
How to open up a specify SMS in android

Hi, Is there a way to open up the Messaging Activity on android with a specify SMS? Thank you. ...

How do I draw a scrollable background for an Android game

Hi, I want to draw an image that on some levels may be larger than the screen as the background for a Android game. I want the user to be able to scroll the image using their finger on the touch screen. Here is how I am drawing the background: Bitmap scratch = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.background); canva...

J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE

I have very little idea about mobile platform, though I am interested to program for mobile platform. Would you please compare between J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE. I would like to know which one is better, and if there is any VM technology to test the programs. Which one should I choose and why? Is there any IDE, d...

Problems with displaying XML-based layout and adding text dynamically

Hi, I have a LinearLayout defined in XML that I want to use repeatedly to display elements of a list. The XML-layout looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wr...

Is there anyway to write android applications in PHP?

Is there anyway to write android applications in PHP? This page clearly mentions that Android apps should be written in Java. Just wondering if there is another way... ...

VM and Debugger for Android

Is there any virtual machine to test Android? How can I debug the program for Android? ...

How to draw RTL text (Arabic) onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly?

I'm trying to draw Arabic text onto a Bitmap for display: Bitmap img = Bitmap.createBitmap( (int) f+100, 300, Config.RGB_565); Canvas c = new Canvas(); c.setBitmap( img ); mFace = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf"); mPaint.setTypeface(mFace); content = "يجري"; content = ArabicUtilities.reshape( content ); S...

Experiences with Android?

Hi, i would like to buy a new cell phone that runs Android. From what I heard I assume it's quiet programable and customizable. What are your Experiences? Are there any good books on the topic? Regards Nick ...

Android. How to improve Eclipse Performance for projects with lots of resources?

Hi, I have notices following: if I have a project with minimum files in res folder, the project saves quickly, compiles quickly and launches quickly. But if I have a lot of resources, my project is saving, compiling and launching during relatively long period of time. This is really frustrating if you do some minor UI updates, and yo...

Request helping for writing HTTP Request in Android

package com.example.helloandroid; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.*; import org.apache.http.client.methods.*; import org.ap...

Android multiple frame animations

Hi all. I'm trying to concatenate two frame based animations. I've tried some approaches without success: 1.- I've tried to use an ImageView and change the backgroundResource when required but the resource isn't changed. 2.- I've tried also using two ImageViews, set one animation to each and set visibility to Invisible for the second....

Bluetooth on Android

Two question on Bluetooth development on Android: Is there a way to enable Bluetooth to be always on (I might have a long device discovery phase in my application) in Android? As far as I can see the default value is a count down from 120s. Does it exist any open source Bluetooth API implementations? ...

I am trying to install XMPP client on Android through adb install command it gives INSTALL PARSE FAILED NO CERTIFICATES error, if anybody know about this error please help me

Please tell how test XMPP client on Android emulator. ...

Custom adapter in Android

I would like to make a custom CursorAdapter that takes a cursor and provides an extra summary row at the end. Such that given a Cursor with 4 rows, the ListView will contain 5 rows, the 4 rows from the cursor, plus a fifth row that contains some totals from the previous 4 rows. From the documentation I'm not clear on which methods to o...

Ellipsize not working for textView inside custom listView

Hi, I have a listView with custom objects defined by the xml-layout below. I want the textView with id "info" to be ellipsized on a single line, and I've tried using the attributes android:singleLine="true" android:ellipsize="end" without success. If I set the layout_width to a fixed width like e.g. android:layout_width="100px" ...

Android Imaging

I saw your name on web as an android specialist and am looking for some guidance which cannot be taken from android developer lists. I am developing an application based on android.It needs to send multiple images to the server. I can send multiple emails each having a single image attachment.Can we send multiple images in a single emai...

How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL?

Hi, I am using the following code to display a video file in the android emulator,it works fine when the video file is stored in a SDcard.But when i give any URL of a video the code not working. import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.vie...

Use external fonts in android

hello.. i want to use external fonts in my app. i have tried adding new fonts using asset managers but it did not work. Typeface face; face = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "font.otf"); textview.setTypeface(face); but it did not show the text... plz help.. ...

How to resume an activity?

Suppose there are three activity,the display order is a->b->c. Now, I would like to resume the Activity a directly,after Activity c complete some operations. Resume the Activity a by Activity c directly,but create a new instance of Activity a. ...

Array access optimization

Hi all, Just a quick question really. Say I have a 10x10 array in Java, some of the places in which are not used, and I'm needing to go through all elements as part of a method. Would it be better to: Go through all elements with 2 for loops and check for the nulltype to avoid errors, e.g. for(int y=0;y<10;y++){ for(int x=0;x<10;x...