
Share data between local service and the hosting activity

Hi, i need to share data between a local service and his hosting activity, i`am using sendBroadcast in order to send data to the hosting activity from the service, but if i want to send data back to the service from the hosting activity? so i though to create static method on the service, and call from the activity, and through it send...

Override onDraw to change how the drawing occurs (Android)

How can I override onDraw so that I take what would have been drawn (as a bitmap) and transform it? The method below works, but it unfortunately, this method involves creating a bitmap the size of the entire screen - not just the area that is drawn to. If I use this to draw UI elements, it is redrawn for each UI element. Can this be don...

how to use Android Spinner with text and value?

dear friends, i want to use Android spinner with following data. Spinner will display only text data not code. code , text 1 , a 2, b 3,c . . . etc i have stored above comma seperated data in same activity class (Hard coded form) now if user selects "a" from the dropdown then it should get its code rather then text. can any one gu...

Use layout_alignBaseline with Spinner

Hello everybody, I've noticed that layout_alignBaseline of TextVew control doesn't work with Spinner control. I'm trying to place a text to the left of spinner, but it goes to the top of the parent control. <Spinner android:id="@+id/locations" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layo...

Android Google map balloon over overlayitem

I am using google map, displaying overlayitems on the google map. To create balloon effect, i am using customize view and using geopoints with MapView.LayoutParams to display it at particular location. overlayitem's icon and baloon both having same geopoint thats why they both are overriding eatch other. I want to display baloon over ...

ImageView with Spinner

I have a GridView displaying thumbnails using ImageViews. I am displaying a default image while the thumbnail images are being downloaded from the background(inspired from native applications) i.e. the getView() of my adapter class returns a default Bitmap first and then runs a background thread and replaces the default with actual later...

Multiple frame buffer in android

Hi All, I am working on creating multiple displays on a single screen, i.e., I want to run two different activities simultaneously. I came to know that, to achieve this requirement we need to change the surfaceflinger code and some hardware properties in the android source. Can anybody help me in finding the exact procedure in modifyi...

Does the Quick Search Box search the database in Android? how?

i have an database with the values of latitude and longitude. i would need to search those values depends on the user input. does the quick search box can search only the database value with the type-to-search feature. Else i want to put a separate EditText and then do the the search process.. if QSB is possible then how to do that? i wa...

A Flip effect like iPhone scrollView

How can I write a flip effect Like iPhone scrollView? Is there any Code Sample? Thank you ^_^ ...

Android gridview and paging

I want to make paging with android GridView, but first I want to know if anyone has an idea of how to do that. ...

Using GROUP BY to fetch rows from SQLiteDatabase and then render them using SimpleCursorAdapter

I want to display total amount of seconds that was spent each day on a project. I want to use SQLiteDatabase to fetch rows using the query below and then use SimpleCursorAdapter to fill a ListView. SELECT projectId, date, sum(endedAt-startedAt) as hours FROM project_reports WHERE startedAt >= 1270098000 AND endedAt <= 1272776399 GROUP ...

Android Custom View - Optimizing Redrawing while Fling

I have a custom view that represents something like a photo-collage. I need to support the following: Fling Zoom In Zoom Out Here's what I currently do: onDraw: Look out for the number of images to be drawn. Look out for the images to be drawn and their locations and angles If the image had been downloaded (from the ser...

Ideal way to set global uncaught exception Handler in Android

I want to set a global uncaught exception handler for all the threads in my Android application. So, in my Application subclass I set an implementation of Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler as default handler for uncaught exceptions. Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler( new DefaultExceptionHandler(this)); In my impl...

Does android phones support CDMA?And do they have an seperate MSISDN number?

Does android phones support CDMA?And do they have an seperate MSISDN number? ...

Custom View - Avoid redrawing when non-interactive

I have a complex custom view - photo collage. What is observed is whenever any UI interaction happens, the view is redrawn. How can I avoid complete redrawing (for example, use a cached UI) of the view specially when I click the "back" button to go back to previous activity because that also causes redrawing of the view. While explori...

Does android support MSISDN number

Does android support MSISDN number ...

Android: Checking if headphones are plugged in

How can I check if headphones are currently plugged in. I don't want a broadcastreceiver which informs me when they have been connected to the device. I need something like: if(/*headphone is connected*/) ... ...

after starting eclipse my phone (htc desire) disconnects form my pc

Hello, My phone(htc desire) loses connection with HTC Sync, version: 2.0.33 on my laptop when I start eclipse galileo. I have windows 7 32 bit. The followings are what I have done to solve this problem but with no luck: unplug and replug the usb cable. installed the old version of HTC sync uninstalled the old version and installed th...

Ksoap in Eclips

HI i new to android. i want to use ksoap to connect to web service. i have seen a lot of example. but the bet which i am not able to figure out is how to install ksoap in eclips so that i can import the ksoap libs import org.ksoap2; ...

How to do a task immediately after installation of Android applucation..?

Hi All, I'm developing an application in Android. Is there anyway that I can send SMS to destination number, saying my installation is successful - without opening the application or clicking any buttons - immediately after the installation. ...