
Getting a Soft Keyboard for a EditTextPreference

Hello, I have a shared preference that is being accesed via an EditTextPreference. I am in the process of porting this application to a device that does not have a hardware keyboard for text entry. When the time comes to modify the EditTextPreference, there is no soft keyboard that becomes available, and I am at a loss as to how to in...

JavaScript on Android randomly stops working

Hi! I have an application that uses a WebView and a html-page with javascript functions. Randomly the JavaScript functions doesn't seem to be called. It works up to a random point (I have looked at this bug all day) can only be produced on hardware (HTC Legend) not on emulator. Basicly I'm using callback to javaScript whenever the user...

Issue using gson with Android in Eclipse

Hi, when adding gson 1.4 to the java build path of my Android project I get the error shown below. Anybody can help? thanks [2010-05-03 18:42:07 - Atable] UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/google/gson/annotations/Expose; [2010-05-03 18:42:07 - Atable] at

Difference between GL10 and GLES10 on Android

The GLSurfaceView.Renderer interface of the Android SDK gives me a GL interface as parameter which has the type GL10. This interface is implemented by some private internal jni wrapper class. But there is also the class GLES10 where all the GL methods are available as static methods. Is there an important difference between them? So what...

Android: Getting Error: Conversion to Dalvik format failed

I am building an app on android and running into an error and while searching on net, came across your posting on this and changed the eclipse.ini to increase Xms and Xmx params but still this error does not go away. I am using Eclipse IDE for Java with Andrioid SDK 2.1 on Mac OS. Please help or please point me to someone who might kno...

android: tablerow mixed with columns and multiline text

I am trying to have a tablelayout contains several tablerows. One of the rows contains 4 buttons, while the second row contains a very long text. However, the width of the button stretches with the text in the second row. Is there anyway to prevent this?

DocumentBuilder.parse() / Parsing Entities

I'm new to parsing XML and am having an issue with entities. (Am doing this on Android, if it makes a difference). Is there a way to have it turn an entity into the character it represents? I have this in the child of an element: "isn't" (minus quotes). I would prefer it parse it and the end result be a single text node. However, r...

Singleton wrapper for Context

I'm considering creating a singleton wrapper for a Context so my model objects, if necessary, can open and read from a database connection. My model objects do not have access to a Context, and I'd like to avoid needing to pass a reference to a Context from object to object. I was planning to place into this singleton a reference to the...

Problem with Android emulator

Projects do not run, on screen emulator only "ANDROID" WinXP pro SP3/Eclipse Galileo java version "1.6.0_20" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing) My actions: 1.Start the emulator(Platform:2.1 API Level:7), wait until the window DDMS status will change t...

XML array from SQLite database

I am using SQLite to store school classes. I want to fill in a Spinner with the classes that get stored in the database. How would I grab all the classes in the DB and load them into a spinner? ...

Does Google provide any Android tutorials that teach how to implement a Service?

I apologize in advance for the "newbie" nature of this question. Here is my predicament: I'm brand new to android and developing in general. I'm using android's SDK with eclipse Galileo. I've followed several tutorials to create different layouts. I've even learned recently how to use radio buttons and verify which ones were selected. N...

including pre-built java classes into an android project

i'm trying to include a maven java project into my android project. the maven project is the greader-unofficial project which allows developers access to google reader accounts, and handles all of the http transactions and URI/URL building, making grabbing feeds and items from google reader transparent to the developer. the project is ...

Android GLSurfaceView glTexImage2D glDrawTexiOES

I'm trying to render a 640x480 RGB565 image using OpenGL ES on Android using GLSurfaceView and Native C code. Initially I had a 0x0501 error with glTexImage2D, which I was able to resolve by changing the image dimensions. But now, in the "drawFrame" call, when I do glDrawTexiOES to resnder the texture, I'm getting the following error o...

Enable GPS and network location programmatically on rooted phone?

I'd like to write a simple widget that toggles GPS and network location on and off. I've read that it's not possible to do that normally, but presumably on a rooted phone it must be doable. Does anyone know what the code would be? (I only need the code to toggle the location providers, I know how to make the widget.) It doesn't matter th...

Targeting Android with Scala 2.8 Trunk builds

The definitive reference for using Scala on android seems to be here: Unfortunately, all the references on using scala with android are based around Scala 2.7 and refer to a custom build android-library.jar, with a couple of cryptic references suggesting that this custom build isn't needed for later ve...

android: start an intent into a framelayout

Hi guys! I have a main activity with this layout file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Button android:id="@+id/btn_reload" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Reload" /> <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width=...

Widget starting a service also starts main activity

Hi, I have a widget that is supposed to start and stop a service (start it when it's not running, stop it when it is). This is working fine, however, each time the service is started, my app's main activity is also launched, which I don't want. If I remove the MAIN-intent-filter ( <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> ...

if i wanted to perform an iris scan, would i need any additional api's or can i just use whats readily available?

if i wanted to perform an iris scan, would i need any additional api's or can i just use whats readily available? ...

How to set the size of multiple buttons on content

I am using three buttons along with the list view.These three buttons are added to the layout using the TableLayout and TableRow.The first button takes more space on content, so the other two becomes smaller in size than first one. When the application runs, it doesn't even show the two other buttons. How can I make the size of three bu...

Splitting android application in to two 'branches', free and paid.

I've developed an android-application that I'dd like to put up on the marketplace. However, I want to split it into two separate applications, one free (with ads), and one paid (logically without ads). How would I go about doing that? I'm not wondering about adding ads (I've alreaddy managed that), but how to take one existing android-ap...