
NetBeans Ant: display browser on run only if certain file missing

How can I make netbeans to only display the browser on run if a certain file is missing. I want to keep it from re-launching the browser every time I hit run. I can ensure that the file is only created after the first run. ...

ANT Problems: net/sf/antcontrib/

I am attempting to install software onto my Debian Lenny server. Specifically, Capture-HPC. I have setup VMWare server, along with all the prerequisites. When I go to run ant in the directory, i get the following error: [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found. A...

Ant script build time vs. Eclipse build time

Exporting a project as a runnable jar takes approx 30sec to build, the (auto created) Ant script that does the same takes about 10 minutes to build. What am I missing? ...

In what order are Ant target's "if" and "depends" evaluated?

That is, will calling the following target when testSetupDone evaluates to false, execute the targets in dependency chain? <target name="-runTestsIfTestSetupDone" if="testSetupDone" depends="-runTests" /> ...

Speed of scala's ant fsc task

Hello experts, I have an ant file I use to compile my scala project. I'm using fsc which works wonders to avoid the 2~3 seconds my core 2 needs to just load the compiler. My problem is: the ant fsc task does incur the same 2~3 seconds penalty, to the best of my knowledge. It is pretty annoying, because there is fsc specifically for this...

How to convert Ant project to Maven project

How to convert a Ant project to Maven project? A sample project that would link (a Wicket project) Thanks ...

Ant couldn't connect to mysql (access denied), but mysql client could

I hava the next task in my ant file: <target name="initdb"> <sql driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dtest" userid="root" password="oksaoksaoksa" > <classpath> <pathelement path="./lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar"/> </classpath> <transaction src="./init.sql"/...

Flex 4 Modules & Ant - Error: Could not resolve "" to a component implementation.

I can compile the main application but am having an issue with compiling a nested module. I have the following application structure: src MyApp.mxml view MyView.mxml module MyModule.mxml view AnotherView.mxml When using the following command <mxmlc file="${SRC_DIR}/${MODULE_DIR}/MyModule.mxml" debug="false" output="${...

How can I have the Ant JUnit task run all tests and then stop the rest of the build if any test has failed.

I'm running JUnit via Ant using a target something like this: <target name="junit" depends="compile"> <mkdir dir="${report.dir}"/> <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" showoutput="yes" > <classpath> <path refid="classpath"/> <path location="${classes.dir}"/> </classpath> <...

Where can I configure Ant 1.8's environment variables on an Ubuntu box?

When trying to build with Ant, I'm getting an error that Ant can't find a compiler, and that JAVA_HOME is set to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-open-jdk/jre. An echo check reveals that JAVA_HOME is set to /usr/local/lib/jdk1.6.0_22 (where Ant OUGHT to think it is, btw). So the environment variables are generally right, but Ant apparently has its ...

eclipse: change jre that is used to run ant

hello, is it possible to change the JRE (from 64bit to 32bit) that is used to run ant from inside eclipse? if yes, how? thanks! ...

Using Tomcat to run Ant from a Servlet with Log4jListener and JDBCAppender to log into a database, not released when finished

I have a servlet that performs an ANT build, I've attached a as you can see below and at the end of the build the is not released, the only way I've found around this is to restart Tomcat. If I don't restart Tomcat the next time I try to run the buil...

Html wrapper issue

Hi, My Flex application is built using ant. The html wrapper task is as follows: <target name="wrapper"> <html-wrapper title="{$title}" file="login.htm" height="300" width="400" application="app" swf="Main.swf" version-major="9" version-minor="0" version-revis...

System.out with Ant

Hi, I'm googling without success to figure out how to make ANT print System.out.println/System.out.print messages in the console. Messages simply don't appear. I haven't found any simple way of doing this. Is there any? Thanks ...

Automate builds of MobiStudio projects

MobiStudio is an Eclipse plugin to develop mobile phone applications. The projects are written in mscript, and then need to be compiled into phone specific packages. Has anyone already tackled this? Thanks, Mike ...

What is the best free JavaScript obfuscator that is available as a Java library?

I know this question has been asked many times, but here are my specific needs. The obfuscator needs to come in a form of a java library, so I can make an Ant task in order to automate the build process. IE7, 8, Firefox and Chrome must be able to interpret the resulting js very fast (original js file is pretty big - 18k lines of code). I...

Modification of NetBeans Ant build script

I have an project in NetBeans. I made some preparations to make database migration easier, and I put all things related to migration in one folder in root of my project. Now I want to make this whole directory included in the distribution jar or war. I deducted that i have to modify the ="-pre-dist" target, but I not very familiar with...

Generating output from XML and CSS with docbook - working for HTML, failing for PDF

Hello. Starting from a series of xml files and a stylesheet I generate a HTML file using docbook-xsl-ns-1.73, libxslt-1.1.22.win32 and fop-0.94. the stylesheet says that code chunks must have numbered lines and a gray background. here is the piece of the and task that converts xmls to html: <exec executable="${XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE}"> ...

Ant build fail - because ant forgets property?!

Hi I am getting the following build error- BUILD FAILED C:\eclipse\workspace\ContinuousTesting\build.xml:55: C:\eclipse\workspace\ContinuousTesting\${lib.dir} Here is the file: src.dir=./src build.dir=./bin lib.dir=./lib This is the whole task <target name="compile" depends="properties,, xm...

running TestNG as an ant task causes an error

While I'm trying to run TestNG from ant as a 'testng' task, i'm getting strange behaviour. TestNG does not create class instance in @BeforeSuite method and in child classes in @Test method i'm getting NullPointerException. E.g. public class TestBase { Page mainPage; @BeforeSuite public void login() { ... ma...