
How can I launch an activity in another apk?

HI, I have 2 projects (each has its own apk). Can you please tell me how can I launch an activity which is in another apk that I created? I have this activity which I want to launch from another project: // what should I put in here so that I can launch this from another activity in another project? ...

Simple Problem With Intent Extras

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:08 pm Post subject: Simple Problem With Intent Extras Hello, I'm working on an app widget for the home screen. I'm trying to make it so when a user taps on the widget it changes the data being displayed in the widget. However, I'm also allowing multiple instances of widgets open with different data. So in...

How can I add event handling in each row in ListView

Hi, I create a CursorAdapter to provide data for my ListView. I implement the bindView() method to show data in a row of my Listview. But at the end of my bindView, I add an clickListener to it. But when I run it on emulator, I don't see any print statement. Can you please tell me how to add event handling in a row in ListView? view...

Using a spinner on another view with a different class defined (Android)

Having a problem loading an array into a spinner that is located on a different view. The array is defined properly in arrays.xml with a name of beerstyles. The beerstylespinner is defined as the id of a spinner in carbonationcalculator_view.xml. This works when the code is in the main java class but not the additional carbonationcalc...

Why getApplicationContext().setTheme() in a Activity does not work??

hi all,i am currently have a hard time for calling to getApplicationContext().setTheme() in a activity,i just want to apply a theme resource in a application scope instead of activity scope in code style,but the trouble is that this does not work at all,can anybody explain to this,thanks a lot! He is the code skeleton: public class Sta...

how to give background colour to textview in android?

how to give background colour to textview in android? ...

Maintaining State

When I rotate my Screen from horizontal to vertical All the text I have entered is cleared.How to mainTain the state. ...

Android google map myLocationOverlay disappears?

Dear all, I try to add myLocationOverlay to the map. It was not there at first, then when I send the gps position from the ddms, then the blue shining dot appear. However, after awhile, the blue dot disappear and no where to be found. why? How can I keep the blue dot appearing in the map? thx!!! ...

Android https/ssl/tls

SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); The above line results in the exception: SSLContext SSL implementation not found I'm using Android 2.0 SDK and when specifying TLS, it is accepted. How come I get the exception? Doesn't Android support SSL? ...

Android - Can an app developed in Android 1.6 run in Android 2.0?

Is Android backwards compatible, in other words can an application developed in Android 1.6 run in Android 2.0? I just published a 2.0 application and discovered that I can't find it in the market using my G1 (Android 1.6) phone. But apparently others are downloading it. Should I downgrade the application to 1.6 or do I need to create ...

Android - Use WebView to evaluate a javascript string and return the value

Given that scripting is not natively supported in Android and wrapping libraries like javax.script.ScriptEngine into your app will make it too large, is it possible to send a javascript string to an invisible WebView and have it evaluate the string and return you the results (another string)? I want to go this route because I want to ...

Is there a way to make ellipsize="marquee" always scroll?

I want to use the marquee effect on a TextView, but the text is only being scrolled when the TextView gets focus. That's a problem, because in my case, it can't. I am using: android:ellipsize="marquee" android:marqueeRepeatLimit="marquee_forever" Is there a way to have the TextView always scroll its text? I've seen this being don...

Android: Can listviews dynamically update the UI output when the database it's binded to changes?

I have a database that gets updated by a background thread. Is is possible for the UI ouput(using a listview) to change when a database entry is added/deleted? I've seen examples of using SimpleCursorAdapter and listViewAdapters and I'm not sure which to use and if it would even work. I found an "efficient" listViewAdapter which would w...

Android - Is it possible to create a custom library to use across several appilcations?

Is it possible to create a custom library in android (having its own layout resources) for use across several android applications? I created a regular *.jar file but when I tried to create/style my views dynamically most of the properties do not work. Even referencing simple styles from the android.jar file such as android.attr.listSe...

Android Contacts.Intents.Insert.NOTES seems not to work?!

I experience that adding notes to a new contact an Android seems not to work for me: putExtra(intent, Contacts.Intents.Insert.NOTES, note); Adding everything else (name, mail, phone) working fine but not notes. May be its not an up to date question since the 2.0 release but I would like to find the answer (for older api apps) if possi...

Rotate MapView in Android

Hi, I am writing an Android app where one of the features is that the map will rotate according to the compass (i.e. if the phone is pointing east, the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top). Previous answers that I have found suggested over writing the onDraw() method in mapView, however, the api changed the ...

how to reduce the size of listview width using xml in android?

how to reduce the size of listview width by using xml in android? ...

Search button event on the handset.

I want to open a screen when use click @ search button on the handset... how can i know that search button is pressed over the handset ?? ...

Is there a way to mount Android .img to access the AVD (Android Virtual Device) contents?

I feel a bit blind developing on an emulator for Android and not being able to see the file system on the AVD (.img). Is there a way to mount it in Windows or Linux, so that I could at least see the file listing and maybe contents? Bonus if it's mounted with write permissions as well. Thank you. ...

Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView

Hi, I just registered an OnLongClickListener on my my MapView on an Android app I'm currently writing. For some reason however the onLongClick event doesn't fire. Here's what I've written so far: public class FriendMapActivity extends MapActivity implements OnLongClickListener { private static final int CENTER_MAP = Menu.FIRST; ...