
Which book satisfies all these topics?

I am looking for a book on IPhone development that must have following topics. Is there any on Amazon? * Event Handling * Address Book * Event Handling * Address Book * Network * Threads * Audio * UIKit Framework * Internationalization * Xcode * Application Architecture * Memory Management * Objective-C * Views * Human Interface Guideli...

set bank account

For upload app on appstore is it necessary to set bank account or apple use bank account that i buy developer account with it ? ...

Apple iPad HIG?

Is it against Apple Human Interface Guidelines to make an iPad app that does not rotate to different orientations, if it is intended for kiosk mode operation? ...

Windows Safari 5 bug when using backspace in a Flash web application

I have noticed this bug when developing my flash application on a windows platform. If typing text in to a text box in a Flash swf running in Safari 5 browser on Windows then press backspace the browser will jump to the previous page in history rather than performing the function that backspace is supposed to - here is a link to another ...

How to detect command key as a modifier in a glut program running on a mac?

I am developing a GLUT program on a mac. Mac's seem to pass modifiers through GLUT in a funny way. Alt and control keys are not captured by glutGetModifiers() instead they're translated into the button int. The command key doesn't seem to be captured by either glutGetModifiers() or the button int. Also, it doesn't show up as a key in my ...

Generating dynamic tiles for CATiledLayer

I've seen the WDC2010 Session 104 for using scrollviews and CATiledLayers, which is all pretty cool. But I'm not sure about the generation of the tile images. The example had the frog tile pictures already created. But if I have a photo app where I am taking my own photos, I will need to create the tiles myself and I'm not sure of the be...

Risk of using Airplay and MobiOne Studio?

Hello everybody, I would like to know if using Airplay or MobiOne Studio to develop iPhone apps on a PC is actually a viable idea in terms of actual deployment into Apple's App Market. Will my app face the horror that is rejection from the app store or something like that? Didn't Steve Jobs say they will reject apps that are not made us...

A tool to tell you what source files are needed in a C++ project?

I am porting a large, messy, 10 year old cold base in C++ from Metrowerks on OS X to XCode. There are so many files and all the other people that touched this over the years are gone. Nobody know what files are actually needed and which are just cruft. Is there any tool that I could run and have it produce a list of what files are ACTUA...

Why can't I add more than one object to table view controller through and IBAction?

I am trying to implement a favorites window for a quotes application. right now I have a button implemented with the following code: - (IBAction)next2 { [favoritesViewController.listData addObject:viewController.label.text]; [navigationController pushViewController:favoritesViewController animated:YES]; } here favoritesViewController...

How to subclass the NSObject while getting rid of -(id)init?

I want a class that take a REQUIRED argument like the UITableViewController that does not have init. Currently I just throw an exception when invoking init. Is there a way to deactivate it completely? ...

What's the best way for a ViewController to communicate to his model?

I'm currently relying on the fact that UIApplication is a singleton and I access the models as delegate's properties, but that seems a long chain to me. Controller->UIApplication->delegate->Model (->particular property to be set) ...

What is iTunes for Windows written of?

I was wondering it for a long time since Apple released iTunes for Windows. What did they use to write iTunes for Windows? It seems completely with its own UI components and everything is contained inside it. It even uses QuickTime resources files. Can we assume that they've Cocoa working with windows. Anyway, my main question is, is the...

Cocoa asyncsocket class problem

Hey I am making server client system with asyncsocket class for cocoa, I really don't get it, do I have to send a message to the server in order to receive something, it seems so. Server should send me a message when I connect, but I won't get anything unless I send the server a message which goes pretty strange, same applies, I have to ...

How To delete Event from Iphone Calendar Programmatically?

How To delete Event from Iphone Calendar Programmatically? I am trying to delete Event From Iphone Calendar tell me how to delete Event From Iphone Calendar Programmatically Here Is the way to add event in iphone calendar ////// Saving Event In Calendar EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init]; EKEvent *event ...

How to know the security type like OPEN, WPA, WPA2, WEP, when using Apple80211 api?

The wifi scanning apps like eWifi, WiFiFoFum and so on in Cydia can know the security type. How the apps know the security type like OPEN, WPA, WPA2, WEP, when using Apple80211 api? The value of CAPABILITIES is 1057, 1025,34,33,2,1073,1041 and 3121, etc... It is too various. I don't know what it represents. I am using "WEP" and "WPA_...

Change app name in apple store of an already released/available iOS app

Hi, I released my iOS app in Apple App Store some weeks ago and want to rename my mobile app now (I only want to add a space). I did not found an "edit name" button in iTunes Connect so I tried to find a solution via google. But I did not find anything about this. Can someone tell me how to rename the app? Is it enough the rename the ap...

writing a network discovery tool in Objective-C

I want to embark on a project for a CS class. Can anyone provide insight on how to write a tool that will map out a network and state device info, IP info, open ports, etc. I will be using OS X. ...

Apple Mail Behaviour for Anchors in HTML-Mails

Hello, I am experiencing a weird behavior with Apple Mail. If i define an Anchor and jump to it inside an HTML Mail: <a href="#jump1">Text</a> <a name="jump1">Jump1</a> Then Apple Mail will only jump to this location when you issue a double-click, rather than a single click. You can even have several seconds difference between the f...

message sent to deallocated instance 0x141dafb0 iPhone SDK

Hey Guys i am getting this error "message sent to deallocated instance 0x141dafb0" its comming from a UIBarButtonItem when its beeing pressed on the application. any help would be greatly appreciated Error: *** -[PeerConnection performSelector:withObject:withObject:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x14143ff0 PeerConnection.h...

what is the normal wait time these days for iPad apps

What is the normal wait time these days for iPad apps to move from "Waiting for Review" to "In Review". Once "In Review" How long before they accepted or rejected? This is my first app submission so wondering. Submitted on 6th Sep. Still "Waiting for Review" ...