
WCFTestClient The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'

I've created one WCF service and deployed it on Server. When I browse this service it gives me positive response with ?wsdl URL. Now I'm trying to test the service through WCF Test client. It shows proper metadata. But when I try to invoke any of the method from the service it shows me an exception... here are the erro details with stack...

Is it possible to use anonymous functions in C++ .NET?

Wikipedia seems to say that C++0x will support anonymous functions. Boost also seem to support it. However I'm using .NET so if I could stick with it it would be awesome. Basically I just want to write some quick code for objects. I have a robot which can have about 85 - 90 states. Most of the states are just "integer values passed to t...

iPhone Obj-C: Anonymous Category or "private" Category?

Style-wise (and functionally, if there is any difference), for declaring private methods, which of these is better? @interface MyClass() @interface MyClass(private) ...

Anonymous SMTP Service

Does anyone know of a free, anonymous smtp service? I want to give users of my app the ability to occasionally send me an anon email without having to configure a server of enter their email account. I guess I could setup a gmail account for this purpose and embed the credentials in the app but I hope it won't be necessary. In case it...

javascript onclick, anonymous function help

Hello everyone, I am a beginning javascript programmer. I am trying to create something similar to Lightbox 2, but much simpler. The only reason why I want to do it from scratch on my own is so that I can learn. However, I've been stuck on the last critical part where it displays the image. I believe the problem lies where I try to use o...

How to check if IP is a public proxy

Recently we have had a lot of issues with a particular user who has been posting a piles of provocative messages on our website using the public proxy IPs. Can someone recommend a way to determine - is a specific IP a public proxy or not? Thanks. ...

Does the anonymous namespace enclose all namespaces?

In C++ you specify internal linkage by wrapping your class and function definitions inside an anonymous namespace. You can also explicitly instantiate templates, but to be standards conforming any explicit instantiations of the templates must occur in the same namespace. AFAICT this should compile, but GCC fails on it: namespace foo { ...

Determine proxy type

I have the following code to download a URL through a proxy: proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': p}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) req = urllib2.Request(url) sock = urllib2.urlopen(req) How can I use Python to determine the type of proxy it is (transparent, anonymous, etc)? One s...

C# delegate definition - anonymous methods vs. formally defined methods

When should anonymous methods be used when defining a delegate and when should formally defined methods be used when defining a delegate ? ...

Anonymous Namespace Class Definition

I was looking over some (C++) code and found something like this: //Foo.cpp namespace { void SomeHelperFunctionA() {} void SomeHelperFunctionB() {} void SomeHelperFunctionC() {} //etc... class SomeClass //<--- { //Impl }; } SomeHelperFunction[A-Z] are functions that are only needed in that tra...

TortoiseSVN | Anonymous User Problem

I logged into a subversion repository using TortoiseSVN client (Vista) anonymously and now it does not let me log in as any other user. Since I logged in as anonymous it did not cache any user credentials and so the "Clear Authentication Data" button is disabled under the TortoiseSVN settings window. Since it is disabled there is nothing...

Profile_OnMigrateAnonymous event firing multiple times

We have an HTTPModule whose sole purpose is to do "url rewriting". By definition of an HTTPModule, ALL browser requests (html, css, javascript, images, etc) go through the event handlers of this class. During the signin process, we are catching the moment when the user switches from "anonymous" to "signed-in" user in the Global.asax's P...

A few question regarding JavaScript Constructor and Anonymous functions

I have the following JavaScript function: function Console() { this.Log = function(msg) { if (document.getElementById("console")) { var console = document.getElementById("console"); console.innerHTML += msg + "<br/>"; } } } Question 1: Why do I need to use new key word? new Console().Lo...

Identifying anonymous users

If I had a poll on my site, and I didn't want to require a registration to vote, but I only wanted each visit one, how might I do this? Let's say a visitor from IP visits the site and votes. Would it then be safe to disallow anyone from 123.34.243.* from voting? Is this a good strategy? What's another one? ...

Sharepoint Calendar List: Troubleshooting Anonymous Access

Having problem getting anonymous access to work for a calendar list in a MOSS 2007 internet web. Have an authenticated publishing web that is extended with a anonymous only web: web1 is publishing site, authenticated and is extended into web2 which is anonymous. In Central admin Web1 is default zone. Allows anonymous and has interg...

Adding items to anonymous lists via code

We have a custom list inside a moss publishing site that an form is submitting information to. We seem unable to submit the form when accessing the site anonymously, though we have turned off viewformspageslockdown, have enabled anonymous access on the site and allowed add anon on the list itself. We can navigate to the list an... semi-authenticated user?

We've got an mvc website that is currently in a private beta state. As such we are sending out invite codes that must be supplied as part of the registration process for registration to succeed. We'd like to reduce the bar of entry such that users only have to supply the code to gain access rather than going through a more labori...

git-svn anonymous checkout fails with -s

I'm trying to use git to clone an svn repository with std layout (using the -s option). The repository uses https anonymously (the repository is at I can check the repository out fine using svn, but with git-svn I get password prompts and then cannot check out (I don't have an account for this re...

Anonymous target audience in sharepoint

The biggest problem I have faced so far in sharepoint, is to be able to make a certain webparts invisible or hide if the user is not logged in, basically to be able to make an audience for anonymous user. If anyone knows how to do that, please help. ...

Best way to Migrate Anonymous Profile

Is there an alternate way that migrates all parameters implicit? Or any other advantages. From MSDN: public void Profile_OnMigrateAnonymous(object sender, ProfileMigrateEventArgs args) { ProfileCommon anonymousProfile = Profile.GetProfile(args.AnonymousID); Profile.ZipCode = anonymousProfile.ZipCode; Profile.CityAndState = ano...