
Need a java API to get the default bitmap icons in Android

Is there a way to get the bitmap icons based on filetype or mime type, programatically from Java in Android. Is there any API for the same which reads the file path (as string), and returns corresponding icon in bitmap or any other format? ...

detect roaming events ?

hi, How could I detect that the phone is data roaming ? ...

How pattern lock disbles screen lock in android

Hi, In android 2.1, if we enable pattern lock, then the screen lock (slide to unlock) is not displayed and if pattern lock is disabled then screen lock is enabled again. Can someone point me out the java file in framework and the function where this happens. I mean when the screen is about to get locked, how does android decide that whe...

How to implement iPhone TitleBar in Android

You know in iPhone, The four components of a typical iPhone application are a title bar, a navigation list, a destination page, and a button bar. for The Title Bar The title bar includes the following elements: Back button: Screen title: Command button: My question comes, although i can use UI framework tool, such as: Phonegap...

Skia Decoder fails to decode remote Stream

I am trying to open a remote Stream of a JPEG image and convert it into a Bitmap object: BitmapFactory.decodeStream( new URL("") .openStream()); The decoder returns null and in the logs I get the following message: DEBUG/skia(xxxx): --- decoder->decode returned false Note: 1. the content l...

Using the Android SDK on a Mac, Eclipse is really slow. How can I speed it up?

I'm using Eclipse + the Android SDK on a Mac running Snow Leopard to develop Android apps. Thing is, Eclipse is really slow - like, it "beach balls" for a few seconds when changing tabs. Is there anything I can do to improve it's performance? ...

Dynamically creating Widgets on Android

Is it possible to create multiple widgets in runtime? Application (Activity) should generate in some cases new widget(or edit exist) with new name and label and do some primitive action on click, which should be available in desktop widgets menu. ...

Android number input with plus and minus sign.

Hi, I am developing in android and I would like an input field for numbers, where the user can select the correct number using the plus sign at the top and the minus sign at the bottom of the input field. I know this works for date picker. Is there some property or something similar to make this available for any integer number input fi...

Getting coordinates when clicking anywhere on a MapView

I just cant get this working. I tried using the code below with onTouchEventand and it doesn't work. If i return true at the end of the method, i get the toast with the coordinates but can't move a map, and if i return false, i can move a map but cant display a toast after the user clicks on a map. If i get it right, the other onTap me...

How can I get Resources by name (string) and not by integer

for example: public final class R { public static final class raw { public static final int yuri=0x7f040000; } } How can I get the resource by its name? Without using R.raw.yuri = (int) ...

Functioning of Intent.action_pick_activity??

Hello everybody!! Here is I would like to set up in my application, the function of sharing (facebook, twitter, e-mail) as that of YouTube for example but I get lost little. By looking I saw that apparently it would be necessary to use Intent.action_pick_activity but I do not manage to see how using it on my case. What is that somebody...

Android ContentProvider database query multiple tables

Hello all, I'm writing an RSS reader for Android. I've faced a certain difficulty which the problem I can't resolve since databases aren't my expertise.. So i figured out maybe one of you could help me out! I currently have 3 tables (Categories, links and feeds). My goal is too link a feed to multiple categories. Therefor I'm using a Li...

Small picture retrieved from Camera although specified MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT in 2.X

Hi everyone, I just don't get it: when I use the camera with an intent and also specify an output file, the returned image is always very small on many devices (e.g. Motorola Milestone 2.1, HTC Desire 2.1, Emulator 2.1, Emulator 2.0.1) but not on all (e.g. Nexus One). Here's what I do to bring up the camera app: private final static St...

Paypal as in-app Payment model in Android?

Hi, I am integrating Paypal into my application for in-app purchase. I am using Paypal Mobile Checkout for this purpose. I will like to know whether Android Market will approve this kind of application which uses a payment gateway other than Google Checkout. Can anyone let me know where I can find information related to this? Thank...

Do dispatchTouchEvent() gets called on HTC Hero?

Could someone with Htc hero (android 1.5) please try if boolean dispatchTouchEvent() method works on htc hero. I tried something on emulator and it works, but when i try it on my phone it doesn't get called. Thank you! ...

how can retrieve image in sdcard in byte convertion in android application

hi I am working in android application retrieve image in sdcard in image read in byte convertion how can solve this type of problem i am getting in image uri in sdcard ...

Save XML to Recordset

Hi All, I am working on android, and I am parsing a huge XML file. so all the time I need to get some data from that XML file, which is making the application very slow. Is there any way that I can create a data set/record set/result set of the XML file so that later I can get the data from the newly created set. and also how to read...

Window Leaked on FBConnect in Android?

how to rectify this Window Leaked Exception. i cant find why its occured. My LogCat Info: 05-07 17:25:05.402: ERROR/WindowManager(13595): Activity com.codecarpet.fbconnect.FBLoginActivity has leaked window$DecorView@433b9ae0 that was originally added here 05-07 17:25:05.402: ERROR/WindowManag...

How to insatall SD card on Android emulator (1.6)

I want to install SD card on android emulator(1.6). I am using Eclipse 3.4.0 I found one command to install SD card: mksdcard But where to execute it I am not getting?? I tried in Dev tools-> Terminal Emulator But it is giving error : permission denied Thank you.. ...

How do you set up an SSL cert that HttpClient under Android will accept?

I'm connecting to a REST service using HttpClient under Android. I'd like to be able to write code where I could pull the host, port, etc. out of a properties file and not have to write fake Schemes and other things like that in order to do the development work. In other words, the live site will have a cert. The dev site will have a sel...