Gridview : Hyperlink and description in the same column cell

Hi Guys, Apologies for the newbie question. My client wishes me to make a small change to the gridview on his page. Note the way the Title column is a hyperlink to view more information. This comes from a 'BriefDescription' field in the database. How can I add 250 chars from the 'FullDescri...

Highlighting all user controls in an ASP.NET page

Hi, I want to highlight all user controls used in a page by adding a border around it. We are doing this to facilitate debugging. I could override RenderControl method in user control base class to do that easily but we have lot of user controls(legacy) that are not using base class. I then took a different approach. I tried traversing...

Latest images uploaded coding problem

Hey, anyone could help me understand the following 2.0 coding? It is supposed to show me a couple of the latest photos i uploaded to a particular folder in the photoalbum. however when i upload a new file in an folder which already has images... the images that show up when using the code is the first images in this folder... an...

Allowing partially trusted callers security exception is been thrown althought running on Full trust mode

Hey, While developing using 2.0 (C#) and NHibernate 2.1.0 I am getting the error: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.ProxyFactory' threw an exception. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. This error is been thrown o...

Remove anchor on postback

Opposite of this question: Retain anchor after postback in I'm having the issue that on postback, it's keeping an anchor. I'm starting in Browse.aspx; user clicks something which takes them to an anchor on the page. They then choose a new filter from DropDownList, so it refreshes back to page 1 with the filter in place, but the...

Styles in dataList control

In the ItemDataBound handle i set backgroud color to some items: protected void MyDataList_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { TextBox cellTextBox = (TextBox)e.Item.FindContro...

ASP 2.0 and partial classes

One of our contractors gave us an ASP.NET 2.0 web site and I'm having a little trouble integrating it into our process. He gave us the project as a zipped directory, no solution file or anything. I can open it in Visual Studio using the Open -> Website option, and the website runs. However, I wanted to set it up as a web application proj...

Identifying the download status of a file in web application

Hi, I am developing a web application in .Net 2005 in C#. Here there is a provision that allows the user to download the file from our server which will be mostly .doc files. So I am using Response.TransmitFile and content-disposition header method to write the file to the client. My current requirement is to identify the status of the...

latest image upload 2.0 applet

hey everyone, I use the following coding to show six images from the latest photo album i uploaded picture to. However the images being shown are the 1st six images in the folder (which are the ones the oldest uploaded) not the final six images uploaded. Anyone can help me what should i change in the following coding to show the last si...

How to keep an AutoIncrement/Identity value without a database?

I've received a rush project ( c# framework v2), of course due on Monday morning. It's a very simple project -- add a "Request Quote" page to an existing site. Basically, collect some info and then email someone at the company the contents of the form, and show the user a "Thank You" page. Simple as pie...until I just read the ...

ASP.NET UDP socket code works in development, but not in production on IIS.

I have the following UDP broadcast listener running as a static component in a seperate thread on an ASP.NET web application. Why I would do this is really, unimportant, but the reason why this wont work when deployed baffles me. I do have several console applications sending UDP broadcasts, and I've coded tested and confirmed this thr...

Asp.Net Forms Authentication browsing to Login page again after a successful Login.

I have my forms authentication system working. I found an odd behavior such that after successful Login; I was asked to Login again, if I browse to Login page from default page. I was assuming that it should redirect me to default page since I am already authenticated. Here's Web.config element I used: <authentication mode="Forms">...

Why is ASP.NET 2.0 removing the automatic XML summaries on Designer.cs when it regenerates?

I'm working on a large project with several other programmers, using Subversion source control. The problem comes when I change files, regenerating the designer.cs file, and go to commit my designer.cs files--they strip out all XML comments, giving a source history like this: Before: /// <summary> /// MenuUpdatePanel control. ...

AjaxToolKit ModalPopupExtender + AnimationExtender

I am developing a site using ASP.NET 2.0. AjaxToolKit's ModalPopupExtender is being used to show a popup containing news items while the user is waiting to be redirected to a page (that page takes some time to load). Right now, I am using a button's OnClientClick property to show the modal popup using its show() method. So, the popup g...

Value was either too large or too small for an int32 when using Anthem and FreeTextBox Assemblies in 2.0

Hello All, I have been asked to troubleshoot the following error: Value was either too large or too small for an int32 Here's the code for the textbox: <asp:TextBox ID="txtQuantity" runat="server" CssClass="txtBox textboxRight" MaxLength="14" Width="70px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="s...

Arithmetic Operation Resulted in An Overflow 2.0 VB

Hello All, I am working with the following code: If chkApproximately.Checked Then '.Item_Title = "~ " & String.Format("{0:N0}", Int32.Parse(Me.txtQuantity.Text)) & " " & IIf(Me.ddlUnits.Text = "Piece(s)", "", Me.ddlUnits.Text & " of ") & Me.ddlCategory.SelectedItem.Text.Replace("-", "").Trim 'txtItem_Title.Text.Trim .Item_Title = "~ "...

Response.write javascript causing newline in Constant

Hey all, I cant figure this out, here is my code: Response.Write("<html><script type='text/javascript'></script></body></html>"); Response.End(); Which is causing this error: Compiler Error Message: CS1010: Newline in constant Im not sure how to get around it. This is c# and 2.0. Any ideas? Jake It seems to be happening...

hotspot regions on imagemap control not visible in design view in 2.0

Hi, I have created a circlehotspot region on an imagemap control with X = "50" Y = "50" radius = "10" but it does not show on my imagemap control. Also , cant i visually place the circle on the map ? Thanks & regards Sanjish ...

how to print the content of a label or panel in

Hi all, I have a label control in a page in 2.0 and a button Print. Clicking on print button I need to print the content of the label and I need same for a panel also. Is it possible to implement this? If yes then how to implement that? Please help. ...

Web Parts & User Instance without SQL Express

Hi, I'm having hard times with the SQL Error Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. No matter what I do (yes, I have the SQL Express running in the Local account and deleted the SQLExpress folder on Local Profile), users under ...