the right, without being overlapped by TextView?

Hello, I'm trying to get something like this: I'm using this as a list item (technically as the group view of an ExpandableListView). Here's the XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" androi...

How to find what service running on background on Android?

How to find what service running on background on Android? like input method service, .... Using adb or terminal on android device ? Could I use "top" or "ps" command? Maybe I have to ask in another way? Does the service be presented as one "process", then we can use "ps" or "top" command to find it? ...