
Data Structure Used For SMS Messages In Android

Does anybody know what data structures are used to the store messages in an SMS client app, and whether there is an existing API for this. I was perhaps looking at implementing a link list for the purpose but if the work has already been done in an API then perhaps it would be unnecessary to commit time to the task that could be spent p...

Using android native button icons

am i allowed (legally) to use graphics/icons from the android source for a commercial application, in order to blend in nicely with the android look&feel? i am talking specifically about the plus/minus buttons from the edit_contacts activity in the contacts application. OR: is there a way to let a button look like (ie with a style) these...

How can I send Data from BroadcastReceiver to Widget?

I have a BroadcastReceiver which loads data from the Internet and then it should send them back to a Widget. But how can I do this? What I've already done is updating the Widget directly from the Broadcast, but I like to just send de data back. public class UpdateManager extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onRece...

DroidDraw does not support Tab implementation.

Hi, can any one tell me how to include tab implementation in AnDroidDraw code???????? I have downloaded the AnDroidDraw code from "" but does not provide TabHost and TabWidget implementation. Thanks.... ...

Does Developing Android Applications require a Rooted Device?

I am looking generally in to Android development. I keep seeing information on root however I am unclear how this relates to general android app development. I understand that there is an emulator however when I get to actually test the software on a phone does that phone have to be a rooted device or is this only required if you wish ...

Toast on top of ListView in Android?

Hi, I have a listview in my Android Application. Now, when the user presses Next Button other contents will be loaded into the listview. What I want is that if there are no more contents available then there should be a toast displayed indicating that there are no more data available. Say, for example I have a total of 55 data availab...

Android : retrieve Custom properties from or manifest.xml

Team, I would like to know, whether we can add custom configurations in Manifest or deploy properties? If yes, please provide examples. thanks, Ramesh ...

Set Data roaming on/off

Hi, How could I programmatically set data roaming on/off in my android application ? ...

Whats wrong with this simple Layout?

Im trying to define a LinearLayout which contains another LinearLayout which should always be desplayed in the horizontal and vertical center. An ImageView should be placed always vertically centered on the right side of the parent Layout: A B I defined it th...

Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog

I'm trying to get a completely custom Dialog or PopupWindow, without any of the default Android UI controls (title, background, buttons, whatever). Is this possible at all? I've spent hours searching for this, but no luck... It seems like this should be easily possible, but I can't find it. Preferably this would be by inflating a View ...

What steps do I need to do to get my game working on multiple resolutions?

Hello, I have a written a game that works fine on the 'normal' 320x480 screen of my G1. I tried it on a friends Xperia x10 and it leaves a large blank section on the right hand side of the screen. How do I fix this? I've read that I need to include an extra directory in res/drawable for different densities. How do I do this? Thanks for ...

Consistent tabs through out the application

Hi, I have created an apk which has activities. I have included tabs in my program through which the user can select the required activity. But my main problem is that i couldnt find a way to display the tabs throughout the application. For example, on clicking a tab the corresponding tab opens. But when i click on a button the activity...

APN settings change

hi , How one could the programmatically change the APN settings , so they are invalidated ? ...

Can I do Android Programming in C++ ,C

Can I do Android Programming in C++ ,C ? If ( answer == "yes" ) { then please tell how ? and whats the procedure for set-up ? ( i donot know obj-c ,java ) but well versed in C,C++ ,FLASH AS3 SDK released by google please do not tell about NVDIA SDK its not fully developed :) } ...

png image store in database and retrive in android 1.5

hai , I am new to android . I have proble . this is my code but it will not work , the problem is in view binder . please currect it . // this is my activity package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; import android.database.Cursor; import

Accelerometer data analysis

Hello, I would like to know if there are some libraries/algorithms/techniques (python, if at all possible) that help to extract features from accelerometer data (extracted from and android phone, btw), like periodicity of movements, energy of acceleration and the like. Has anyone done this kind of task before? Thank you very much in adv...

Can I make a phone call from HTML on Android?

To make a phone call via HTML on an iPhone I create an <A/> tag with an href formatted as: <a href='tel:123-555-1212'>Dial Me</a>. Is there an equivelant for HTML on Android? CLARIFICATION - using the format href='tele:123-555-1212' does indeed work on on android. I was testing the app within a native Java wrapper on the device. It d...

Android - Connectivity Questions

I have a couple of questions about connectivity on Android, if anyone has any insight it would be great. 1) What is the default when an application wants to wirelessly connect? Is it wlan? And if wlan is switched off or there is no access points around is it 3g or gprs? 2) Is a device always ip connected? Or when its disabled from wlan...

Contact picker in a dialog

I have a custom dialog in my android application. I want to have in this dialog a field for choosing a phone number from contacts. This example describes such snippet. However for this example contact picker is created inside an activity and I do not know how to do this if I do not have activity (in case of dialog) ...

Is there a work around for setAppCacheEnabled on WebView for an Android 2.1 application causing the app to fail?

We have an HTML 5.0 web application that we ported to Android. It's our intention to run this in a Native Wrapper. Our application uses the ApplicationCache to run offline. This works find when running under the browser. While being hosted in a WebView within a native application, after the last file is downloaded and stored in the...