
[Objective-C] How to use stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error: ?

Hi guys, I am trying to use initWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error: like this : NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@""]; NSError *error = nil; NSString *my_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; I get a empty my_string variable. I tried th...

Will Apple reject my iPad app if it doesn't rotate?

I made an universal binary and didn't implement any sort of device orientation rotation. Is that a reason for rejection? ...

IPhone: Prepare for App Submission - Access Denied?

Hi, this question is for iOS Members ($99 a year plan), I was just wanting to look up the documentation on "Prepare for App Submission" in the following link: (after you login) but it gives me an 'access denied' message. does it do the same for you or is it just me? Thanks ...

Need guidance on alternative JVMs for Apple OS X

Apple has deprecated their JVM and it may not be supported in future versions of OS X. I am not primarily a Java developer, but I do write Java applications now and then, and the primary application I work on uses Tomcat and Opal to provide a SOAP interface to command line executables written in C. I keep seeing suggestions to simply us...

How do I add Apple's iAds to my OpenGL based iPhone app?

I'd like to generate some revenue for my OpenGL based iPhone app w/ Apple's iAds. Everything in the app is done w/ OpenGL including menus, buttons etc. How do I add iAds to my app? More info: I've looked over sample code from Apple and I'm still stuck. Just fyi I currently don't use any view controllers. All I have is a "Window". I...

Now that Apple's deprecating Java, what language should I focus on?

I'm sure you'll all know of Apple's recent announcement to deprecate Java on OS X (such as discussed here). I've recently come back to programming in the last year or so since I originally learnt on ye olde BASIC many years ago. I have a Mac at home and a PC at work and whilst I have got Windows and Ubuntu installed on my Mac as VMs, I...

What to do with "invalid binary" in itunes connect

Hi I uploaded my app through the application loader, everything went fine. But then, after 30 min of waiting approval, my app gets rejected everytime with "invalid binary". I don't receive any mail, although I'm supposed to get one with this error message... I build my app in "debug" mode, is that the possible problem ? Thanks ...

OS X script to send email when new file is created

How can I monitor a directory, and send an email whenever a new file is created? I currently have a script running daily which uses find to search for all files in a directory with a last modified date newer than an empty timestamp file: #!/bin/bash folderToWatch="/Path/to/files" files=files.$$ find $folderToWatch/* -newer timestamp -p...

Learning Core Graphics

I'm doing iPhone programming and I need to learn about Core Graphics. It looks Apple doesn't provide a programming guide for Core Graphics and I'm having hard times following the code that uses Core Graphics. Do you suggest any reference or book for learning Core Graphics? ...

Adobe AIR - Code Signing Error

Hi, I am trying to sign my AIR application using the Code Signing Certificate I got from Apple (iPhone Dev). I have Apple's Root Certificate and my certificate. I installed both and then exported my certificate as pkcs12 (.p12 file) using many methods like Windows Certificate Manager and Firefox. I also used Keychain Access on my Mac. H...

Whether there are applications using protobuf in applestore ?

Are there any precedents? ...

Apple deprecates Java - what will happen?

In the latest ReleaseNote, Apple deprecates Java: I think, this will lead companies to switch from Apple to PC. Crossplattform Development will be much complicated in the future and a lot of cool applications will vanish from the OS X platform. I hope, the OnlinePetition of OpenJDK will be successfull. What do you think? Is it worth to...

Changing Developer account of an application in app-store

I have an application that was uploaded using one developer account. Now, the client has resold the application and now, they want the application, which has some update, through the new developer account. The current application, which is live on app-store, has now been removed from the app-store. I have the new developer account detai...

Hidden features in iphone App

Hi, i know cellular company that created an app for iphone only for their clients , and soon enough apple got mad about this issue and the app was open for download to everyone. i'm about to create an app , and some of its features become visible only if a user belongs to a specific comuunity (by user auth with server) , and if the u...

Can you have multiple providers talking to the Apple Push Network for the same Application

I have been reviewing the Apple Push Notification documentation and it talks about having a SSL Certificate for the provider to talk to the APN for a specific Application. Can you have multiple servers (providers) running the same SSL Cert to communicate to the APN for the same Application? I can see this being useful for load balancin...

How to add a text to a picker's top area?

I have been asked to create a small rectangle on the top of a picker component (but inside the picker area) that will hold one word. I'm not sure if this adheres to Apple HIG but anyway I would like how to implement it as an exercise. ...

I've heard that I need to submit my iPhone application to PayPal to be passed, but where?

I've heard that i need to submit my iPhone application (which uses PayPal functionality) to PayPal to get it cleared before even sending it to the Apple Store. Has anyone heard of this? If this is the case, where should I go inside my PayPal account to do this? More scarily is while searching for an answer to this on SO, I've noticed a...

How to create such an iOS interface?

Would you please have a look at Tipulator app: I'm interested in the upper graphic part of the application, how to create such an interface? It doesn't look to use standard UIKit components, it looks like pure graphics yet the values can be updated as a UIKit component. ...

send device token to server from apple push notification service

Hello All I am working on apple push notification service. Now I have implemented the delegates methods as suggested in apple APNS guide. But this also says that one has to send device token received from APNS to provider server. I am really confused about this thing. Because when I launched application it asked me if I want to reg...

Is there any web api for Apple's Game Center?

I have a website. I was wondering if Apple exposed its Game Center data via a web api. If would be cool if I could show users their Game Center info right in my website! Let me know folks. ...