
Reading contacts

Hi, I'm trying to read all the contacts stored in the phone using this code: Cursor cursorNumber = context.getContentResolver().query( Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Contacts.Phones._ID, Contacts.Phones.NAME, Contacts.Phones.NUMBER }, null, null, null ); but the result seems empty un...

Handling multiple accounts in Android app

I would like to build an application that caters for multiple accounts (eg. home, work) and account types (e.g. ISP, VoIP, Mobile). Essentially, I would like to get the user to create the accounts they want and then have all the accounts listed on the start page grouped by type. For example: ISP: - Home - Work Mobile: - Mum - Dad ...

How do I retrieve files or audio files programmatically from the device?

I want to know how to get the ringtone,audio files in the device and I want set them as alarm. How to do it? I am working in the code to set the alarm and I want to know how to retreive audio or ringtones from the device. ...

Android: Problem with SpanableString and ListView

Hi, I have a problem, I have a custom ListVie, inside each row I have a TextView and other things. Inside the the TextView I have a Spannable text with a url open behaviour. My problem is I have a itemClick event for the listview too. If I activate de LinkMovementMethod for the textView, the itemclick event dont work. Any solution? wo...

Any foundation to administrate an Android open source application?

Our open source application is quite popular, and we are many developers. The app uses my Android Market account, and I shared the keys with a developer. But if both of us disappear, the application's Market account will be lost, and all users trapped. Giving the keys to all developers is not a solution either, for security reasons. Is...

Is it possible to restart the phone with Android SDK or NDK?

Is it possible to programmatically restart the phone from a application (service) running on top of the Dalvik VM? If the SDK does not provide this functionality, then how about using the NDK and calling some functions provided by the kernel? I know this option is not preferred (not stable enough libs), but if it's the only option, I'll...

Toast versus Dialog boxes: which to use when?

The answer could be subjective. The answer could be intuition. And I guess the answer could be found from the traditional modal versus non-modal debates. But in general how do you generally decide which one to go for? What are their use cases? Thanks. ...

How to get my contact card/id on Android?

How do I get my contact card/id of a Android phone? eg: the owner of the phone ...

Android Send Key Event When Calling

I have an app through which I can make a call to a number. What I want is to send Number ( 0-9 ) to receiver when talking. Can any one help me? ...

Dev efforts for different mobile platforms

Hello guys, I'm in the middle of development of a client-server "socializing" that is supposed to run on several mobile devices. The project is pretty complex, involving networking, exchanging media, using geolocation services, and nice user UI. In terms of development efforts, technical risks and extensibility what is the best platfor...

HTC Hero Mouse BOll click not working on Custom ListView?

dear friends, i have created custom list view using class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements { private LayoutInflater mInflater; private Context context; public EfficientAdapter(Context context) { mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); this.context = context; } ...

Android - VPN at the native layer

Just a quick question as Google isn't throwing up much. Is it possible to create a VPN connection using native code in Android? And if so does the VPN offer support for keep alives? ...

Android: DOM-Model to XML

Hey Guys, analogue to this one ( or I try to use it under Android... The problem is, that I can't use the suggested solution under android, because it throws java.lang.verifyError... ...

button in listView

hi, I have Button and TextView in my ListView , and I would add listener on button but I can't do it. Actually I have in my adapter : [code] imgClassement.setImageResource(drawable); imgClassement.setTag(mail); imgClassement.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ @Override public void onC...

Seekbar length manipulation

Hi, I'm using a seekbar in my android application to set the volume. However the length of the seekbar is unesthetically too short. So is there a way to customize the length of a seek bar ? ...

Customizing tab indicator images in android?

how to change the tab indicator's images in android? there is a tab_indicator.xml file in-built in android sdk. in that the Relative layout has the background as a tab_indicator file as background. how to customize this images in tab_indicator and set our new images? I have a problem that the not selected tabs are highlighted with a whit...

debugger committing suicide to free the zombie

Hi, I am getting decoded frames from my engine and my playing it using SurfaceView in android. But it plays for 2-3 seconds and then my application crashes with the error "debugger committing suicide to free the zombie". Please help me. I am using Android SDK 2.1. ...

How to get which image (its position) is on focus in an Image Gallery?

Hi all, I am playing around with the Gallery widget. I would like to know how can we get the position of the image on focus in the gallery. For example having several pictures in my gallery, if I tap my finger to the right, pictures will come and go until it stop to one. How one can get the position of this one picture that is curre...

How can I overwrite incoming call screen on Android?

Hi. As I know, it is possible to add my app's info on incoming call screen on Android. (As WhitePage's CallerId) There are posts about it but I didn't see any good sample or instructions on how to do that. Can anyone write down a good example for that? Thanks. ...

Basic Android Layout Question

Hi, I'm new to android but I've been working my way through the tutoials. Still trying to get my head round layouts in a non-html world and was wondering how to achieve the following.... 1) I'd like to set a tiled background to fill the screen behind the whole activity 2) I'd like to place a graphic and a button underneath it centred ...