I am learning how to use the boost asio libraries and I am using the UDP examples on visual studio 2008. I have compiled and run the server application(name udp_server.exe). I have tried to run the client application but is does connect to the server. How do I specify the host and service name to the application for it to connect. I have...
Hi again,
I'm modify the boost asio echo example to use async_read_until to read the input word by word. Even though I am using async_read_until all the data sent seems to be read from the socket. Could someone please advise:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
using boost::a...
Anyone know will Asio or Boost.Asio can be used in iPhone or Android development? I'm thinking to use it so I don't need to use difference network library for difference platform if it is cross platform.
I'm trying to figure out how asynchronous reads and writes work in boost asio by manipulating the echo example. Currently, I have a server that should, when sent a sentence, respond with only the first word. However, the boost::asio::async_write never seems to complete even though the write handler is being called. Can someone pl...
quite new to boost and asio, need help
connect to proxy
asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;
send CONNECT host: ssl server to the proxy
receive response 200
asio::ssl::context ctx(io_service, asio::ssl::context::sslv23);
try handshake
I'm using a fairly simple boost::asio set-up, where I call io_service.run() from the main thread.
I have a tcp resolver, and use async resolve to look up an address.
When that look-up fails, I throw an exception inside the asynchronous callback.
I catch this exception outside the run() call, inside the main function. I then call stop() o...
Is it possible to read a single byte via asio::read?
I'm getting a single byte response and it seems wasteful to use the current buffering code:
//Read the 1 byte reply
char buffer[1];
size_t bytesRead = asio::read(s, asio::buffer(buffer, 1));
if(bytesRead < 1) return false;
I have been trying to set the TTL on ICMP packets using the
boost::asio::ip::unicast::hops option (using Boost 1.43) and then reading it out with get_option.
get_option gets 1 regardless what I use in set_option. And when inspecting the
packets sent using wireshark, the TTL is 128. Am I missing something here?
Should I use another ...
Ultimately I'm trying to transfer buffers from one machine to another. The code below takes stream of <id><size><data with size bytes> and reads the part in the handleReadHeader function, then reads the <size> number of bytes, then goes back and waits for another <id><size> pair.
I've pasted a lot of code, but really the only functions...
I expected the code below to print Hello, world! every 5 seconds, but what happens is that the program pauses for 5 seconds and then prints the message over and over with no subsequent pauses. What am I missing?
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
using namespace boost::as...
In asio:: io_service I insert objects. asio:: io_service::run() runs in several threads.
The possibility to expect the completion of any object in queue is necessary.
For example:
template <typename T>
struct handler {
void operator()() {
T get() const {...}
asio::io_service ios;
How I c...
The following code of the client:
typedef boost::array<char, 10> header_packet;
header_packet header;
boost::system::error_code error;
/** send header */
boost::asio::buffer(header, header.size()),
/** send body */
Another one in the continuing saga of myself vs. Boost.Asio...
I have a simple asynchronous client and server that utilise async_write and async_read to communicate. The client can successfully write bytes to the socket, but the server never sees them; my read handler on the server fails with "Operation cancelled".
I'm inclined to beli...
Boost.asio documentation doesn't support any ftp examples.
`boost::asio::io_service io_service;
tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
tcp::resolver::query query("www.boost.org", "http");
tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query);`
that resolve http site and get an HTTP endpoint.
but tcp::resolver::que...