
Android browser javascript events when minimised

I'm building a webapp for Android smartphones that runs with the OS internet browser. the main interface is to input datas. the data is added to a queue (android 1.5: gears, android 2.x: html5). Each 5 minutes (using setTimeout), the script looks if an internet connection is active, and if so, sends all the queue to the server. If the p...

ProgressBar not reset to "0" when opening the second time.

In an Android application I run a task in a separate thread. While the thread is running it updates a progress bar in the main window to let the user know what's going on. The problem is, that if a user starts the thread a second time the progress bar won't be reset. It will just sit on 100% without doing anything. The whole source is a...

What smartphones to target for a modern b2c app?

We want to build a smartphone app which uses geolocation, etc. and target the most important smartphones. Which OS would you support for a b2c application? I found a german statistic here: which forecasts the ...

performSelectorOnMainThread equivalent in Java for Android

I have an iPhone application and I am porting it over to Android. I have a service/controller that spawns new threads to perform some network tasks. I use performSelectorOnMainThread in my iPhone app. How can I have my Java app do the same or similar thing? ...

Autohide scrollbars when not scrolling in a ListView

In the new official Twitter app, the scrollbars in all the ListViews the app uses are hidden unless the user is scrolling through the list. When you start scrolling, the scrollbars appear. When you stop, they fade out with an animation until they are gone completely. I can't seem to find anything in the documentation that indicates ...

Send Logcat output of an App to an EmailAdress

Hi Were now testing our application with a few friends. Sometimes there are some errors which dont throw an exception. So I don't really know whats the problem was. So i thought it would be a good idea to implement a menu item which allows to send the logcat file to a email adress, so that we can examine the logcat. Unfortunately I did...

Add compiler flags to the standard android build.xml

I want to add -Xlint:deprecated to the java compiler while building android app. I've seen the compilerarg tag inside javac tags, but the generated build.xml for the standard project doesn't have such a tag. Any hint? ...

Android Google Directions

Some Questions about Android and Google Directions Service: Is there a native way on Android to use the Directions Service from Google or are there any nice Wrapper Frameworks? I would like to retrieve the time needed to get from A to B and maybe show the route in a table and/or map. As far as I know directions can only be retrieved f...

Is my way of doing threads in Android correct?

Hi, I'm writing a live wallpaper, and I'm forking off two separate threads in my main wallpaper service. One updates, and the other draws. I was under the impression that once you call thread.start(), it took care of everything for you, but after some trial and error, it seems that if I want my update and draw threads to keep running,...

Weird parsing date string error in Android 2.0 emulator

I have a simple test code for testing SimpleDateFormat. This code works well on Eclipse and Android 1.5 emulator, but it failed at Android 2.0 emulator. Does anyone know why? Thanks. public class TemplateActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInst...

Launching an activity at its current state.

Hello, I am trying to make a task switcher and i succed in it. My only problem is that when I launch activities, they are relaunched as they were new activities ( for instance, I am writing an email, i press home and go into my activity,launch email, and then the app launch the email bout goes back at the inbox and the email is lost) So...

Enable Scrolling within EditText that is in a ScrollView

Our app (WordPress for Android) uses a scrollview for the new post view, where a user enters in their new blog post. There's quite a few fields on this view, including a large EditText for the post content field. It appears that when an EditText is in a ScrollView, the ScrollView takes over the scrolling action, so the user can't scr...

Online Database

Hello! I want to write an application that reads blogpost from the internet and then present in my own way. The blogposts are stored in databases, so I figured that the only thing I had to do was to query an online database for the posts that I want to show.. But I can´t find a way to opoen a connecion to an online database... anyone ...

Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM?

Yesterday we received OTA Android 2.1 on my wife's HTC Droid - HOORAY!!! I am finally able to load my carputer app on her phone. Well we loaded it, but it doesn't work. Specifically, it connects but sees no I/O!!! I paired, re-paired, and re-paired again, every time its the same problem: connect() says we connected successfully, but a...

Video Streaming in Android using Lighttpd

Hi I 'm developing a video streaming android application on HTC Tattoo. I 've Lighttpd server at my server side which i use to stream videos to a web site. On Android , Do I need to enable any module in Lighttpd server? Thanks ...

OpenGL ES - texture map all faces of an 8 vertex cube?

Working through some OpenGL-ES tutorials, using the Android emulator. I've gotten up to texture mapping and am having some trouble mapping to a cube. Is it possible to map a texture to all faces of a cube that has 8 vertices and 12 triangles for the 6 faces as described below? // Use half as we are going for a 0,0,0 centre. width /...

Sending and receiving data from a web service using android

Hi All, is it possible that I send a request from my Android app to a web service and in return I get a data for example a XML file from the web service which I parse in android? Thanks kai ...

Android carousel image gallery

How can i carousel image gallery which never gets end.. after last first image and before first last image. ...

ContextMenu not popping up on Long click

Hi, The context menu is not popping up on the long click on the list items in the list view. I've extended the base adapter and used a view holder to implement the custom list with textviews and an imagebutton. adapter = new MyClickableListAdapter(this, R.layout.timeline, mObjectList); list.setAdapter(adapter); registerF...

Android CTS : downloading of CTS, environment setup, building and execution.

hi everybody if you people know about Compatibility Test Suit for Android. Please send us the information regarding source code downloading of CTS, environment setup, building and execution. ...