
Android drawCircle's are not always 360 degrees

When I call drawCircle (ex. canvas.drawCircle(x, y, r, mPaint);) and I use Paint Style STROKE to initialize param #4 mPaint, the result doesn't quite make a full 360 degree (2*PI radian) circle in all cases. Sometimes you get a full circle (as I would expect) and sometimes only an arc. Does someone have an idea what would cause this t...

How does Android decide which background resource to draw on the foreground?

I defined two ImageButton which are contained in a LinearLayout in my XML layout file: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/tabs" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" android:minHeight="40px" android:background="@draw...

Android Web App : Position:fixed broken?

Hi all, I'm in the process of developping a Web Application for mobiles. I went with web applications because to me it seems a winning situation having to develop one application that could run also on iPhone / Windows Mobile / Palm etc. I started testing today after a few days of doing concepts, ideas and designs and what I wanted to ...

how to save value onDestroy or onStop and get it back with the program launch again ?

I wonder if I could save a value (in my program its an index) so I could call it back when the program launches back again (even if the program destroyed) and the user could start from where finish. Thanks ...

Starting Frame-By-Frame Animation

Hi, I have a basic question about starting a frame-by-frame animation. When I call the AnimationDrawable.start() method from my code directly, it doesn't seem to work. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... mAnimation.start(); ... } But if I put this line inside the onClick() callback method of a butt...

Is there a unique Android device ID?

Do Android devices have a unique id, and if so, what is a simple way to access it via java? ...

Find the Window containing a View in Android

I can't find a way to obtain a reference the Window containing an arbitrary View v. I found getWindowToken, but I can't figure out how to use it? Does anyone know how? Also, does anyone know why it returns an IBinder rather than a Window? ...

Proper use of HttpRequestInterceptor and CredentialsProvider in doing preemptive authentication with HttpClient

I'm writing an application in Android that consumes some REST services I've created. These web services aren't issuing a standard Apache Basic challenge / response. Instead in the server-side code I'm wanting to interrogate the username and password from the HTTP(S) request and compare it against a database user to make sure they can run...

Best way to get an Application Context into a static method in Android

I'm working on an Android application that has several Activities. In it I have a class with several static methods. I would like to be able to call these methods from the different Activities. I'm using the static methods to load data from an xml file via a XmlResourceParser. To create a XmlResourceParser requires a call on the Applicat...

Update Google Latitude location from 3rd party android app

I am working on an app that uses the GPS on my g1. I'm wondering if it is possible that when I am using the app I can have it update my Google Latitude location every x number of minutes. Any thoughts on how this may be accomplished? ...

How can I prevent my Android app/service from being "killed" from a task manager?

It is very important that my service stay running until someone with a password stops the service from my UI screen. My app runs great but it is designed to be turned on/off by parents (with a password) on their kids phones. I have managed to make everything work but the problem I'm having is that if the kid uses a task manager to kill m...

What does an EditText.getText() in android return if it is empty?

I've tried null and empty string, any other ideas? ...

Dynamic Overlays slowing down Google Maps (Android 2.1) on Nexus One

Hi, I'm trying to create a dynamic ItemizedOverylay (please see the code below) on Google Maps (Android 2.1) on a Nexus One. In my Activity (that extends MapActivity) I'm creating a data thread that is receiving data from the network. A 'handler' is used to communicate the data from the receiving thread to map activity. This data co...

Determine when application icon is clicked to launch the app in android

Is there any way in android to determine when the user clicked the app icon to launch the app ? I mean say a user was using my app. Then he presses the home key as a result of which the app goes to the background. After sometime he clicks the app icon again. My question is do I get a call-back for this ? ...

IntentNotFoundException for TextToSpeech.Engine.ACTION_INSTALL_TTS_DATA

I am trying to implement text to speech by following this article on the Android Developers Blog. It suggests the following code for installing text to speech data if it is not supported. Intent installIntent = new Intent(); installIntent.setAction(TextToSpeech.Engine.ACTION_INSTALL_TTS_DATA); startActivity(installIntent); This throws...

android : SQL Exception while querying

Team, Can you please help me to understand why I m getting the following exception. 05-07 10:57:20.652: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(470): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "1": syntax error: , while compiling: SELECT Id,Name FROM act WHERE Id 1-IJUS-1 Thanks in advance, ...

Android - Is there any way to query for "unread" voice mail?

I'm writing a program were I want to list all "unread" voice mail. Is there any way to to that on Android? It would also be ok just to know if there are any unread voice mails. ...

Writing to a java socket channel which should be closed does not generate an exception

Hi all, We have a java server that keeps a socket channel open with an Android client in order to provide push capabilities to our client application. However, after putting the Android in airplane mode, which I expected would sever the connection, the server can still write to the SocketChannel object associated with that Android clien...

Test if file exists

Hi, I'm trying to open a file in android like this : try { FileInputStream fIn = context.openFileInput(FILE); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fIn); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); if(in!=null) in.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } , but in cas...

Android Service - Ping URL

How can I use Android Service to do a ping callback? I need to open a webpage on a button click, but in the background, go ping another url for stats collection. Code snippets will be greatly helpful Thanks Chris ...