Creating a "merge module" for a web project.

My group uses merge modules on various projects which is then added to a setup project. This simplifies deployment by having only one .msi for our entire suite of functionality and allows us to have one entry under Add/Remove Programs. I cannot find a way to do this with a web setup project given there is no "Web Setup Merge Module" pr...

FormView.FindControl() returns null until DataBind()

Why method FindControl() returns null on FormView until call DataBind(). After that it returns everything correctly? What workaround are there? Call DataBind() before first call of FindControl() ? ...

Using validators to ensure that user filled either one of two required fields

I have an ASP.NET form for currency exchange requests. There are two text fields there: amount-source and amount-target. One of them must be filled and only one. How to implement this using Validators, if applicable? ...

ASP.NET-Page very slow

my page is very slow. I try to trace but don't know how to read the outcome. Can anyone help me please? The problem: Every time I clock on a link to load the site or hit F5 it needs ~ 2 seconds where nothing happens before the data / pics begin to load. ... 2.0 Page Load sequence and SqlPagePersister property

I have 2 aspx pages. Both of them use the same MasterPage and both of them inherit from the same base class 'BasePage' which is of type System.Web.UI.Page. I overrode the SqlPagePersister property on the BasePage. For 1 page this works fine, for the other it doesn't. The sequence of events im seeing is this: Page A: MasterPage Init Pa...

Designing Database for File Structure

We are using file system to store files within the application. Now we change this to use SQL2K5 for storing as BLOB instead as per requirement. Now, we need advice regarding the design for table. Obviously, it must have a folder, files within files, size, last date modified, etc., similar to file system. I start with: FileID, Pare...

How to make a website secured with https

Hi all... I have to build a small webapp for a company to maintain their business data... Only those within the company will be using it, but we are planning to host it in public domain, so that the employees can connect to app from various locations. (Till now I have built web apps that are hosted internally only) I'm wondering whe...

jQuery DataTables server side processing and ASP.Net

I'm trying to use the server side functionality of the jQuery Datatables plugin with ASP.Net. The ajax request is returning valid JSON, but nothing is showing up in the table. I originally had problems with the data I was sending in the ajax request. I was getting a "Invalid JSON primative" error. I discovered that the data needs t...

Databinding and dynamic TabPanel creation

My current task is an ASP.NET page to display the contents of a data object. One of that object's properties is a list of named lists. For opacity's sake let's call it a Company, which has a list of named locations, and each location is associated with (only) a list of employees. In case it matters, Company has this property implemented...

Bluring the page and displaying gif image when processing.

Hi, I am using c# ASP.NET VS 2005 . I have a functionality where i have to click on a upload button and the data has to be uploaded from selected input file to database. When i click the upload button its taking atleast 40 sec to upload the data from the file. I want to display some gif image to the user when the data is being uploade...

GridView and localize AutoGenerate?????Button text

Is there a way to localize the text of the button that is automatically generated? The Edit / Insert / Delete / Cancel ...

Asp.Net Web Framework for 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

I am working on re-factoring of an existing Asp.Net 2.0 web site. I am looking for a framework/pattern to modularise the application. As there is no WCSF for Visual Studio 2005 I can't use it and I also can not upgrade it to Visual Studio 2008 for reasons beyond my control. I can use Mono-Rail but I would loose the existing controls func...

Will an elapsing, auto-resetting timer prevent a website from unloading?

I have recently written a windows service that will keep alive an ASP.Net 2.0 web application. Since this application must support scheduled execution, I need to prevent it from unloading itself - hence the service. So in testing, I loaded a page that had a timer on it... interval=1800000 autoreset=True It will elapse every 1/2 hour, th...

Using delegates to render html blocks in

I thought of a neat hack this morning, probably not original, but I haven't seen it before. I don't consider it good practice, but can help when you need to render a block of code repeatedly around your page, and don't want to touch other code or create other files (partial views or components). In your .aspx file create an anonymous d...

Migrating MachineKey from iis6 on old server to iis7 on new server

I am migrating our hosting environment to a totally new data center with new boxes and hardware and software... the whole deal. Our website cookies are encrypted using the machineKey, so when I make a request to my domain and point it to the new web server (by overriding the local hosts file), I get an error because the cookie cannot be...

Javascript popup Messagebox not working when we use Response.Redirect on ASP.NET Page??

Hi I have update button and after saving the record to database, I am displaying popup Msg using Javascript as below. When i don't use Response.Redirect, Popup is working fine. But when i use Response.Redirect, Popup is not displaying. Anybody faced the same issue. Please throw some light. Appreciate your help. ScriptManager.Registe...

javascript is not working in mozilla but working in other browers.

Technology Used:- Asp.Net 2.0 Code:- See Below Description:- hello code given below is working fine in i.e. and other but not working in all mozila version.javascript is simple to devide two textbox's value. you can easily understand. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="javascript_test.aspx.cs" Inherits="javascript_...

How to open a file stored in a server from aspx page using UNC share path?

I am listing the files stored in a remote server in the aspx page grid view with the file name linked (href) to the UNC path of the file. when the user clicks the file name link, it should open the file from the server to allow the user read the file. I am using impersonation (Using mirror logon method) for file upload and delete in the ...

page loads very slowly after its left idle

If the leave the webpage (any webpage) on my web application for a while (say 15 min), if I again click on another page it takes a long time to load (20 seconds) I had a look through the google chrome --> developer module and found that, it is the web page which is the culprit here and the 'LATENCY' time for it is 17 seconds !!! and the...

Viewstate size bytes in trace.axd shows 0 bytes after posting

Hi, I am using the trace facility to find the viewstate size of controls on postback. I have added a label , a textbox and a submit button to the webform. However after posting my page and viewing the trace.axd page I find that the viewstate size bytes and controlstate size bytes is 0 for all the controls. Can anyone explain why ? Rega...