
Easiest way of finding photos with no tags using the Flickr API

I'm working on a small project to help me tag content on Flickr. I've been looking through the API and there's obvious ways to search for tagged content, but not a simple way of finding what content hasn't been tagged (without just looping through image ID's till I find one with no tag). Has anyone come across this in the past and foun...

Dojo Parameters for Tabs

I'm having trouble with the Dojo documentation (as usual). On their TabContainer API, they list the second argument as an object called "params", but they never say what you can actually put in this params object. Can I specify the width? The height? Do I specify the id's of the divs I want to be the tabs inside the container? There's ...

PHP APIs for Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo?

Hello everyone, I am a PHP developer who is kind of in a pickle. I'm trying to locate and/or build an API capable of speaking to Hotmail, Yahoo and GMAIL in order to retrieve contact lists (with the user's consent, of course). The one I'm having the most trouble finding is a Hotmail API. Where would I start to look as far as finding ei...

Which XML structure is best suited for an all round API?

Please advise if you can. I am building an SMS web service API that will allow people to send SMS to their desired cellphone numbers. A request will be sent to the interface, we then process that request based on the account details provided and credits available on their account. We have two proposed XML structures for the interface r...

Using boost::shared_ptr in a library's public interface

We have a C++ library that we provide to several different clients. Recently we made the switch from using raw pointers in the public interface to using boost::sharedptr instead. This has provided an enormous benefit, as you might guess, in that now the clients no longer have to worry about who needs to delete what and when. When we made...

A Dictionary API for C#?

Does anyone know a good .NET dictionary API? I'm not interested in meanings, rather I need to be able query words in a number of different ways - return words of x length, return partial matches and so on... Thanks ...

Can Google's AJAX API feeds be custom animated?

Has anyone had any luck customizing the feed animation? Ideally I would like a left-right marquee animation. Any thoughts would be appreciated. ...

What's the best way to handle coexistence of the "int enum" pattern with java enums as an API evolves?

Suppose you're maintaining an API that was originally released years ago (before java gained enum support) and it defines a class with enumeration values as ints: public class VitaminType { public static final int RETINOL = 0; public static final int THIAMIN = 1; public static final int RIBOFLAVIN = 2; } Over the years the API has ...

Google Map API and Links

Hello, I am trying to add a link into the pop-up text bubble of a marker in Google Maps through the API. I have successfully run the below code: echo '<marker lat="43.91892" lng="-78.89231" html="Albertus Magnus College&lt;br&gt;Link to Admissions" label="Albertus Magnus College" />'; But once I actually try to add the link it fails...

how to check performance of a c++ api

my web server has a lot of dependencies for sending back data, when it gets a request. i am testing one of these dependency applications within the web server. the application is decoupled from the main web server, and only queries are going to it in the form of api's exposed. my question is, if i wish to check these api's in a multithr...

Rails plugin for API Key + Secret Key signing

Is there a Rails plugin or a rubygem that gives you a starting point for adding an api to your Rails app? We want to use the API Key/Secret Key model, the API should also be versionable. Is there something out there that will give us some, if not all of this? ...

Size of data obtained from SQL query via ODBC API

Hi, does anybody know how I can get the number of the elements (rows*cols) returned after I do an SQL query? If that can't be done, then is there something that's going to be relatively representative of the size of data I get back? I'm trying to make a status bar that indicates how much of the returned data I have processed so I want t...

Plugin API design

So I have an application that is based heavily on the QT API which using the QPlugin system. It's fairly simple to use, you define a class which inherit from an Interface and when the plugin is loaded you get an instance of that class. In the end it'll boil down to a dlopen/dlsym or LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress, whatever is appropriate for...

Any leads on a reputable currency conversion data source?

I have to build a currency converter widget and I would like to know if anyone knows of an api or regularly updated data source to get up to date currency conversion rates? ...

Are there any good movie/film APIs out there?

Working on a movie website and would love to find an API that I could use to get information about different movies. I code in PHP but I'm assuming this would probably return XML. ...

How can I verify a Google authentication API access token?

How can I verify a Google authentication access token? I need to somehow query Google and ask: Is [given access token] valid for the [[email protected]] Google account? Short version: It's clear how an access token supplied through the Google Authentication Api :: OAuth Authentication for Web Applications can be used to then request ...

How do sites like Hubspot track inbound links?

Are all these types of sites just illegally scraping Google or another search engine? As far as I can tell ther is no 'legal' way to get this data for a commercial site.. The Yahoo! api ( http://developer.yahoo.com/search/siteexplorer/V1/inlinkData.html ) is only for noncommercial use, Yahoo! Boss does not allow automated queries etc. An...

Designing a cross-platform API

I'm in the process of designing some code "packages" (as we call them at my company) which provide fairly generic functionality, and I would like to find a way to standardize the API across all languages that we are working with. I'm thinking about designing the classes and test cases to be the same for each language, but leaving the im...

stopping sharepoint workflow programatically

well the thing is i am having a scheduled script that checks some changes in a different database (Oracle), if the change happens i need to cancel /kill/ stop a workflow if it is in progress on a specific item of my list i couldnt find how to do that hope you people can help ...

Are there any API wrapper of Robocopy?

Robocopy is the best reliable and feature rich way to batch copy files on Windows. However, it is a command line tool. I am looking for a library/API that I could do the same in my program. I tried to use Process.Start(), but then I have to capture and to parse stdout for progress bar and no way to the overwrite behavior. For example, ...