
Does Android market works on Beagle board(or any Third party board)? if yes How ?

How to access android market through third party boards ...

Problem in horizontal scroll in android

hello... i am using a table layout in a screen. i need to have both horizontal and vertical scrolls. By default i am able to get vertical scroll in the view but horizontal scroll is not working. i am using android SDK 1.5 r3 i hv already tried android:scrollbars = "horizontal". i hv read on some forums that in cupcake update horizonta...

help me doing this- 'installing Android zip in Eclipse3.5 sdk'

I'm having problem with installing the android in with Eclipse 3.5 sdk. Here are some specifications, I have the android 1.5 sdk zip file, and And the Eclipse 3.5 sdk zip file. I have tried installing android as a plug-in but was unable, please tell me the way so that i can install android in Eclipse with above specifications onl...

Android: Scale a Drawable or background image?

Hi, On a layout I want to scale the background image (keeping its aspect ratio) to the space allocated when the page gets created. Anyone have any idea how to do this? I am using layout.setBackgroundDrawable() and am using a BitmapDrawable to setGravity for clipping and filling, but don't see any option for scaling. Sam ...

how to listen for changes in Contact Database

Hi, I am trying to listen for any change in the contact database. So I create my contentObserver which is a child class of ContentObserver: private class MyContentObserver extends ContentObserver { public MyContentObserver() { super(null); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChan...

Get Android View Instance

This is a dumb question and I know the answer is sitting in front of me, I'm just having trouble searching for it in the right way. I've got a custom view that has been set as the content view and inflated from xml. How can I access the instance to call methods on it from the activity class? I remember seeing something akin to getReso...

Implement a RadioButtonPreference in Android

How can you implement a RadioButtonPreference in android? Just like the CheckBoxPreference. Are there any workarounds? ...

Android Camera Prepare Fails

I'm trying to build a simple video recorder for an Android device and I've had limited success and mixed results. It worked once, but now, without changing anything, I'm getting a "Camera is not available" error followed by "prepare failed -2147483648" error The constructor for the previewer looks like private SurfaceHolder holder_...

Retain data in WebView (Android)

I have various pieces of generated HTML/JS that I load into Activity with WebView#loadDataWithBaseURL. Is there a way to not load in again and again during Activity lifecycle? For example - user goes to check the message and then calls the app again. At that point - the Activity is stopped and probably destroyed, when it's loaded again I...

In J2ME and ANDROID which one is more useful, useable and popular as mobile programming language or framework?

I am very interested in mobile application development. But I don't know which language or framework is more popular, useful and useable. I know JAVA well. If you have any idea and/or experience, please help me to take my decision. ...

Android view without xml

I need to create view without XML. I retrieve the id by the getID method of the views but I get a ResourceNotFoundException. I tried to use to fix this ID the setID method but it doesn't work anymore. ...

Dynamically adding and removing table rows - Android

I am trying to dynamically add and remove rows from a TableLayout. The layout is defined in an xml file. I am able to successfully remove a row, but when I call the corresponding addView command nothing happens. table = (TableLayout)findViewById(; row = (TableRow)findViewById(; table.removeView(row); table.addVie...

Android SQLite and huge data sets

We are creating an app for a client that has hundreds of megabytes of HTML in SQLite databases. We have implemented a way to query this data and scroll through it all in a reasonably fast manner. The issue is that some of the databases have very large queries (20,000+ rows) and we are seeing errors when we are growing the queries as the ...

(Android) How do I prevent an EditText from resizing itself when the user is typing?

I have an EditText and a button set next to each other on the same horizontal line. It looks great, except when the user enters a lot of text, the EditText is resized, and the button is squished. I have both EditText and Button set to layout_width="wrap_content". "fill_parent" messes up the layout, and I don't want to use absolute siz...

Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView

This is a very common scenario: displaying images in a ListView which have to be downloaded from the internet. Right now I have a custom subclass of ArrayAdapter which I use for the ListView. In my getView() implementation of the ArrayAdapter, I spawn a separate thread to load an image. After the loading is done, it looks up the appropr...

What sorts of fun things can I do with an android phone?

Tomorrow I am buying an HTC magic phone on the Rogers network. Since it runs android (the only reason for picking this phone :) ), I was hoping to do some playing around with it, writing applications for it and the like. But first of all, how? Do I need some special cord? I know about the android SDK, but how do I even get started? And,...

Android. How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change?

Hi, is there a way to make application to completely ignore screen orientation change? Thanks. ...

How do I know if a MotionEvent is relative or absolute?

I am implementing OnTouchListener and am receiving MotionEvent objects. Some ACTION_MOVE events reports absolute X/Y coordinates, while some reports relative coordinates. How can I ask a MotionEvent what kind of coordinates it currently represents? ...

How to make Android application as executable file like JAR in Java?

Hi, I want to make my android application as executable file that can install in any other android emulator like JAR in java programming.If anyone know please help me. ...

Android. Animation Performance

Hi, I am using an animation that makes a flip (on ImageView), but animation works not smooth (looks like performance issue). The image is a PNG file of size 128x128. Here I will post code of my animation: <set xmlns:android="" android:shareInterpolator="false"> <scale android:fromXSca...