
Suggestions - showing file upload progress to user?

Hi, Does anyone have a recommendation on how to visually show progress of uploading a large file to a web server? My app needs to upload one photo at a time, as directed by the user. Images are about 200kb. I don't want to put up a progress dialog and block the user from further interaction while the upload is in progress. Looks like I...

how to store previous activity value in android?

how to store previous activity value in android ...

Android SDK MMS

Does anyone know how to programmatically send a MMS via the Android SDK? Any version of the SDK will do, just need to know where to get started. I know how to send / receive SMS, I now need to add a picture to the message before sending. ...

how to remove line inbetween two listviews in android?

i used two listviews like this if my problem is one back line is coming inbetween two listviews.But i dont want that that balck line in betweem them. ...

Application signing?

Hi guys. I would like to know about Android application signing. IFAIK, blackberry and iphone application must be signed to work on the real device. For the Android, does application need to sign ? If so, how to sign the application ? Please advice. guys. Thanks in advance. ...

Bind service to activity in Android

I'm trying to write a simple media player that plays streaming audio using RTSP. I have a GUI-activity and a service that performs the playback. My question is how to best communicate between the activity and the service (e.g. updating the gui based on the player state). I know that I can bind the service to the activity using onBind(),...

getLastKnownLocation getting null ? on SDK

I am facing with problem related to the Location API. I tried the following code: LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location loc = getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); loc is always null, when call getLastKnownLocation(). What is wrong? ...

Need to read android sensors really fast

Issue:- I am developing a application which needs a new acceleration datum every 5 millisecond. My Approach:- I have created a remote service which only reads the acceleration data from SensorManager. I had also set the read rate to "DELAY FASTEST" while initialize the SensorManager. Then i use IPC to communicate too my main applic...

Place SeekBar over Imageview in Android?

Greetings, I have the following layout in Android. I'm trying to make it so the seekbar is displayed ontop of the image (I have some code that makes it visible and invisible(Or rather GONE). I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to position it so that the seekbar goes over the imageview, therefore allowing the imageview to take...

When adding MapView to Android application, get cross-loader exception

Hi, I have a project in Android and I want to add MapView to it. I did the following: Downloaded the Google APIs revision 3. Added the maps.jar library to my project Added the MapView to an activity Created new Virtual Device with target the Google APIs (not the normal target Android 1.5) Started the project When I try to reach the ...

Dynamic ListView in Android app

Hi overflow'ers! Is there a working example out there that demonstrates how to append additional rows in ListView dynamically? For example: you are pulling RSS feeds from different domains you then display the first 10 items in the ListView (while you have other threads running in the background continue pulling feeds) you scroll and ...

Android Softkeyboard OnTouchListener

Hey Guys This time my question is rather short: Is it possible to add to the Softkeyboard an OnTouchListener? Like u can do it for an ordinary EditText field. Or is there any other way to implement an OnTouchListener above the Softkeyboard? Thanks in advance Ripei ...

Android Spinner - How to make dropdown view transparent?

I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file in /res/layout/: spinner_view_dropdown.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TextView xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/spinner_item_dropdown" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="@android:col...

Android ViewFlipper Animation

Hi guys, I'm stuck on a simple problem which is driving me nuts. Basically I have 2 ImageViews, I'm trying to have the first show for a second, then fade out to show the second. I've been looking into using ViewFlipper, example code below, but the animation is non-existent. ViewFlipper mFlipper = new ViewFlipper(this); ImageView...

Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

The short version of my issue at hand, Windows 7 Professional x64 Java JDK 1.6.0_17 x64 Eclipse Galileo w\ADT Plugin installed Android SDKtools r04 Since the Android SDK download now only includes the tools, you have to run the included SDK Manager application (SDK Setup) through which you can download the platforms, additional tool...

android listiem recycle while scroll up or down

I am using complex list item as following to lazy upload image i am loading every list item's image in separate asyntask so that it won't hang the application while loading image. problem comes when i scroll down the list new lisitems image had replace image effect when i drill down i found that for example if by default 5 listitems fi...

Android editview done button

When user click at the editview android opens the keyboard so that user can write in the editview.. problem is when user is done with writing there is no way to hide the keyboard and user have to press back button to hide the keyboard.... is there a way to display done button over the keyboard when user is done with writing text done b...

Right way to dismiss a Dialog

Hi, I am trying to use a managed dialog. I noticed that after the first time I display it, subsequent creations don't actually make a new instance of the dialog, they just seem to reuse the first one. If I want to stop that, and get a brand new instance on every call, is this the right way to do it?: @Override protected Dialog onCreat...

ArrayAdapter type cast from android docs example

Hi, I am trying to create a list of strings from my arrays.xml file, as found in the android docs too. This is what they use: ArrayAdapter adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(context, R.array.colors, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item); eclipse is warning that the ArrayAdapter instance is a raw type. Should it really be: Arr...

About picture shadow

hello guys I'm stuck on a simple problem which is driving me nuts.You know in andoid MapView may have overLay image on the map,moreover image has a shadow when you call DrawAt method. I also want to get that effect,but my image and shadow is detached,how to make them near to each Other. As follow code you can get two image, how to mak...