
Apache Download: Make sure that page was viewed before download

The job at hand: I want to make sure that my website's users view a page before they start a download. If they have not looked at the page but try to hotlink to the files directly they should go to the webpage before the download is allowed. Any suggestions that are better than my idea to send out a cookie and - before the download sta...

Wildcard Subdomain Exceptions

I have a wildcard subdomain enabled and dynamically parse the URL by passing it as-is to my index.php (ex. somecity.domain.com). Now, I wish to create a few subdomains that are static where I can install different application and not co-mingle with my current one (ex. blog.domain.com). My .htaccess currently reads: RewriteEngine On...

Why won't my local Apache open html pages?

so, I'm running Apache on my laptop. If I go to "localhost", I get the page that says, If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directory and replace this page. except, I can't add content and replace that page. I can clic...

PHP Forms-Based Authentication on Windows using Local User Accounts

I'm running PHP, Apache, and Windows. I do not have a domain setup, so I would like my website's forms-based authentication to use the local user accounts database built in to Windows (I think it's called SAM). I know that if Active Directory is setup, you can use the PHP LDAP module to connect and authenticate in your script, but with...

Apache Fall Back When PHP Fails

I was wondering if anybody knew of a method to configure apache to fall back to returning a static HTML page, should it (Apache) be able to determine that PHP has died? This would provide the developer with a elegant solution to displaying an error page and not (worst case scenario) the source code of the PHP page that should have been ...

How to convert Apache .htaccess files into Lighttpd rules?

It's big problem to convert mod_rewrite rules to lighttpd format ...

Including files case-sensitively on Windows from PHP

We have an issue using the PEAR libraries on Windows from PHP. Pear contains many classes, we are making use of a fair few, one of which is the Mail class found in Mail.php. We use PEAR on the path, rather than providing the full explicit path to individual PEAR files: require_once('Mail.php'); Rather than: require_once('/path/to/pe...

Using Apache mod_rewrite to remove sub-directories from URL

I'm managing an instance of Wordpress where the URLs are in the following format: http://www.example.com/example-category/blog-post-permalink/ The blog author did an inconsistent job of adding categories to posts, so while some of them had legitimate categories in their URLS, at least half are "uncategorized". I can easily change Wor...

apache axis ConfigurationException

I am using apache axis to connect my java app to a web server. I used wsdl2java to create the stubs for me, but when I try to use the stubs, I get the following exception: org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: No service named is available any idea? ...

What package includes AB the Apache Server Benchmarking Tool in Ubuntu

I'm trying to find ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool for Ubuntu, I'm hoping there's a package I can install for it. I decided I need to do some simple load testing on my applications. ...

how to get the number of apache children free within php

How in php can I get at the number of apache children that are currently available (status = SERVER_READY in the apache scoreboard)? I'm really hoping there is a simple way to do this in php that I am missing. ...

How do you configure the Apache server which ships Mac OS X?

Mac OS X ships with apache pre-installed, but the files are in non-standard locations. This question is a place to collect information about where configuration files live, and how to tweak the apache installation to do things like serve php pages. ...

What is the Simplest Tomcat/Apache Connector (Windows)?

I have apache 2.2 and tomcat 5.5 running on a Windows XP machine. Which tomcat/apache connector is the easiest to set up and is well documented? ...

Getting ASN.1 Issuer strings from PEM files?

I recently came across an issue with Windows 2003 (apparently it also exists in other versions too), where if an SSL/TLS server is requesting client certificate authentication and it has more than 16KB of trusted certificate DNs, Internet Explorer (or any other app that uses schannel.dll) is unable to complete the SSL handshake. (In a nu...

How do I compile mod_dontdothat on Windows

I cannot seem to compile mod_dontdothat on Windows. Has anybody managed to achieve this? Edit: I've tried compiling the file according to the readme on the site and I've tried to add extra libs to reduce the link errors. Ive got the following installed: Apache 2.2.9 Visual Studio 2008 ActivePerl apxs-win32 from ApacheLounge Subversio...

Why isn't there a viable mod_ruby for Apache yet?

As popular as Ruby and Rails are, it seems like this problem would already be solved. JRuby and mod_rails are all fine and dandy, but why isn't there an Apache mod for just straight Ruby? ...

How can I pre-compress files with mod_deflate in Apache 2.x?

I am serving all content through apache with Content-Encoding: zip but that compresses on the fly. A good amount of my content is static files on the disk. I want to gzip the files beforehand rather than compressing them every time they are requested. This is something that, I believe, mod_gzip did in Apache 1.x automatically, but jus...

Is there a difference between apache module vs cgi (concerning security)?

E.g. Is it more secure to use mod_php instead of php-cgi? Or is it more secure to use mod_perl instead of traditional cgi-scripts? I'm mainly interested in security concerns but speed might be an issue if there are significant differences. ...

How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?

I want to use Apple's or RedHat's built-in Apache but I want to use Perl 5.10 and mod_perl. What's the least intrusive way to accomplish this? I want the advantage of free security patching for the vendor's Apache, dav, php, etc., but I care a lot about which version of Perl I use and what's in my @INC path. I don't mind compiling my ...

Using x_sendfile with Apache/PHP

I can't seem to find much documentation on x_sendfile or example code for PHP (there is some rails code). Anyone use it before and would mind giving a quick snippet of code and a brief description? ...