
Need help in ant build file

Hi, I m new to Ant Build can someone plz tell me what value to put for classpathref for taskdef. Will it be the path of the class file, if yes can it be explained with example because i tried that and its not working. ...

Echoing out ant fileset to screen for Debugging

I have this: <ivy:buildlist reference="build-path"> <fileset dir="${root.dir}"> <include name="*/build.xml" /> <include name="controllers/*/build.xml" /> </fileset> </ivy:buildlist> <subant buildpathref="build-path"> <target name="jar.all" /> <target name="publish-loc...

Upload file via Ant FTP task in Maven

I'm trying to upload a file using an Ant task. If I use Ant directly the file is uploaded, but if I call the ant task via Maven (using the maven-antrun-plugin) I get the following error: An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/me/proj/build.xml:15: Problem: failed to create task ...

Crypto++ linker error using ANT

I am trying to reverse engineer a previous employee's build process for some custom software he wrote for us. I've seen to get everything to compile okay, but I get an error in the linking process that points to a problem with crypto++. Any clues? compile.util: compile: [echo] Compiling: util [cc] Starting dependency analys...

How to read in arguments passed via ant to testng.xml

Hey Guys, Here is the scenario: Have a shell script that calls ant with one argument. The ant in turn executes testng.xml (suite file) passing the same argument and testng in turn executes the test within passing the same argument. In my case, I am passing the browser string eg.(firefox, iexplore) argument that will specify which brow...

android build.xml multiple source directories

So I made a project with 2 source directories: one for actual code and the other for tests. It worked well in eclipse but then I decided to start using command line and the ant tool. Android has a built-in function of generating build.xml, so I used the command 'android update project -p ProjectName' This build.xml for installing works...

How does ant treat a pathelement that does not exist?

How does ant behave if I define a path with a pathelement which points to a non-existent directory? <path id=""> <pathelement location="this/might/not/exist/"> </path> The scenario is that the ant file is used for several projects - some have this additional folder, and some do not. Does ant just ignore it, or does it fail?...

Skip Eclipse validation of build.xml

Hello, I've followed the steps given in the Android Developer Blog to generate a build.xml for building releases for an Android Application. I need to do a custom compiling so I have overwritten the target compile of the ant_rules_r3.xml as it is said in the generated build.xml. <target name="compile" depends="-resource-src, -aidl, -p...

Findbug - ANT xslt stylesheet source code references

I have an ANT target that runs findbugs twice on the same source code to generate a xml and html report <delete dir="${findbugs.dir}"/> <mkdir dir="${findbugs.dir}"/> <findbugs home="${findbugs.home}" output="xml" outputFile="${findbugs.dir}/findbugs.xml" jvmargs="${findbugs.jvmargs}" timeout="${findbugs.tim...

Problem with Gant

Hello, I am new to Gant. I was trying Ant.echo("hello gant") but I am getting this error message: No such property: Ant for class: build Any help would be highly appreciated. ...

flexUnitTasks error of "command not understood"

I use FlexUnitTasks-4.0.0.jar to generate report with ant, and the compile target is passed, and the testRunner swf file is made, but has some problem, the log is following: [flexunit] Receiving data ... [flexunit] Sending acknowledgement to player to start sending test data ... [flexunit] [flexunit] Stopping server ... [flexuni...

Linked folder not resolved by Ant in eclipse

Hello SO guys, In my build.xml, below works fine :- <path id="build.classpath"> <fileset dir="lib [myUtils]" includes="*.jar" /> </path> if lib [myUtils] is of folder type, but don't works, if it's of Linked Folder type. Also, I found this when googled :- https://bugs....

Building two APK's from one Android-Source-Tree

I got a application for android which downloads and parses some data from a internet-source. Nothing special here. But, I need the application for two difference source, with slightliy different source-code. Currently there are simply two applications in the AndroidManifest and two slightly different Activites, which override a big abstr...

Netbeans - adding resource files to jar file with Ant

I want add some resource files (non-code text-based files) to the jar file in a Java project using Netbeans 6.9, I'd expect using Ant. I had thought that this would be reasonably simple...but after quite a bit of searching I can't find how to do it..! Any pointers in the right direction? ...

How to copy MSSQLServer Database automated from one server to another

I would like to copy one database (almost all tables) to another server. So far we have done this using the standard MSSQL wizard. We would like to include this work into an automated build we have with ant. I have found one command line tool: Any better ideas? ...

Remove Table Column from an Ant task - OpenJpa

It is said that with the use of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.ant.MappingToolTask it is possible to synchronize domain models classes with db schema. So by having following script as an Ant task i was able to add new columns to the given databases on the persistance.xml. <target> <taskdef name="mappingtool" classpathref="maven.compile.cla...

Ant and property files: get rid of commas in integers

I have a property defined in one of my property files: <entry key="build" default="0" type="int" operation="+" value="1" /> I read this property using: <replacefilter token="@build@" property="build_num" /> Once this number gets bigger than 999, the thousands are separated from the rest of the digits by a comma, like this: 1,001 1,...

Delete all files in a directory w/o subdirectories with Apache Ant

I need an Apache Ant target that deletes all files in a directory but does not touch subdirectories. In my current approach I have to explicitly name the subdirectories I want to skip (atm just "src/"). <delete> <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" excludes="src/" /> </delete> But I don't like it. That way I would have to modify the target ...

Cobertura with Ant Script : xml/html coverage report always show 0% coverage everywhere

I tried to get Cobertura running inside my ant script. All is successfull (source code building, junit tests, cobertura reports (xml / html); but in html reports, the code coverage is always at 0% ... Ant Script : make-instrument <!-- Make instrument for Cobertura engine --> <target name="make-instrument"> <!-- Remove the coverag...

Automated JNI building

Is there a simple and portable way to build JNI - in particular the C components - with an automated build system such as ant or make (or both, with one calling the other) without having to manually input things like the extension of the final library file or the path to the Java includes folder to the C compiler? ...