
Options for Client Server Communication in Android

I'm currently in the research phase of my dissertation project. My project is a ticket booking system for a mobile device and I have chosen to target Android. I anticipate the need for a client/server architecture with a central server, and so am currently looking at how Android could communicate with such a server. The server would gr...

"Resource not found" when building Android app under IntelliJ 9.0 Maia Public Beta

I'm trying to port an app from Eclipse to IntelliJ. The app builds fine but it fails to run properly. Here's a partial stack trace I receive: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(957): Resource not found: "org/joda/time/tz/data/ZoneInfoMap" ClassLoader: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@43761190 at org.joda.time....

Any experience with Android NDK?

I'm specifically interested in how portable it is between various phones. We have an application with some computation heavy code we'd like to share between Android and iPhone. If we could write it in C, we'd have a single code-base, but if the NDK only supports a subset of the processors that phone manufacturers are creating, or if we h...

findViewById() returns null for custom component in layout XML, not for other components

I have a res/layout/main.xml including these elements and others: <some.package.MyCustomView android:id="@+id/foo" (some other params) /> <TextView android:id="@+id/boring" (some other params) /> In my Activity's onCreate, I do this: setContentView(R.layout.main); (TextView) boring = findViewById(; // ...find other elemen...

How to get all 6 neighborhood cell ids on Android

Is there any API that will give me those 6 neighborhood cell ids on Android, or shall I try to send AT commands to the Android modem. If someone could explain that to me I would be very grateful. ...

Good alternatives to share a complex tree of objects between activities in Android?

This is a question I've now had for a few different apps I've built, and I have yet to be satisified with any of the solutions I've come up with. I thought I'd put it out there to the community to see other solutions there might be. Let's say you have an Activity that downloads a complex tree of data (in this case via json, but it coul...

Alarms vs. TIME_TICK in Android

I'm not sure which is these is appropriate for my current application. I need to switch wallpaper on a given, but user changeable, interval. I've been using a BroadcastReceiver to check every minute, but then I saw this question. Is there any particular advantage to one method over another? Right now I've got to keep a service aliv...

Android Gallery Text Only

Ive looked into the APIDemos and they have an example of the gallery where they show just text, the code however just uses a Cursor , however I want to use a String array. how would i go about doing this? This is the code for the example in API Demos: Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(People.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, nu...

Android Layout AutoCompleteTextView NullPointerException Workaround

I'm working in with the Android SDK 2.0 / Galileo / ADT 0.9.4 (latest to date). Against Android 1.5 API layer. If I go to the layout editor and add an AutoCompleteTextView the screen immediately gives me a NullPointerException. Does anyone have a documented workaround for this problem? I can't seem to find one. This is obviously a bug...

ADT plugin and Eclipse 3.5

I installed ADT plugin to Eclipse 3.5. But at Window->Preferences Android node is not shown. ...

handle textview link click in my android app

I'm currently rendering HTML input in a TextView like so: tv.setText(Html.fromHtml("<a href='test'>test</a>")); The HTML being displayed is provided to me via an external resource, so I cannot change things around as I will, but I can, of course, do some regex tampering with the HTML, to change the href value, say, to something else. ...

Does Java pass by reference or value to C when using JNI ( more specifically Android NDK)

Does Java pass by reference or value to C when using JNI ( more specifically Android NDK) ...

Android: How can I add HTML links inside a ListView?

How would I go about adding clickable links inside a ListView? ...

Multiple MIME types in Android

Is there a way to use setType() and supply multiple broad types (like images and video)? I'm using an ACTION_GET_CONTENT. It seems to be working with just comma-separated types. ...

Android: APK Icon is not being installed

I am able to deploy my application but for some reason, I am not able to get the icon to display in the pull up menu on the Home page of the OS. Does anyone know what I can do to solve this? By the way, the application shows up in "Manage Applications" but does not show up as an icon for some reason. Through Eclipse, I am able to start ...

Can't get ellipsis to work on Android

Hi, I have a TextView. I want it to ellipsize if longer than its available width. This does not work unless the input string has no spaces... can anyone provide an example of this working? I've tried different combinations of: singleLine="true" maxLines="1" scrollHorizontally="false" none of these have any effect. Again, if I supply...

Copy New Version of a Database File onto Device

Hi, I am having a hard time in DDMS "Push a file onto device" I have an old database file that I like to replace with a new file that I created using sql studio. If anybody have any idea on how to do this please let me know, thanks tj ...

Android TableLayout Header row

Okay, so I've got this TableLayout, and its full of data - with all of the rows added programmatically. I've got the TableLayout inside of a HorizontalScrollView, which in turn is inside a ScrollView - this gives me scrolling both horizontally and vertically. What I'm trying to do now is add a header row to it that will not scroll. I've ...

Android: how to create a background from pattern?

Hi, I got a pattern (.png image 4x4px) and have to fill the layout with it. Does anyone know how to do it? If I simply select the drawable as a background the image is streched but it has to be repeated along the x and y axis. ...

Why is my Bundle inside android.os.Message being reset ?

In an Activity, I have some snippet of code that fires off a Message: Message m = _handler.obtainMessage( UPDATE_PROGRESS ); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 50 ); m.setData( bundle ); Log.d( LOG_TAG, "value " + bundle.getInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 0 ) ); // prints 50 Log.d( ...