
iPhone ASIHTTP - Distinguishing between API calls?

I currently have a view controller that implements ASIHTTP for handling API calls. My view controller fires 2 separate calls. I need to be able to distinguish between the 2 calls in the -requestFinished(ASIHTTPRequest*)request method, so I can parse each one accordingly... Is there any of doing this? ...

How to Use ASIFormDataRequest to http post array of NSDictionary objects

Hey, I need to make a HTTP POST request with an array of NSDictionary objects. When I do this, however, I notice on the server side that the NSDictionary object does not get deserialized to a hash. It gets deserialized to a string - which is not what i want. This is how I send the parameter from the client (IPhone) side: ASIFormDataR...

iPhone: fastest way to fire API calls and parse JSON?

I currently have a UITableViewController that parses a JSON response (using TouchJSON) fired asynchronously using an ASIHTTPRequest. I'm very concerned with the performance of my application.. 6 out of 10 API calls on average would lead to request timeouts and the combined time to fire an API call and parse an API call for 20 objects (e...

Encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest

Hi, I have an encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest. When I get an URL, the data is returned perfectly except for a little encoding problem. This is my code: - (void)fetchGamesForCategory { NSString *url_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:url_match, theCategory._id]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:url_string]; A...


Who can post an example of asihttprequest used on wordpress post? EDIT I want to use asihttprequest for get in one array obeject all post and relative image of my homepage ...

Tracking download progress of a response to a ASIFormDataRequest

Hi, I am sending a request with POST data to a web server. The web server returns with JSON response in case of an error or the file data itself if there are no errors. I would like to track the progress of the file data response. My code is based on the the sample code from ASIHttpRequest Tutorial ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFo...

ASIHTTPRequest Problem

Is anyone else having this problem with ASIHTTPRequest? It seems that when I perform an async request from within a background thread with delegate set to the instance I can run into trouble as the delegate can be freed before the request (which is put into an NSOperationQueue) returns a callback. It seems that ASIHTTPRequest doesn't r...

ASIHTTPRequest UIWebView load documents

What is the best way to view documents (pdf,doc,xls) using AsiHttpRequest and UIWebView??? I tried the following, but the UIWebView is displaying the html: NSString * baseURL = @"http://xxxxxx/open-api/v1/"; NSString * itemRef = @"item/133/attachment/test.pdf"; NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", baseURL, itemRef]...

Empty Response with ASIHTTPRequest on WebService

Hello, I have some trouble getting a response using ASIHTTPRequest which is quite nerve-wrecking. I am sending a SOAP Request inside the POST-Body of an ASIHTTPRequest to a server. The Request is sending fine so far but the Response String is "(null)" according to the Console and the Length of the response Data is 0. However, when I sen...

Dealing With Cookies and Reddit on the iPhone

I'm building a Reddit client, for the iPad and the iPhone. I know there's some other clients, but I have some really cool ideas for tabbed Reddit browsing :D Anywho, I'm working on the back-end of the thing first, and was wondering what the best way to deal with my cookie would be. I'm using ASIFormDataRequest and ASIHTTPRequest to get ...

upload plist file on server in iphone

hi, i have created a plist file other than the default one that exists. Can i upload this plist file onto the server I tried ASIFormDataRequest. I was able to upload the image and text file but when i try it with plist it throws error at point shown in bold: Code: networkQueue = [[ASINetworkQueue queue] retain]; NSString *filePath =...

asihttprequest timeout

Hello everyone I am using asihttprequest to connect and submit data. I use the timeout option but it is not working! [request setTimeOutSeconds:20]; [request setDelegate:self]; [request startAsynchronous]; It continues to timeout in 10 seconds which is the default value. Anyone had the same problem? The data i send is a stri...

Crashing with ASIHTTPRequest and NSOperationQueue when cancelling operations

Hi All. I'm having a really hard time when trying to cancel requests in an NSOperationQueue. Before deallocating my 'engine' object, I call a cancelOperations method to cancel everything in the queue, so this will include in flight ASIHTTPRequests and queued ones... e.g. Engine.m -(void)getContent { if (![self queue]) { [...

How to remove all NSURLCredential for my application?

Anyone know how to remove all each NSURLCredential for my application? I'm using asihttprequest as library and I'm trying to implement a logout function and [ASIHTTPRequest clearSession] doesn't seem to be enough! looking at the sqlite db here: "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.0.1/Library/Keychains" after [ASIHTTPRe...

ASIHTTPRequest vs NSURLConnection

Just wondering which is faster in terms of performance and usability? Or if there's anything better out there? ...