
Android: Getting extended information using the google search API (Reviews, Description etc)

I'm writing an app for android that allows users get information about places nearby. The app is using the Google AJAX Search API. However I'm having a problem in that I can't find anyway via the API to get information such as ratings, reviews or venue information; as on this page. Can anybody give me any pointers on where i can get th...

How does getAltitude() of Android GPS Location Works

HI I tried to implement a simple GPS tracker. Therefore is used lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1000, 0, this); Then i used the public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { method to read the altitude of my current location. But i ...

Android USB driver v2 vs v3? V3 doesnt see moto droid in device chooser?!?

I can see my adp2 in ddms device chooser, but cant see Dave's droid. (used to be able to before updating to usb v3!). Can some smart person diff the inf files from usb v2 and v3 and see if they dropped the droid by mistake when they added the nexus? I can't think of any other reason why I cant see the droid in the device chooser. USB deb...

Objective-C to Java cross compiler

It is clear that cross compilers will not be allowed by the Apple App Store, so a developer will need to be familiar with Objective-C to create applications for the iPhone. I was wondering, is there a cross compiler that will take Objective-C application code and rebuild it into a similar Java application that can be packaged for Andro...

ListView Item Detail Screen: New or Same Activity?

I have a listview where each item correlates to an instance of an item in an array. When the user selects an item, it will bring up a 'Details' page that reads and displays other data members of the list item. Would this be better implemented with the Details page as its own activity, or a new view within the same activity? Pros and con...

Edit Contact code worked in 1.6 but doesn't work on Droid 2.1?

Hi All, I had some fairly simple code in my app to invoke Edit Contact activity on a known good contact index that worked in Android 1.6 but is broken for me now in Android 2.1 on the Droid. I built a sample activity/app 'EdCon' to show this: package com.jbh; import; import android.content.Intent; import

.apk signing fails even with Sun JDK (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I'm having an interesting problem signing my Android application, whether or not I'm using a debug key. Regardless of the JDK I have installed to /usr/bin/{java,keytool,jarsigner} (OpenJDK or Sun's JDK) it will always give the following output after compiling successfully: -package-debug-sign: [apkbuilder] Creating RemoteNotify-debug-u...

draw is being constantly called in my android map overlay

I'm trying to draw a route onto my MapView. I've extended Overlay and implemented the draw() method. The route is displayed properly, although while debugging, I added a breakpoint on draw(), and noticed it is being called constantly. I only want it to be re-drawn if someone moves the map or zooms (the draw take into account these chang...

Android App Widget: Data storage

Hello everyone, I'm implementing a home screen app widget. I was wondering which is better to store/read data: SharedPreferences or a SQLite database? The data is accessed from an AppWidgetProvider (similar to a BroadcastReceiver), and any given instance of the widget displays different data based on appWidgetId. Is one way or the other ...

Why my HttpPost can't receive all response data?

I'm on Android 1.5, and my code is like this: HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); HttpEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, HTTP.UTF_8); httpPost.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost); HttpEntity respEntity = response.getEntity(); String result = EntityUtils.toString(respEntity, DEFAULT_C...

HttpURLConnection: What's the deal with having to read the whole response?

My current problem is very similar to this one. I have a downloadFile(URL) function that creates a new HttpURLConnection, opens it, reads it, returns the results. When I call this function on the same URL multiple times, the second time around it almost always returns a response code of -1 (But throws no exception!!!). The top answer i...

Android: I uploaded my first app! Keywords?...

I've just uploaded my first app on the market. It all went and looks well. I tried a few keywords to search for it, words that I also have in my description AND promo text, but some words don't find my app, some do. How does the keyword strategy work for an app on the market, I couldn't find no documentation on it. ...

Android listview produces black highlighting over text when scrolling. How to stop this?

I have a listview within which each item contains black text on a white background. When testing on a Nexus One, when scrolling down to read through the text, a black highlight appears over the text and makes it unreadable. I am trying to figure out what is this setting so I can turn it off. I do not want anything to get highlighted whe...

Android back button does not restart activity?

My app intiates an activity. On the click of a button, the app opens up the browser with a webpage. When I hit the back button, it comes back to my initial activity screen, but does not resume or restart the activity. When I put all the layout code and activity code in onResume instead of onCreate, the activity gets restarted. My que...

Full screen caller for Android

hi i would like to developed full screen caller application in android how can i add my activity on top of the call screen of my phone any example? regards jay. ...

Android: Quitting the Looper?

I have a thread I use to periodically update the data in my Activity. I create the thread and start a looper for using a handler with postDelay(). In onDestroy() for my activity, I call removeCallbacks() on my handler. Should I then call handler.getLooper().quit()? Or not worry about it and let the OS deal with it? Or would it just run ...

how can validate website address in android application

hi i am developing android application website address how can implemented validation example : please forward some solution ...

Weird Overlay draw behaviour when zooming in the MapView [android]

I've extended Overlay and implemented draw() in order to draw some stuff onto the map. When zooming is done through mapController.zoomIn() (called when doubleTapping the map), the overlay is drawn properly onto the map. BUT whenever I zoom in/out with the built in zoom controller, the overlay is not drawn properly and panning the map is...

ListView created programmatically - emptyView doesn't show

I've created custom ListView programmatically, and set view to show when ListAdapter is empty but nothing shows on the screen in that case, what can be wrong? public PlayerList(Context context, Activity activity) { super(context); mParent = activity; setOnItemClickListener( new OnItemClickListener() { ...

How to add my network library integration into FBReaderj in android?

Hi , I am new in the field of ANdroid. I am using FBReaderj code for my project. I want to download a book from my website. In FBREADERJ they have integrated with three site. I want to add my own. Any ideas ?? Please Help.. Thanks in Advance ...