
Removing an activity from the history stack

Hi, My app shows a signup activity the first time the user runs the app, looks like: ActivitySplashScreen (welcome to game, sign up for an account?) ActivitySplashScreenSignUp (great, fill in this info) ActivityGameMain (main game screen) so the activities launch each other in exactly that order, when the user clicks through a butto...

Android application acting crazy after coming from background.

I am displaying search results from a webservice. What I do is OnCreate I hit the webservice display records, as android supports multitasking. If user opens another screen and after some time comes back to the search results page, the application starts acting crazy.... OnCreate method I load data some thing like : private void loadD...

Scrollable parent with ListView child

I know it's considered taboo to place a ListView inside a scrolling container, so is there any "proper" way to accomplish scrolling of a container that has a ListView child in it? An example layout would look something like: Header --- "Sub" header --- ListView with list items --- Footer Header and Footer need to remain static on the...

complex listeviewitem image load hang application problem.

I am suing Listview and customize listview to display image inside a list item. I want display image with every search result. to display complext listeim i am following the following example inside wrapper class i am initiating new thread...

android Xml-List view with filter

Hi, android is new for me. I am trying to develop a program on 1.5 platform but still in progress, plz guide me. I have some information in following format "item1","description1" "item2","description2" "item3","description3" "item4","description4" . . . . I want to show them on screen, I dont know which is recommended way to do this...

How to close previous screen in android?

In my application 4 screens r there.when i switch to from one screen to anther screen 2 or 3 times at that time i want to go to 1st screen but previous screens r to close previous screen ...

Android: How to programatically set dialog size?

I want do set size (in px) of dialog based on screen resolution, so I have to set dialog size programatically during runtime. Dialog layout is defined in xml with all standard views, so it would be nice to have better way to set dialog size than override-in top view's onMeasure(...). Thanx (Android 1.5 SDK) ...

Android - Activity that does not fill the parent screen

Any idea why this doesn't create an activity that looks like a popup instead of an activity that completely fills the screen? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="300dip" ...

Android - ExpandableListView change background for child items

I'm using ExpandableListView in my app and one of the complaints I get from the users is that when the list item is expanded it's hard to visually distinguish where the child item ends and next group item begins. So I would like to change background of the child list item to the different shade. Brutal attempts that I've made so far were...

How to preview R.drawable.* images

Hi, Android framework has variety of icons and images - accessible as R.drawable.* - that can be used by applications for common tasks. Their names give some hint about what they are, but in many cases that's not sufficient. One has to use trial-n-error to find the right icon that fits one's purpose. My question: Is there a way where I...

ListItem lazyload AsyncTask image display problem.

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. I am following this tutorial new Handler().post(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { //Need to subclass to use Asynct...

Type of List to Store Multipe Data Types

So my problem is that I've written a function that takes two Doubles, two Int, and a Calendar object on Android (Java). I believe the class provided to allow it to run in a separate thread, AsyncTask, accepts only one type of Object (but allows multiple) as an argument so I figured I might be able to put it in a List or a LinkedList or s...

Android error with TabActivity / TabWidget

I'm trying to create a TabActivity for my android application. When my layout XML appears as follows with dummy TextView content for my 2 tabs, everything appears fine. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width...

Android memory game

I was trying to do a memory game on android, but i can't figure out the code that matching 2 button with the same image.. import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.Te...

Android: Accessing single database from multiple activities in application?

I have a todo list type application that stores all of the note data in a sqlite3 database. Each activity in the application needs access to the database to edit different parts of the data in real time. Currently, I have each activity open its own DBManager object (the helper class I created to manage the database). This is causing p...

How to apply background color to listview dynamically in Android?

How to apply background color to listview dynamically in Android? ...

Android listvitem AsyncTask images overlapping

I am using listview to display data, inside listview i am using image in every listeitem. following method is called from wrapper class public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // implementation } I am following this tutorial

How to set an image for an inactive button

Hi, I want to set a specific image when my button is not clickable. This button image is already selected according focused and pressed state thanks to this xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:clickable="false" android:drawable="...

android dex library

I've an Android application which use a lot of librairies (in jar files). When I compile my application in dex file with the dex.bat tool, it's take a very long time because of the conversion of the jar libraries into dex format. So, my question is : how can I link librairies in dex format to my application instead of linking jar libra...

Android TabWidget in Light theme

I have an application that targets the 1.5 framework and uses the default light theme. When using a tab widget with this theme, the tab images are barely visible, and the tab captions are quite impossible to discern, except for the currently active tab. In the default dark theme these tabs come through quite clearly, but this is not a s...