Post back cotrol

How to get the control or control Id which caused the post back in 2.0 page ...

How can I retrieve an e-mail, open a .msg attachment, and parse the attachment, in ASP.NET?

I need to be able to make a program that looks through a mailbox of bounced messages, where the messages come back with the initial message in a .msg attachment, and open the .msg attachment for processing in ASP.NET 2.0. Is there any sort of code that might help in this? I've been looking at

Quickly generate/publish RSS feeds from ASP.NET projects?

Under a timeline, therefore the salient point is "quickly" and willing to throw some $ at it too (not meaning I'll pay the correct answer, but rather for a commercial product :) ). Looking for an RSS feed generator usuable in .NET framework 2.0. Ideally it would be easy to use (inferred quick) but flexible enough to support the multiple...

SQL Server in ASP.NET application getting unstable after a certain period

Hello, I have an ASP.NET 2.0 application that I made to keep track of disruption reports about our public transport system. The architecture is pretty straight-forward; an SQL Server Express 2008 database, ADO.NET and a DataSet/DAL with a few methods to access the database. There is a set of .aspx pages for the UI in use by our dispatche...

Channel time out error when trying to use wcf service in application

The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9970702. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. ...

ASP.NET Temporary Folders - growing uncontrollably

On our production server, we find that the ASP.NET Temporary folders grow uncontrollably. It reaches as much as 14Gb. When we check the folder content, we find couple of assemblies being created again and again in the folder. What could be possible reasons for this duplication? As per our understanding, compiled ASP assemblies goes into ...

In 2.0 Web Developer

I'm making use of the Reportviewer object to show the report i designed in Ms sql server Business intelligence Development studio. It's showing the Report with the parameter specified in the storedprocedure. The two parameter are supposed to be showing it's textmode as password but it does not. I don't know how i will make the parameter ...

Creating .NET 3.0 sub-applications within .NET 1.1 applications in IIS/ASP.Net

I am basically trying to do the same thing as this question, create a new application within a folder so it could be accessed as follows. * < Main App * < New App The problem is that newapp is reading the web.config from the Main App, which is causing errors because it doesn't have ...

Asynchronous pages in the ASP.NET framework - where are the other threads and how is it reattached?

Sorry for this dumb question on Asynchronous operations. This is how I understand it. IIS has a limited set of worker threads waiting for requests. If one request is a long running operation, it will block that thread. This leads to fewer threads to serve requests. Way to fix this - use asynchronous pages. When a request comes in, the...

classic asp & .net 2 site not working on windows 7

I am receiving the following error message: An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error. I have my site in the inetpub directory in a subfolder called website. I have also gone to add/re...

Know if a Visual Studio Website project is recompiling itself in the background?

A number of team members update a central ASP.NET dev Website project, not a Web application type). Some kinds of changes cause a recompile/rebuild in it. The large website takes a while to recompile and we've noticed it will still seemingly serve out dynamic pages before everything is internally updated. During the site's "gestation" p...

Listview Cancel/Update causes Failed Veiwstate Error

I am utilizing a Listview control which is causing a Failed to load viewstate error after a row is put in edit mode and the user clicks either update or cancel. The ListView control is in an ascx User control that is hosted in a parent aspx page. The parent aspx code-behind calls the a bind method on the ascx page which in tu...

Invalid padding on ASP 2.0 cookie, MVC looks ok

We have a cookie management library that writes a cookie containing some sensitive information, encrypted with Rijndael. The cookie encrypts and decrypts fine in unit tests (using Moq), works fine for MVC web applications, but when called from an 2.0 website, the cookie cannot be decrypted. "Padding is invalid and cannot be rem... httphandler stay on page

Hi All, I have an ashx custom handler I goto to view my images. When I come accross an image that's not there I'm trying to throw a JavaScript alert saying the file is not found. But I want it to stay on the page? Is this possible? Insted it just goes to the blank page of the ashx handler. Thanks, Rodney ...

How can I resolve ASP.NET "~" app paths to the website root without a Control being present?

I want to Resolve "~/whatever" from inside non-Page contexts such as Global.asax (HttpApplication), HttpModule, HttpHandler, etc. but can only find such Resolution methods specific to Controls (and Page). I think the app should have enough knowledge to be able to map this outside the Page context. No? Or at least it makes sense to me it...

How to fill 2.0 gridview with ajax

I have a search at the top of the page in ajax and I want to fill a 2.0 GridView with ajax. How i can do this? Any ideas? ...

Run long-running sproc (that doesn't need to return) from ASP.NET page

I would like to know how you would run a stored procedure from a page and just "let it finish" even if the page is closed. It doesn't need to return any data. ...

How to reference the same CodeBehind class from multiple .aspx files (and be able to pre-compile the website)?

I have a set of aspx pages that each live in their own directory and reference a single aspx.cs code behind file. This has worked fine previously because I never tried to pre-compile the site. IIS must have individually compiled each aspx, linking them to the contents of App_Code but never referencing more than one aspx at a time. Now ...

Make PasswordRecovery control work with locked out users ?

Example scenario in an ASP.NET application using SQL Server membership provider : 1) a user can't remember their exact password, and tries many times in a short space of time to login with an invalid password (say 5 times in a 10 minute window). This locks out the user (i.e. sets the IsLockedOut flag of the aspnet_Membership table to 1)...

Creating a subscription based website in ASP.NET

I'd like to update my website to make it subscription based. It's a ASP.NET Web forms project. I am looking for the following functionality: Ability to have users sign up for different plans (Gold, Premium etc) Ability to have users upgrade / downgrade to and from plans Ability to hook this up to a Payment processor Ability to have a c...