
How to share dialogs between activities in android ?

I set up a help dialog in the main activity and I want it can be activated by other activities invoked by the main activity. What can I do? It looks I need to make the dialog registered in the application global context but not binded with an activity. ...

Help me choose between XML or SQL Lite on android

I have an android app that periodically, say once a week downloads content from a server in XML. The content is used by the app, different Acitivities use different parts of the content. My question is a design one, should I save the data in SQlite or just keep it as an XML file, which one would be faster to read? The app can only use...

how powerfull is Bluetooth on Google Android?

how powerful is Bluetooth programming on Android? is it possible to add new protocols and encryption techniques? or even change in the current protocols? does it support bluetooth 2.1+EDR? ...

Synchronize app with pc

I've built an app/widget with ADT/Eclipse that I need to sync with a PC. It's my own data types, and not calendar/contact items. Is it possible at all? If so, how? ...

How to detect touchEvent across multiple objects?

In short: I need to find a way to implement swipe action (touchEvent) for my Calendar just like the default Android Calendar one. I am using GridView to make a calendar for my application. When I touch any date, I launch an activity to display details on that date. My problem is that now I tried to implement swipe to change month/year...

How to refresh an activity? Map View refresh fails

Hi Guys, after implementing some Android Apps, including several Map activities, I try to refresh the activity when the GPS listener's onLocationChanged() mehtod is called. I have no idea how to tell the map activity to refresh on its own and display the new coords... the coords to store will have to be in global values, so that the lo...

Android: How can I get the google account userid, first name and last name after successfully login

I managed to get oauth token and Token secret from google, after the user login and grant access to the web site. after that I want the user's ID, first name, last name, and other available information about login user's. How can I achieve it. Thanks in advance. ...

create a listener that will listen to an external push server

Hi, is there any build-in mechanism in Android, which could create a service or app that actully listens to some server from the out side.. something that will "Wake up" the phone and makes him receaving a message from an outside server (i am asking this coz most of the appz are working the way aroound, when the phone sending requests to...

AIDL: Stub class methods not being called

Hello, I am using AIDL to pass objects from an Activity to a Service and am getting some strange behavior. To my understanding, the idea behind AIDL is to create an interface in a .aidl file, which android will then implement (partially) in a dynamically generated class. Android will create an abstract class called Stub, which you the...

List view and list adapters for displaying json

Hi, I am trying to display the text from json in a list view. I got help for retrieving the json text from the following... But my problem is that i cant figure out how to display them in list view. I also want to get ...

Bluetooth on Google Android

is possible to use bluetooth in emulation mode on google android? what is the current implementation of bluetooth? is it 2.1 +EDR? ...

Android forwards compatibility

Hi all, I just published my first application to the market, but i just found out that android.telephony.gsm.smsmanager was depreciated as of Android 1.6. My application depends on sending SMS messages, so it cannot not work in 1.6 or newer. I built the project against 1.5, but I only have a device with 1.5 to test on. Since I built o...

Adroid's DateFormat replacement - missing the format() with FieldPosition

Hi, I need to split a date string into pieces and I'm doing it using the public final StringBuffer format (Object object, StringBuffer buffer, FieldPosition field) from the java.text.DateFormat class. However, the implementation of this function is really slow, hence Android has an own implementation in android.text.format.DateFo...

Access the next button event android

I don't know if it's very clear, but i'm trying to do something when the "next" (bottom right corner of the keyboard) is pressed, and i can't find its keycode. I have tried to look for "next" or "enter" in the keycodes but nothing really relevant... does anyone know? (actually, i've found the enter keycode to be precise, but it does no...

Is it possible to receive SMS message on appWidget?

Is it possible to receive SMS message on appWidget? I saw android sample source(API Demos). In API Demos, ExampleAppWidgetProvider class extends AppWidgetProvider, not Activity. So, I guess it is impossible to regist SMS Receiver like this, rcvIncoming = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context conte...

opengl es color picking on android without screen flashing

i have written a object selection algorithm which picks the objects by their color. i give every object an unique color and then i just have to use the glReadPixels method to check which object was selected this works fine and is really fast but the problem is that the frame is displayed on the screen with all the picking-colors so the ...

Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating

I've found out that my is never updated, so it doesn't contain info about my new resources, so I decided to delete it and thought that Eclipse will generate a new one. But that didn't happen and I don't have now. How can I generate one? I'm using Win7, if that changes anything. ...

Android ListView with Checkbox: automatically unchecks

Hi, I've got a ListView with a custom BaseAdapter. The list items contain CheckBoxes that need to represent a property from a database. I use CheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener with a new OnCheckedChangeListener to detect changes, so I can change the database based on the current state of the CheckBox. Pretty straightforward stuff so ...

how to fetch app data(name, version, etc.) from android market?

As we know, the apps in the apple app store has a unique itunes link, and we can fetch app data about the app from app store through the link. I am wondering how can i achieve this in the android market, just like the website did? As long as I know, each app in the android market has a ID, which just like "com...

Android card based game, need help to start

Hello, I'm just setting out in android development. I want to make a kind of card based game. I'm just looking for suggestions really on how I might start it. I know I have to make the menu layout and view, then use an Intent from that to get to the main game view. My sticking points are: -There's going to be a deck of cards. It's goi...