
Android Client : Web service - what's the correct SOAP_ACTION, METHOD_NAME, NAMESPACE, URL I should use?

if I want to use the following Web service ( is just an example, let's say it does exist): (it's written in PHP=client's choice, not .NET) with the following WSDL : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <definitions xmlns="" name="webservice_help" ...

troubles reading other apps config files

Hi guys, I have a problem. I have to access to the data folder of other applications from my application to read configuration's file and so on but it seems it's possible only to read data from the sdcard and my application's data folder. Can you suggest me how to solve this problem? ...

How to determine the current IME in Android?

I have an application where I would like to warn the user if they are not using the default Android softkeyboard. (i.e. they are using Swype or some thing else). How can I check which input method they currently have selected? Thanks ...

Enable Media Volume Slider in Android application.

Some Android programs trigger the "media volume" slider when the hardware volume up/down buttons are pressed. My application seems to set the ringer volume when the hardware buttons are pressed. How would I enable the media volume slider? I would hate for users to have to go into their settings to change the media volume when they use...

DOJO.xhrPOST not working in android

In my JS i'm using this code try{ var xhrArgs = { url: "/mum/proxy/http/localhost:8080/", postData: tmp, handleAs: "text", load: function(data) { // alert("data:"+data); }, erro...

Access remote service in different application

Hi I defined a remote service over a AIDL file. Now i want to access this service in a different application. But how can I do that? The AIDL file is not accessible in my second application, and if i just copy the AIDL file, then the service can^^t be found. Any hints for that problem?? Thanks Sebi ...

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager

I have an activity that starts AsyncTask and shows progress dialog for the duration of operation. The activity is declared NOT be recreated by rotation or keyboard slide. <activity android:name=".MyActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" ...

Android InsertImage, Low Quality

I am programatically creating a Bitmap with the line below (where width is the screen width and height is slightly less than the screen height). Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); I then draw a few simple Path objects on it and save it to the Gallery with the following line. Uri uri =

Android: Setting maxSDK version for Android 1.5 app

Hi, I've released an android app with the property <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="4"/> now my app seems to crash on android 1.5 devices (i guess because i use drawable-mdpi/hdpi,...) so thought it would be good to release the same app just for 1.5 devices (not using the mdpi/hdpi-directories). but whe...

How can I vary the height of some keys within a row?

I'm creating a custom keyboard layout. The SDK allows changing the width of keys in a row (as in ThickButtons), but ideally I'd like to be able to vary both the height and width of keys within a row (and still have the keys occupy all the available space.) Another way of looking at this is that I want to allow some keys to be in more t...

Using java with android how can I get the path of my resources files?

I added some audio files to the res file. first I created a raw dir and then I added the folder with the audio files. How can I get each file path? (I want to use the path to play this audio files) I found that I need to use classLoader.getResource but I don't understand how. what is the argument for this function? ...

Adapter Methods in Android?

i have go through the three methods in Adapters classes. getView() newView() bindView() what are the difference between those methods? please share some tutorial, sample code or logics to understand this. Thanks. i have to create a listview with the progressive icons. which adapter you suggest me to do that? ...

How can I check out Android source code in Windows OS?

I try to search for it but I just cant. I am running Windows 7 on Lenovo G460 laptop. I tried to install Ubuntu on it but I cannot use Wireless to connect to the internet for some reason. Is there anyway for me to get a look at Android source code or at least just the Calendar part of it? ...

How can I reference a drawable class in Android XML

I've created a class that extends drawable that I'd like to reference inside a resource xml. I happen to need it in a selector, like so: <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_pressed="false" android:drawable="

Use XML Layout to contain a simple drawing

I would like to create a simple drawing (lines, circles, squares, etc...) but I'm having difficulty figuring out the best way to do this. The drawing would need to be scaled to fit the display since the size is indirectly specified by the user (like in a CAD application). Also, I don't want to take up the entire display, leaving room f...

GCC: Simple inheritance test fails

I'm building an open source 2D game engine called YoghurtGum. Right now I'm working on the Android port, using the NDK provided by Google. I was going mad because of the errors I was getting in my application, so I made a simple test program: class Base { public: Base() { } virtual ~Base() { } }; // class Base class Vehic...

Issue calling superclass method in subclass constructor

I get a NullPointerException calling a Superclass Method in Subclass Inner Class Constructor... What's the Deal? In my application's main class (subclass of Application), I have a public inner class that simply contains 3 public string objects. In the parent class I declare an object of that inner class. public class MainApplication ...

Creating a bitmask parameter for a function or method

I noticed a lot of Android functions have a parameter that you can pass in that's a bitmask, for different options, like on PendingIntent, you can pass in things like you can call getActivity() with PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT|PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE. I'm wondering how I can create a function that has a parameter like this? ...

adding admob widget

i cant seem to figure out how to add the admob widget into my application. i want to add the widget to a linearlayout that is the child of a relative layout. the linerlayout was created just for the ad. and have it update/refresh the ad each time a button is pressed. i have already imported the JAR,edited my manifest to include the per...

Android registerListener and battery life

In reviewing this post, the highest rated answer says you should unregister and reregister the listener for the accelerometer onStop and onResume to conserve battery life. My question is how do we know which listeners we need to stop/resume to minimize our application...