
Android: transparent videos

Hi guys, I was wondering if it is possible to run transparent video? (the background should be something else, like a picture, or view, shown from the camera, etc.)? Any idea if this is possible and how it's done? (should I use openGL, or smthn else)? 10x in advance, Danail ...

long text not always wrapping in WebView

hello guyz I have strated playing with the WebView and I have to say it behaves somewhat different from a browser. for instance I noticed that normal text doesn't wrap normally and it tends to create horizontal scrollbars as a result of its exceeding the width of the window. In a web browser if u add a long text to the body of an HTML ...

How to convert 3GP video for Android to view?

Hi, I'm creating 3GP videos with the Android - however, when the 3GP files are posted on a site, the same Android phone cannot view it back. (The file works on the iPhone). What is right way to encode/resize the 3GP video so that the video player on Android can play it back? Thanks ...

Android: Processing video and sound on phone

Hi guys, I want to merge a sound file and a video file (remove the sound from the video file and replace it with my own sound) and this should happen on the phone. I have done this through ffmpeg, but I can't do that now. Any help appreciated, 10x, Danail ...

how can we call webservice through background service

Hi! i am using a web service. i have to start that particular service at every 6 hrs interval, automatically . i want to perform this task with alarm manger. but i have no idea. ...

why Geocoder.getFromLocationName(...) returns an empty list?

I'm using the android.location.Geocoder for the first time. The Idea is: I have a Listener on a button which takes input from an EditText and resolve the location. Up to now it's debugging phase, so I have no handler taking messages from the thread, only geocoding and write to logcat. Q: Why this method always returns an empty list of Ad...

how do i call a java file on click in another java class?

hi, i have two files App. java contains frontend buttons and functionalities lists the imagesin the sd card i want to call in click event in package gallery.display; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; ...

Unicode problem with Android

Hi friends, I am using Unicode at the place of ASCII in Soft keyboard application, bt i found some code like : ↑ - ↑ (up arrow) ↓ - ↓ (down arrow) ← - ← (left arrow) → - → (right arrow) ↵ - ↵ (down-left arrow) ↨ - ↨ (up-down arrow with bottom line) ...and may be more have problem,showing Rectangular/space. Any one have list of Sup...

Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView?

Given the following HTML: <p>This is text and this is an image <img src="" />.</p> Is it possible to make the image render? When using this snippet: mContentText.setText(Html.fromHtml(text));, I get a cyan box with black borders, leading me to believe that a TextView has some idea of what an img tag is. ...

How to synchronize AudioRecord and AudioTrack

Is there any way to synchronize the capturing and playback of audio data in Android? I need to do some signal processing (echo cancellation, etc.) that needs synchronization at sample level. I.e. everey time the hardware captures an audio frame, I need the corresponding frame that was played through the speaker with high accuracy. Any...

XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons??

Hi heres a part from my XML for LAND format: <TableLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center" android:stretchColumns="*"> <TableRow> <Button android:id="@+id/countbutton" android:text="@string/plus1"/> <Button a...

Android Eclipse Error "Android Packaging Problem"

Hello; I am getting an error in my Problems tab for my Android Project in Eclipse. The error is "Android Packaging Problem" with an Unknown location. Unknown Error NullPointerException I cannot determine what this problem is. My project was working a few hours ago. The only change I made was to add a public interface ITrackDao ...

Android: Disable highlighting in GridView

Hello, after searching for more than 3h in den the docs and testing I have to ask this question: how can I turn off the orange highlight, when clicking on an item in a GridView? Thx ...

View Stub(Pagination) and Lazy loading of Images in android

Hi friends, In android mobile we have an default application Market, under submenu there is functionality called all applications. In this, first it shows only ten records in which it will display defalut image and text, then in back ground it will update images. When we scroll down (i.e., end of list) and it shows loading and then it l...

Android Loading Dialog Freez

Hi every one, I have this code in android. But when the Thread begging the loading in freezing. How I can prevent the freezing. here the code: private void reload(final String criteria) { try { myProgressDialog =, "Please wait...", "Loading Your Photos... Please Wait", false); new Thr...

Problem with custom Dialog Android

Hi, I have a custom Dialog on my app and I have a problem to do what I would like. I explain. My Dialog have had 4 Buttons. (Back, Valid, Modify and Restore) When user click on Modify or Valid I would like to call another activity. So I use Intent but it crash. The error Log : 05-19 13:29:21.495: ERROR/DEBUGTAG(974): java.lan...

WebView Problem on Youtube site in Android?

i tried to load the url on my app in a webview. but it cant be load completely. it loads just like below image. in the browser it loads comfortably. why? Any Idea? ...

How to find the exact center of a String? (Android) - SOLVED

How to find the exact pixel center of a String? I need this for drawing onto a canvas. SOLVED float ty = ((-mTextBrush.ascent() + mTextBrush.descent())/4); Add this value to the y axis when you draw. ie. canvas.drawText(text, cx, cy+ty, mTextBrush); where cx and xy are your center points ...

How can I see the error log for Android in Eclipse?

how/where can I see what happened when my Android application crashes in Eclipse (using Run, not Debug)? ...

Why my button can trigger the UI to scroll and my TimerTask inside the activity can't?

Long Story Short: a method of my activity updates and scrolls the ListView through an ArrayAdapter like it should, but a method of an internal TimerTask for polling messages (which are displayed in the ListView) updates the ListView, but don't scroll it. Why? Long Story: I have a chat activity with this layout: <?xml version="1.0" enc...