
Java doesn't work with regex \s, says: invalid escape sequence

hi, I want to replace all whitespace characters in a string with a "+" and all "ß" with "ss"... it works well for "ß", but somehow eclipse won't let me use \s for a whitespace.. I tried "\t" instead, but it doesn't work either.. I get the following error: Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are \b \t \n \f \r \" \' \ ) this is my...

Design pattern for extending Android's activities?

While programming on Android, I end up writing a parent activity which is extended by several others. A bit like ListActivity. My parent activity extends Activity. if I intend to use a Map or a List, I can't use my parent activity as superclass - the child activity can only extend one activity obviously. As such I end up writing my paren...

Android file-creation fails.

I use the following code to create a folder "mymir" and a file ".nomedia" (in the mymir-folder) on the sdcard of an android unit. However, somehow it fails with the exception that the folder the ".nomedia"-file is to be placed in dosn't exist. Here's the code: private String EnsureRootDir() throws IOException { File sdcard = Environ...

How to add new field(s) to the contact?

I want to add a Custom field to the ContactsContract content provider. I'm trying to build a Voip application and would like to add a SIP address(name@domain) field to it. What MIME type will I need to associate with it? Also I want to add a group address field which will have a list of group addresses in it (name@domain, name@domain,......

Syncronizing mobile phone contacts with contacts from social networks

I retrieve a JSON list of contacts from a social network site. It contains firstname, lastname, displayname, data1, data2, etc... What is the efficient way to quickly lookup my local phone contacts database and "match" them based on their name. Since there are firstname, lastname and displayname this can vary. What do you think, how can...

Android button in arbitrary position over RelativeLayout

I'm trying to build an android application that features a graphical display drawn within a RelativeLayout. I want to place "+" and "-" buttons next to several of the parameters, which are drawn at various points on the canvas. The positions are free-form don't seem to conform to any of the standard XML layouts. I know how to create t...

AlerDialog is not created - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id X

Hi, I want to create a normal AlertDialog. I used the example provided by the android dev docs. I just changed the DIALOG_PAUSED_ID to DIALOG_DELETEDB. If I execute my code and press the button which in return should create the dialog, I get the following error log: 04-29 01:01:20.973: WARN/dalvikvm(1168): threadid=3: thread exiting wit...

help with eclipse debugging /or/ subclassed SimpleAdapter not calling setViewImage()

Hi I was following the method for asynchronously loading images into a listview as outlined in evan charlton's blog here. The problem I am having is that the setViewImage function is not being called by the system: @Override public void setViewImage(final ImageView image, final String value) { if (value != null && value.length() > ...

running python from an android app

Hi everyone, I am trying to run a python script through an application I've written. I found some pages which say that this piece of code is doing it, but I can't figure it out. Can someone explain ...

Question mark (?) in XML attributes for Android

Can anyone explain the question mark means in Android XML attributes? <TextView style="?android:attr/windowTitleStyle" More attributes /> ...

installing python packages on android

I want to install a python package from source on android. Is this possible? I tried in the console to run the py install files, but distutils (.core, ccompiler) isn't being found. Is it possible to still install them? ...

How do I make links in a TextView clickable?

I have the following TextView defined: <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/txtCredits" android:autoLink="web" android:id="@+id/infoTxtCredits" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:linksClickable="true"></TextView> where @string/txtCredits is ...

WITH_OBJECT_HEADERS enabled GC from Dalvik?

Hello, As I know Dalvik VM does not support generational GC as default. But, I found "WITH_OBJECT_HEADERS" compilation flag which could be related with generational GC from HeapInternal.h file. typedef struct DvmHeapChunk { #if WITH_OBJECT_HEADERS u4 header; const Object *parent; const Object *parentOld; const Object *m...

How to define function in a string in Android?

I have an event handler that I want to be connected to a button through xml. Basically, I want to define it as a string in my xml file, then use the property inspector to select the name of the handler for my button (the "on Click" property). How do I define a call to the function in the string? ...

Application Publisher

Hi, I am about to finish my Android application. I would like to provide lite version and more complete paid pro version. Unfortunately, Google does not allow Australian developers to sell applications and I don't have any friends in US or UK. Does anyone know of a person/company who would publish my pro application on my behalf? Googl...

Android: programmatically - how to open a email received on mail account (example gmail). Like in BlackBerry There is ViewListener interface, which has open() and close() method.

Android: programmatically - how to open a email received on mail account (example gmail). Like in BlackBerry There is ViewListener interface, which has open() and close() method. Is there any Similar Interface in Android as well. Please advice. ...

Opening an email client on clicking a button

Hi, I am designing an app in which i need open an email client on clicking a button. The email client should be opened with pre defined subject and 'to' address. Is there a way to attain this??? Plz provide me the solution and code if possible... ...

SQLite FTS3 inconsitent performance

A table with ~100k rows. SELECT word FROM entries WHERE word MATCH '"chicken *"'; 17 results in 46ms SELECT word FROM entries WHERE word MATCH '"chicken f*"'; 2 results in 5793ms Why such a huge drop? ...

SQLite FTS3 sumulate LIKE somestrin%

I'm writing a dictionary app and need to do the usual word suggesting while typing. LIKE somestrin% is rather slow (~1300ms on a ~100k row table) so I've turned to FTS3. Problem is, I haven't found a sane way to search from the beginning of a string. Now I'm performing a query like SELECT word, offsets(entries) FROM entries WHERE wo...

Can you intercept a MMS SMS message and extract the image on Android?

I want to basically intercept a text message that has an image attached, and save that somewhere automatically. Can this work on Android? ...