
How to control a webView

Hi, In one of my xml layouts I use an webview (besides other TextViews) for which I call loadUrl("myURL") to display the content from a url. The desired effect is to have displayed in a screen all the other textViews , and below them the content of web page. However when the webview loads the URL , it starts a new activity and displays ...

Android Development-cannot download an image outside of onCreate

hi everyone...... im new to android development........and i am stuck with a problem...... i am trying to develop an android application that shows the user the location of atms,hotels etc on a google map....i havent started working on the gps of now the app works something like this....first of all a map loads on which i intend t...

Android: No icon for Notification

Hello, I wanted to create a notification without the icon in the status bar (the state that is not expanded). I tried the custom expanded view and set the icon for this view only. But it did not work. When I give 0 as icon to the constructor, the icon disappears but notification also does not appear in the expanded view. Notificatio...

Why would changing the StrokeType of a GestureOverlayView affect the standard behaviour of the view?

I recently introduced multi-stroke gestures into my application. This is a preference so I set the StrokeType dynamically in Activity.OnCreate. What I have discovered is that if you set the StrokeType dynamically, it changes the behaviour of the GestureOverlayView in the following way. The normal behaviour is that you draw a gesture and...

Android beginner

Hi I am new android. I need to know how to install it in windows xp and which one is the best IDE and what are the requirements are needed. And I need to know how to develop an application in that platform. ...

Should onSaveInstanceState save the "enabledness" of the views?

Hi there, I have a preferences activity where I can change the language and the theme of my application. From there I return to the previous activity via the Back key, and I want to recreate the activity. I've managed to do that by reinitializing the layout in onResume and also calling onRestoreInstanceState from there. All the views ...

Why is my Android app force closing when I try to check if an EditText has a double

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(lapsPerMile_st); if (!scanner.hasNextDouble()) { Context context = getApplicationContext(); String msg = "Please Enter Digits and Decmials Only"; int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG; Toast.makeText(context, msg, ...

MapView tile coordinates

Is it possible to determine the coordinates of the tiles that are visible in a MapView, relative to the first tile in the upper left corner of the entire map (including the invisible part)? I can't seem to find a way to get the tile coordinates ... ...

How to remove accent characters from an InputStream

I am trying to parse a Rss2.0 feed on Android using a Pull parser. XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(, null); The prolog of the feed XML says the encoding is "utf-8". When I open the remote stream and pass this to my Pull Parser, I get invalid token, document not well formed exceptions. When I sa...

Mutli Lines Tab Screen

Hi, I'd like to create a screen which holds some Tabs in a multi lines formation. I'm using Android 1.5 and develop for HTC Hero devices. Thanks, Eyal. ...

Calling notifyDataSetChanged doesn't fire onContentChanged event of SimpleCursorAdapter

I have this scenario onResume of an activity: @Override protected void onResume() { if (adapter1!=null) adapter1.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (adapter2!=null) adapter2.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (adapter3!=null) adapter3.notifyDataSetChanged(); super.onResume(); } Adapter has been defined as: pu...

How to send Data to my App over USB Connection in Windows

Dear Forum, I have an app developed and deployed on my HTC mobile phone. I am able to debug this in eclipse with the USB driver SDK. The mobile phone appears now in the hardware manager ADB interface. I would now be able to send data through this USB connection to the mobilephone wich my app is able to handle. I know some tethering s...

Android Access inbox

I want to show few sms available in inbox in my application. And how to identify or to distinguish to sms from others? Is there any message ID or something to identify sms? ...

Android how to get access to raw resources that i put in res folder?

In J2ME, I've do this like that: getClass().getResourceAsStream("/raw_resources.dat"); But in android, I always get null on this, why? ...

How can data not stored in a DB be accessed from any activity in Android?

hi, I'm passing data to a ListView to display some restaurant names. Now when clicking on an item I'd like to start another activity to display more restaurant data. I'm not sure about how to do it. Shall I pass all the restaurant data in a bundle through the intent object? Or shall I just pass the restaurant id and get the data in the ...

startActivityResult Problem on Quick Search Box in Android?

How to do the startActivityResult() for the Quick Search Box? that is if i click a button in my activity. it should wake up the QSB and search. i click the suggestion button. it will return the string which is shown as a suggestion. how to do it? which intent action i have to use and how ? Any Idea? EDIT: i am using android:searchSugge...

How to play a sound file under Android browser.

Is there any way to play a sound file under Android browser? ...

Android ListView TextSize

my listview.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/RelativeLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="" xmlns:myapp=""&gt; <ListView android:i...

Programmatically disable WiredHeadset

Hi, I have an HTC Hero with a major issue. It thinks that the headset/headphones are plugged in. I sent it to HTC and they said there is water damage so no fix. I have tried toggleheadset, toggleheadset2. I've rooted my device and installed the Android 2.1 ROM. Now I found out that AudioManager.setRouting and .setWiredHeadsetOn(bool) h...

HOw to set wallpaper in Android

Hi, I am using Android SDK 1.6....could someone tell me how to set an image as the wallpaper in the homescreen... getApplicationContext().setWallpaper(); seems to be not working for me... ...