
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle?

So I am making a basic chess app to play around with some various elements of android programming and so far I am learning a lot, but this time I am lost. When the orientation of the emulator changes the activity gets reset. Based on my research the same thing will happen anytime the application is paused/interrupted, ie. keyboard chang...

Best way to store application images taken via camera

Hi all, I'm just looking for some insight into what would be the best way for me to store images as part of my app. I have an activity that represents a 'Job' which has a couple of edittext's and underneath was planning on using the Gallery component to show images relevant to this job. The job data is stored in a database (on the sdc...

Android SQLite database gets corrupted

This link describes my problem exactly: There are about 300 people using my Android App right now and every once and while I get a crash report to the server with this stack trace: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: database disk image is m...

Getting a list of Contacts on SenseUI 2.1?

This is simple enough on every other version of Android, including SenseUI 1.5. //For Contacts Intent pickIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI); this.startActivityForResult(pickIntent, RESULT); //For Phones Intent pickIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Phones.CONTENT_URI); this.startActivityForResult(pickInte...

Changing the Android Webview hash without reloading page

Hey, I'm got a custom webview setup which is working pretty well, but I'd like to be able to either: 1, change the url hash without the webview reloading the page (it would lose the state of my js app) 2, call some js that sits within my web page from within android. I can't change any JS within the site, unfortunately, so can't cust...

Does anyone know why my maps only show grid

I've doubled checked my API key is right and that is right I doubled checked that it was correct. Here is my source and XML could anyone check to see what is wrong. Also I make sure I have internet. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <uses-permission android:name="android.permissions.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:na...

Android: How to periodically send location to a server

Hi, I am running a Web service that allows users to record their trips (kind of like Google's MyTracks) as part of a larger app. The thing is that it is easy to pass data, including coords and other items, to the server when a user starts a trip or ends it. Being a newbie, I am not sure how to set up a background service that sends the ...

Android - application ringtone setting / refreshing

I have an application I wrote that saves sound files from the application to the /sdcard/media/audio/ringtone directory without issue. My question is, after I close my app, I go to the system setting for ringtone and the sound is not listed, but if I reboot my phone, the sound shows up in the system ringtone list. Is there a way to progr...

Access point name manipulation in android

Hi, In my android application I need to turn data roaming off. Because data roaming is a system preference that can only be read, not written (it belongs to Settings.Secure) , I'm thinking to get the Access Point Names of the phone and change/invalidate them so a data service won't be available when I detect the phone is roaming. I'm th...

Android - getTabHost() is undefined

I started learning Java and how to program for Android last night :) So far I'm on this tutorial: Clearly these tutorials have been designed for people that already have experience with Java. Despite the tutorial lacking all the required steps (for an absolute begin...

EditText Problem

hello everyone, how to do this effect? :) prompt, enter the value judgments EditText correct thanks link : effect image ...

get user selection and convert it to a String [Android]

Hello, I just got a Droid, and after having used it for a while, I felt like I wanted to make a program for it. The program that I am trying to make calculates the actual storage capacity of secondary storage mediums. The user select from a list of units that ranges from KB to YB and the size the entered gets put into a formula dependi...

How do i dynamically choose which activity to launch when opening an app

I am writing an app that requires you to be logged in to a service before using it. From my understanding of android so far, you have to choose which activity to launch when you open from the launcher in the manifest. I don't know which activity i want to launch at compile time. I want the user to click the icon, then I check and see ...

MapActivity launching from OnClickListener

Just started working with android and ran into a small problem. I am have a TabActivity that is loading 3 other Activity classes. This works great. I then have a button on the other Activity classes that I would like to launch a MapActivity. When I do that I keep getting a Force Close. I googled but I cannot figure out if it is the man...

Android moving back to first activity on button click

I am writing a application where I am dealing with 4 activities, let's say A, B, C & D. Activity A invokes B, B invokes C, C invokes D. On each of the activity, I have a button called "home" button. When user clicks on home button in any of the B, C, D activities, application should go back to A activity screen ? How to simulate "home" ...

Android SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory, editTable parameter

SQLiteDatabase.rawQueryWithFactory has one parameter editTable which I don't really understand. I looked at the source and found out that I'll probably be fine by using findEditTables( tableName ) as the value (because that's the value which is used when queryWithFactory is called), and as findEditTables will just get the first table out...

Android Apps not working in emulator

None of my apps work in the emulator. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and everytime I try to access my UI, the app crashes. All I get is an "Sorry! The application ... has stopped unexpectedly". For EVERY app this happens. package com.mohit.helloandroid; import; import android.content.Intent; import

Android - openOptionsMenu doesn't work in onCreate

Is there any other way to call openOptionsMenu after activity is displayed without using something like this: new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { openOptionsMenu(); } }, 1000); Reference:

Unexpected behavior of IntentService

I used IntentService in my code instead of Service because IntentService creates a thread for me in onHandleIntent(Intent intent), so I don't have to create a Thead myself in the code of my service. I expected that two intents to the same IntentSerivce will execute in parallel because a thread is generated in IntentService for each inv...

Why OpenGL ES texture mapping is very slow?

I have an Android application that displays VGA (640x480) frames using OpenGL ES. The application reads each frame from a movie file and updates the texture accordingly. My problem is that, it is taking almost 30 ms. to draw each frame using OpenGL. Similar test using the Canvas/drawBitmap was around 6 ms on the same device. I'm fol...