
First steps to use XCode

Hey ladies and gents, I just got my OS X leopard VM booted :). As such I am now planning to learn how to use XCode and start developing on the apple platform. I have a visual studio background, and I can use unix (not a hardcore scripter but I know more than the average) If anyone could point me to a good tutorial in apple especially ...

Darwin Streaming Server Log Format?

Hi, I am writing a program that will parse and manipulate logs from Darwin Streaming Servers. Where can I get a definition of what the individual fields headers mean? Are there some kind of documentation in the DSS doc files? For example, I have this as the log output header: c-ip date time c-dns cs-uri-stem c-starttime x-duration...

Does Apple reject Leaking iPhone apps?

Info on this can be found here and there, but is there a definite answer? Does anyone know from experience that his leaking app has approved or that his app was rejected "because it was leaking"? I am close to submitting a game that leaks a very small amount of data (32 bytes at a time), about once or twice a minute. Since the play cycl...

What virtual machine can I use to virtualize Mac OS in Windows?

I want to run Mac OS in my Windows operative system, is there any virtual machine that does that? Tnks. ...

Mixing Carbon and Cocoa and then what about other platforms?

I have a static library that shares a lot of source between the OS X and Windows versions. Both versions use CMAKE. I have thought about a linux version due to recent requests. OS X and uses Carbon. Windows uses straign win32 API, no MFC is in C++ (.cpp) My questions are: For the OS X version Apple is throwing away 64-bit Carbon, s...

XCode not finding statically linked library

Hi Guys, Ok so I have an app that I'm writing that uses a library that someone at work developed. I've included the xcode project in my project and included the output target of that project in my project's target as a framework. I also included the .a file in my target under the "Link Binrary with Libraries" folder. I also have put in ...

iPhone Developer company registration

I applied to Apple iPhone developer program to register my company. Five days later I got an email asking me to fax 3 documents. The first two I know what they are but they are also asking for a "Corporations Charger". Given that this only return 16 useless results in google, it looks like a pretty uncommon weird thing! Anyone got throug...

Where is Java source code for various com.sun.* packages on Leopard?

I am working on my MacBook at home, running Leopard, with the latest JDK 1.6 from Apple installed. In IDE, I'd like to browse source code for, but IDE cannot find it. Another example I'd like to browse is What JAR or ZIP do I need to add to my...

gem server -- where is my root dir? mac osx

I'm a complete apple newbie coming from a LAMP+windows setup trying to figure out how ruby and apple works. So I just executed "gem server" and i have this server running on localhost:8808 now, great -- it works. BUT Anyone know where the heck is my root directory ie. the equivalent of htdocs? I can't find it, damnit. cheers... ...

What happens if Apple detects hidden API usage in an iPhone app?

Would they just take the app off from the store / not let it pass in, or would the cancel the whole contract with the developer? ...

iPhone/Android Dev for Pocket Change?

Hi folks, First the disclaimer - I've read a bunch of posts already on making money with mobile app development, and I'm not sure I feel encouraged or discouraged at this point :) I understand the very real "Gold Rush" mentality of the iPhone and Android apps... Here's my situation: I've coded professionally solo and on teams for abo...

is this allowed by apple review process?

Is the following allowed by the app store review process? - (NSString *) platform { size_t size; sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0); char *machine = malloc(size); sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0); NSString *platform = [NSString stringWithCString:machine encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ...

iPhone: Sending large data with Game Kit

I am trying to write an app that exchanges data with other iPhones running the app through the Game Kit framework. The iPhones discover each other and connect fine, but the problems happens when I send the data. I know the iPhones are connected properly because when I serialize an NSString and send it through the connection it comes out ...

Are there any affordable host services for apple push notifications?

The host would need to have port 2195 open and support push notifications under apns. I have had some trouble finding a hosting service that would support this. Also, it would be nice if you could have PHP, MySQL, etc. access under the same provider. ...

Why it does not draw circle ? (iPhone)

Hello there, i'm very new to iPhone sdk, mac os, xcode and etc. So don't take my question too hard. What i'm trying to do is figure out how can I draw an circle on the screen. (I know how to put image and move it, this is what my source does). Can you please explain me how can I draw simple shapes on that screen ? :) P.S. and Also...

Differences in design targeting Apple products, especially iPhone

Hi, I'm thinking of starting to build software for Apple products, specifically the iPhone. Having built software atop several platforms in the past - Linux/Unix, Android, .Net, Win32 - I know that every platform has a certain "way" of looking at it that makes building software for it simple. For instance, Win32 communicates with an ...

Does apple support core plot framework? Can we use googlecode repository source codes ?

Hi folks, I have a doubt if apple is supporting coreplot framework in it's application.Can anyone tell me? ...

Coding an Iphone App vs developing one on a Game Engine?

What do you guys think is better??? because I am going to start learning objective c but should I also buy this so I can make game apps easier and better?any ideas? I am definitely learning objective c but maybe I should buy this game engine so I can develop games also.????????? Some of the game engines I am think about are Unity, Torq...

Can my iPhone app register to receive push notifications meant for another app?

This may be a pretty basic question, but here goes. I develop an iPhone app that is a third-party client for a popular webapp. This webapp has it's own iPhone app to which it publishes push notifications. Is it possible for my app to register to receive push notificatons Sent by the webapp and intended for the webapp's native iPhone app?...

Trying to find the name of a really old UI design book by Apple

This morning, I was reading a news article on Apple (either Snow Leopard or FCC), and I came across a part that referred to an old book by Apple (IIRC), that had two parts, and the first part was just on UI design. I was trying to get a copy of that book, but it seems I lost the link to the article. Does this book ring a bell with anyone...