
GL_COLOR_MATERIAL with lighting on Android

It appears that glColorMaterial() is absent from OpenGL ES. According to this post (for iPhone), you may still enable GL_COLOR_MATERIAL in OpenGL ES 1.x, but you're stuck with the default settings of GL_FRONT_AND_BACK and GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE that you would otherwise set with glColorMaterial(). I would be OK with this, but the diffuse...

parsing local xml file using Sax in android

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to parse a local xml file stored in the system using SAX ,with an example code.please also tell me where can i find information on that ...

upgrading apk file in android market

hi folks, i sell the application into android market with the version 1. i upgrade the application with version that version 2 i found one bug after i resolved that bug is it possible to upgrade application ith version2 Thanks in advance Aswan ...

Android. Can anyone explain why my application exceeds 16 MB limit of memory while have the same time 2,3 MB of free space?

Can anyone explain why my application exceeds 16 MB limit of memory while have the same time 2,3 MB of free space? ...

add string to string array and display last/previous string in that string array.

i want to add the current string in a textview view to a string array in arrays.xml.then display the last/previous string of that array in a textview (setText). ...

How to do the following in ListView

How to do the following stuffs in ListView Only show scroll bar when user flip the list. By default, if the list is more than the screen, there is always a scrollbar on the right side. Is there a way to set this scrollbar only shows when user flip the list? Keep showing the list background image when scrolling. I've set an image as...

How to call one android application from another android application

I want to call one android application from another application I have tried example on site but it is not working for me It is giving Package parse error.. Please replay as soon as possible. Consider there are two applications: Application...

Picture gallery with selected picture zoomed and bright

I am trying to create a picture gallery in android, where picture in selection (in gallery) will be bigger in size, glow a little bit. Where as pictures not selected will be dull, and smaller in size. I tried gallery.setUnselectedAlpha() function to make images unselected dull, but it is not working. How to achieve the effect, please hel...

How to add Focuschange Listner to listview in android

Hi, I am having a listview in one of my activity.How to set foucs change listner.I tried with following block of code I am not getting result. product_search_list = (ListView) findViewById(; product_search_list.setOnFocusChangeListener(onproductchangelistener); private OnFocusChangeListener onproductchangelistener =...

Android browser GREEN border on click...

Hi, I want to develop a web application using HTML, CSS and Javascript one thing that is really annoying is that any link or button etc when clicked inside the Android browser gets highlighted with a green border. To demonstrate what I mean I have included a link to a page that contains a basic game written in CSS

how can i set my image as wallpaper with the size i want.???

i hv image of size icon size i want to set it as wallpaper in center when i set it as wallpaper or background it stretched and become larger and whole simulator screen how can image size become large than the one i m using to set as a wallpaper, how can i set my image as wallpaper with the size i want.??? i want to wallpaper manager or...

How to change the color of an indefinite ProgressBar?

I have a progressbar with the following style: style="?android:attr/android:progressBarStyleSmall" Sadly the bar is nearly white and in my case displayed on a white background. The progressbar is nearly invisible because of that. How can I change the color of the progressbar? A darker grey would be great. ...

Android camera intent.

Hi I need to push an intent to default camera application to make it take a photo, save it and return an URI. Is there any way to do this? ...

Android: ScoreNinja is only displaying 1 highscore....

Hi All, I am trying to implement ScoreNinja into one of my apps. It all seems to work, but when I submit a score it replaces the current #1 score with any that I supply, even it is lower. This means that only one score is ever displayed. Anyone got any idea what I'm doing wrong? I have e-mailed the dev but he/they haven't responded. ...

console.log is not working in Android 2.1 emulator

i'm running one web application... in android emulator browser in one java script file i trying to output some string as console.log("android"); but i didn't got this log using adb logcat even i tried to start adb logcat firstly and then tun the app. but didn't got log message which i used in console.log is there any way so i can ...

Using the pre-installed Google Maps instead of an own activity by using Intents?

Hey guys, I just wanted to know wether it is posssible to pass geocoords to the google maps app bis intents or something similar. I wrote an app for displaying route, coords and so on by myself, but wouldn't it be more elegant to ask google maps itself for displaying this? I don't know if this is possible, but maybe, one of you can ans...

how to create database in android

i need step by step procedure for creating a data base in android ...

How to automatically resize an EditText widget (with some attributes) in a TableLayout

Hi everyone, I have a layout issue. What I do is this: create TableLayout in xml with zero children: <TableLayout android:id="@+id/t_layout_contents" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@id/l_layout_tags" android:stretchColumns="1" android:paddingLeft="5dip" android:paddingRigh...

html textfield in WebView in an Android application is hidden by the soft keyboard

Hello, I have an Android application that is a TabHost with a WebView. I use it to load a specific html file that has a text field in its bottom part. When I touch the html textfield, the soft keyboard pops up, and hides the textfield, so that I cannot see what I have typed. Here is the layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ...

[Android] How to resume video playback after the surface was destroyed ?

I'm working with the media player on a streaming application (RTSP): Video and sound are played great but when an incoming call pauses the Activity, the Surface is destroyed (I know this because of traces in SurfaceHolder.Callback). Once the call finishes, the activity is resumed and a new Surface is created. I've tried to assign it t...