
how to give icon and textview in same listview in android?

how to give icon and textview in same listview in android? ...

how to give icon and textview in same listview in android?

how to give icon and textview in same listview in android? ...

how to apply click event to image in android

i want to apply click event to image .how to apply with source code ...

Whats the difference between Activity.runOnUiThread(runnable action) and

Whats the differences/ advantages / drawbacks between using Activity.runOnUiThread or action) in android ? ...

custom seek bar for a streaming video file in android

How can we display a custom seek bar for a streaming video file in android? ...

Getting screen height before first display?

Hi, I have a ListView. I populate it with 8 items, that's all that fits vertically on the G1. Some of my users are saying the Droid has a taller screen height, and so I can probably add one or two more items to the ListView to take up the additional space provided. How could I measure the available height the screen offers at startup, ...

Open-Source Examples of well-designed Android Applications?

Can you recommend open source android applications that can be valuable to analyze, and to learn android programming from? Is any app from the Android open source project suitable for basic learning? Thanx... ...

Is there a way to change android theme at runtime?

I am now working on changing android theme style at runtime,when the user select a theme resource,not only the current application,but also all the applications installed on the phone should be changed.For example,just like you change the system language in setting activity,then all the applications' language changed.I just can not figur...

ListView Long Click Animation

I would like to capture long click events in a ListView, which was easily done using a OnItemLongClickListener. However, that lacks the fading animation of the selector transitioning to a long press that is seen when the long click is handled by onCreateContextMenu. How can I get that animation using OnItemLongClickListener? ...

Android layout for ListView followed by non-scrolling bar of text at bottom of screen

Hi, I'm having trouble setting up an Android Layout. What I would like is a scrollable ListView followed by a small bar of text (TextView) that doesn't scroll and always stays at the bottom of the screen. it would look like this: ListViewItem1 ListViewItem2 ListViewItem3 … Bar of Text Here (always displayed irrespective of scroll...

Android MediaPlayer (Emulator and URL)

Hi there! Can anyone tell me if the Android MediaPlayer class is able to play a video stored in a remoted URL? Just for testing purposes, can I use the URL http://localhost/video-name.3gp. Another question is if the MediaPlayer works well on the emulator? Thanks in advance, Best regards! ...

Android: LinearLayout addView Animation

I currently have a working Android program that programatically adds views to a LinearLayout. I would like those views to be animated in and cannot find any good resources on figuring out how to do this. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, John ...

Higher level database layer for Android?

Are there any good database abstraction layers/object relational mappers/ActiveRecord implementations/whatever they are called for Android? I'm aware that db4o is officially supported, but it has quite a large footprint and I'd rather use a more conventional database (SQLite). ...

Temporarily non-rotatable Android Activities?

Is it possible to make an Activity temporarily not rotatable (like, turning it on/off in code, not in the manifest)? One of my old apps crashes if you rotate while it's doing an HTTP lookup as the views are no longer attached when it returns. One of these days I'll fix it proper, but in the mean time it'd be useful if I could just make...

Android: Detect when another Activity is launched (or your activity loses focus)

Like the title says, I need to detect when my app loses focus because another app is launched (Phone call comes in, or user hits Home etc). Overriding Activity.OnStop does not work because that is called even when switching activities within my app. ...

Parsing html-like document with xmlpullparser?

So I've got to parse ugly files that contain nested tags like <p>blah<strong>lah</strong>blah</p> The nested tags are defined and I don't care about them. But they make XmlPullParser fail: XmlPullParser parser = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newPullParser(); parser.setInput(some_reader); while ( != XmlPullParser.END...

SVN and syntax highlighting on Android

Anyone know of a Subversion client for Android OS? Same goes for a syntax highlighting text editor on there. ...

how to block virtual keyboard while clicking on edittext in android?

How to block virtual keyboard while clicking on edittext in android ...

Activity history stack wrong upon first install on device?

Hi, Edit / Update: As an update to the below problem, I found the exact action which causes it to happen. Download an apk from a url through the android browser Install the app. After install, the app gives you two choices: "Open" or "Done". If you choose "Open", the quirky behavior described below starts. If you choose "Done", then ...

android UI thread

How can I know if the running code is executed in the main thread (UI thread). With Swing I use the isEventDispatchThread method... ...