
Distributed Message Ordering

I have an architectural question on handling message ordering. For purposes of this question, the transport is irrelevant, so I'm not going to specify one. Say we have three systems, a website, a CRM and an ERP. For this example, the ERP will be the "master" system in terms of data ownership. The website and the CRM can both send a new ...

Defining reliable SIlverlight 4 architecture

Hello everybody, It's my first question on SO. I know that there were many topics on Silverlight and architecture but didn't find answers that satisfies me. I'm ASP.NET MVC developer and are used to work on architectures built with the best practices (loose coupling with DI, etc.) Now I'm faced to the new Silverlight 4 project and woul...

3-tier architecture v. 3-server architecture

I'm building a traditional .NET MVC site, so I've got a natural 3-tier software architecture setup (presentation in the form of Views, business layer in the controller, and data layer in the models and data access layer). When I've deployed such sites, it usually goes either on one server (where the web site and db live), or two servers...

How to model and handle presentation DTO's to abstract from complicated domain model?

Hi I am developing an application that needs to work with a complex domain model using Hibernate. This application uses Spring MVC and using the domain objects in the presentation layer is very messy so I think I should use DTO's that go to and from my service layer so that these match what I need in my views. Now lets assume I have a Ca...

Usage of open source libraries in high governance and risk-averse large organizations (banks, financials etc)

Does anyone have any good stories of these kinds of organizations being open to using open source dependencies (and also tools). Many staff I've encountered have little or no exposure to open source/systems and open source is treated with great suspicion. Some reasons given for this are lack of support and robustness, which is ironic gi...

Mutli-core Processors: Does each "core" run at the full clock speed or some fraction of the full clock frequency?

Let's say you have a single (1) Intel/AMD x86-64 bit 2 GHz 8 core processor. Does each of the 8 cores all run at the full 2 GHz or, does each core run at some fraction of the full 2 GHz clock (e.g. 250 MHz)? ...

Architectural decision : QT or Eclipse Platform ?

We are in the process of designing a tool to be used with HDEM(High Definition Electron Microscope).We get stacks of 2D images from HDEM and first step is 'detecting borders' on the sections.After detecting edges of 2D slices ,next step is construct the 3D model using these 2D slices. This 'border detecting' algorithm(s) is/are impleme...

Expose url to webservice

In our project we want to query a document management system for a specific document or movie. The dms returns a URL with the document location (for example: http://mydomain.myserver1.share/mypdf.pdf or http://mydomain.myserver2.share/mymovie.avi). We want to expose the document to internet users and intranet users. The requested file c...

EF and design pattern

Hello, I’m working on a high volume transactional enterprise application(, windows app, oracle app as client) which has been designed using n-tire application and SOA architecture .The application was developed in the .NET platform utilizing C#,VB.NET, Framework 3.5 (I’m planning to upgrade to the , Framework 4.0), EF( EF in the ...

Logging strategy vs. performance

Hi, I'm developing a web application that has to support lots of simultaneous requests, and I'd like to keep it fast enough. I have now to implement a logging strategy, I'm gonna use log4net, but ... what and how should I log? I mean: How logging impacts in performance? is it possible/recomendable logging using async calls? Is better ...

What is common architecture of notification system on the web-forum, PMB and etc.?

What I need is - list of new stuff from last visit - when user has already checked out some new entity since his last visit (ex. post on forum), mark this entity as read in the list - count different types of entities - private messages, posts, comments and etc. There are lot of websites using this technique for private messaging, li...

Silverlight 4 with WCF RIA architecture applying DDD

Hello, In my ASP.NET MVC applications I use DDD and it works very well. I'm new to Silverlight development and would like to know how could I apply DDD to build a new architecture. I had a look on WCF RIA Services and what is exposed by default it's the simple CRUD methods. I would like to use MVVM pattern. I thought about general arch...

Choosing the right .NET architecture. WCF? WPF/Forms, ASP.NET (MVC)?

I’m in the situation that I have to design and implement a rather big system from the bottom. I’m having some (a lot actually) questions about the architecture that I would like your comments and thoughts on. I don’t hope that I’ve written too much here, but I wanted to give you all an idea of what the system is. Quick info about the a...

What's the difference between application layer and business logic layer?

what's the difference between application layer and business logic layer? I kind of understand that business layer provides business specific services and application layer couples business services and provides services to the end user (webservice, UI, etc) am i right? ...

Spring MVC: should service layer be returning operation specific DTO's ?

In my Spring MVC application I am using DTO in the presentation layer in order to encapsulate the domain model in the service layer. The DTO's are being used as the spring form backing objects. hence my services look something like this: userService.storeUser(NewUserRequestDTO req); The service layer will translate DTO -> Domain obje...

What this phrase "Try to make you architecture more horizontal rather than vertical" means?

Hello, I've just listened to (Zend webinar about PHP performance). I can't understand what this phrase means "Try to make you architecture more horizontal rather than vertical" (see screenshot) Thank you. ...

What are the best practices to separate data from users

Hi. For a customer we where developing a big application that where open to all users if you will, meaning, all users could see each others data. Now suddenly the customer is saying that they want only users belonging to the same organization to be able to view each others data. So we came up with this data model: So now the questi...

3-Tier architecture-layering and the term-mishmash

Hi! I am confused about the different possibilities to express a 3-Tier architecture. Data-Access-Layer Business-Layer Presentation Layer (User Interface) or Database (aka Backend) Business-Layer Presentation Layer (User Interface) Why can you skip the database in the 1st approach? Both use a database! Does the database belong to ...

What are the benefits of an N-layered architecture?

What are the benefits of an N-layered architecture? How does that make an application better? ...

Database architecture - split vs. union vs. ?

Hey there, Got an interesting scenario I'd like to run past you guys re: DB architecture. There will be two entities: Application: This is more or less the core of the app we are building. It has a start and end date along with about 15 other properties. CalendarEvent: This a less used entity. It has a start and end date with maybe...