
Custom layout in Android: scrollable graphic with selectable elements over top

Hi, I'm fairly new to the Android platform and was wondering if I could get some advice for my current head scratcher: I'm making an app which in one view will need an image, which can be scrolled on one axis, with a load of selectable points over the top of it. Each point needs to be positionable on the x and y (unlikely to change on...

Android NinePatch .png file format?

Android NinePatch images seem to be standard .png files with extra information. Is there a spec for the format anywhere, as I'd like to be able to implement this on other platforms? ...

Android App Support Options

I've got a free app I'm planning on submitting to the marketplace. Looking over the submission form I see they expect a web site or email for support. Users?! I've got to worry about users if I submit an app? I suppose I would like to get some abuse from users, but I don't want to go broke doing it. So what are my options? I have a w...

Show random string.

i am trying to display a random string each time a button is pressed from a set of strings defined in strings.xml . this is an example of the strings ID's <string name="q0"> <string name="q1"> <string name="q2"> <string name="q3"> <string name="q4"> java code for getting a random string. private static final Random rg...

WebView inside Tab hiding the tabWidgets

I'm having trouble with a WebView always filling the full screen and thus covering my tabs. Here is my code for the tabhost.. public class tabNZBMobile extends TabActivity { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Resources re...

Android - Simulate Back Button

Hi, When i press a button in my app, I need to return to the last activity. Any ideas??? thx a lot!!!! ...

Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter

I'm trying to filter my ListView which is populated with this ArrayAdapter: package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import

Android - Remove data from SDCard.

My application use the SDCard to store data (about 100 Mb of stuff). I would like to delete these file when the application is deleted through the application manager and offer a way to clear the data from there (like the Google Apps does). Any ideas ? ...

How to send IM message like Skype in Android ?

I have to build a feature in my application which allows user to send a skype message. For this I have installed skype lite client for Android (although offically the download has been currently withdrawn from Skype). Now how to initiate the activity from my application OR simply send the chat message without bringing it front, assuming ...

Android SDK: Create image on touch

Hello, I'm a bit stumped here, I'm trying to make it so an image (already in the drawable folder) gets created everytime you touch the screen and removed when the finger is lifted. I have the touch part coded already, overriding the onTouch method with a couple switch cases that handle each type of action (down, up, move, etc). But I ca...

Changing the appearance of a custom android checkbox without the image scaling?

I have a custom checkbox with these attributes: android:id="@+id/map_toolbar_details" android:layout_width="80px" android:layout_height="106px" android:scaleType="center" macro:selectedResource="@drawable/map_toolbar_details_selected" android:button="@drawable/map_toolbar_details" When I load it up, the image gets stretched, even tho...

How to prevent application thievery (specific to Android applications)?

I was wondering what the most effective way of preventing people from stealing my application (downloading a copy of the .apk online rather than buying it). I've spent a lot of time on one in particular (Droidbox) and won't be releasing Sync until I can guarantee that the people who are providing illegal copies of the pro version aren't...

How can I apply a theme/style to an Action android

In Android, how can I apply a style to an API action? I am using the RingtoneManager.RINGTON_PICKER action to let the user select an alarm, and would like to apply the standard theme that the other child-activities use. Does anyone know how I can apply a theme? The code I'm using to open the RINGTONE_PICKER is Intent intent = new Inte...

Best Way to Include Debug Code?

I am programming Android applications, and the best way here may or may not be the same as Java in general. I simply want to be able to set a debug flag that will only execute certain portions of code when it's set to true––equiv to C++ setting a preprocessor #define DEBUG and using #ifdef DEBUG. Is there an accepted or best way to acc...

Designing a service for consumption on multiple mobile platforms

I am building and designing a (mostly) read-only interface to some data. I'll be uing ASP.NET MVC to build a psudo-restful API. I'm wondering if anyone can provide some resources for building full-client applications for various mobile platforms, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, etc. I'm thinking that serving up XML data is ...

Define "Indirect subclass" in Android

Looking at various pages in the Android docs, some of them list "Known Indirect Subclasses". What does this mean? ...

caching images that are retrieved

Hi, I am retrieving a list of images and text from a web service. The images are getting displayed in the list view. But the problem is, when i scroll down the list the entire images are getting loaded once again. When i scroll twice or thrice there is a OutofMemory occuring... Can anyone tell me how to cache the images and also to avoid...

Changing the application icon text dynamically in Android

Hi Friends, I am developing a calendar app, wherein i will using a service to display date in the application icon text itself. For Eg: If date is: 26 Apr 2010, then my application name in the phone menu will also show the same. So I am not understanding how to change the application's icon text dynamically through program. ...

Using fonts in my applications

I need to use Helvetica font in my Android application. I have following questions regarding the same: 1. Is helvetica.ttf free for use in commercial projects? 2. What are the legal issues that one must consider when using fonts in their applications? Thanks. ...

Android: Using GEO uri

Hi, I have read the doc and some tutorials to get a .kml file working launching the google maps activity. When I hosted the file in a server, this works perfectly: Intent myIntent = new Intent( android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=